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Are We Ascending With Our Bodies? Or Becoming Immortal? Or Not?

In a previous post, we learned how our soul aspect is projected into a human body, that is continuously rising in frequency to occupy the various ‘panfrequential’ versions of the Earth and the physical universe. Our ascent is so gradual that we hardly notice any changes in our bodies or in our environment. Are we ascending with our bodies? Or becoming immortal? Or not?

Are we ascending with our physical body?

Some people believe that this time around we are taking our bodies with us, ascending as the physical body or “light body” and soul combined. But those people forget that we are NOT the human form. We are way beyond the human form, as Guy Needler has explained.

  • One analogy is to say our ego is like a dog held on a leash by its owner that is our soul aspect. They’re driving a car, which is our incarnate vehicle or physical body (as shown).

are we ascending

  • But we’re not our body, it’s something we have and use to drive around Earth. We won’t be taking these bodies with us. There is no need for that.
  • Our body is a low frequency tool we’re using, so we can experience this 3rd frequency version of Earth in the way it’s supposed to be experienced.

Why would we want to take this old jalopy along, when we’re above and beyond the need for it? Look what happened to Superman during the Earth experiment (before and after)! 😉

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As we go up the frequencies individually as a being, we are using the physical body and upgrading it, as we learn to access the greater reality while we’re in it. That’s all good.

  • But we’re also working with each other, evolving together as a species to increase the base frequencies of the human vehicle to make it lighter and lighter.
  • This allows the newer generations (indigo, crystal, rainbow and hybrid children) to come into a human body with a higher energy set to begin with.

These children have better connectedness with their True Energetic Self from the get go. That gives them higher functionality, and they influence the rest of the population both passively and actively, as explained in How Do Spiritually Advanced Children and Masters Help Humanity? – Big Picture

What happens higher up in this universe?

As our soul aspect incarnates on higher versions of the Earth, we’ll use even higher frequency versions of the human vehicle, that are better suited to experiencing those levels.

are we ascending

  • We’ll continue to “change models” of our vehicle, as we (“the royal we”) progress all the way up to the 12th frequency level, which is the top of the physical universe.

What most people forget is that we’re not evolving alone. We are just ONE aspect of many that our True Energetic Self (TES) projects to incarnate in the physical universe, because it wants to experience ALL frequency levels in this experiment.

  • That means OUR soul aspect is gaining experience at some but not all 12 frequency levels. Other aspects from our TES are working at other levels.
  • As aspects, we share all the evolutionary content we have gained with our TES and all the other aspects within it.
  • In the process, the human vehicle is being pulled up by ALL the different aspects, each doing their part at one or more levels.
  • That’s how our True Energetic Self gains experience at every frequency level of the physical universe. It’s all about teamwork, not just about saving yourself!

The only twist is this: If our soul aspect accrues karma at a particular level, we have to clear it at the same frequency level. In the past, this meant we had to incarnate again.

  • But NOW we’re able to clear our karma in this incarnation (see How To Remove Karma In This Lifetime? – Big Picture That makes this lifetime very special!

Is our goal to become immortal?

Some people believe that this time around we won’t go through the death cycle, as we ascend. BUT that is not true until we evolve past the 12th frequency level. Needler explained:

  • We could elect to disintegrate the human vehicle and re-integrate it if we wished.
  • That’s what Mahavatar Babaji does, when he wants to interface with humankind on rare occasions. But Babaji is an extremely highly evolved being whose True Energetic Self exists at the top of our multiverse (in the 12th full dimension).


We’re still operating in the first full dimension of the multiverse, which is our physical universe. Most humans are projected from True Energetic Selves that have evolved to the 3rd or 4th full dimension (or higher), according to Needler.

  • To evolve, we’re using the human vehicle that progresses in a linear fashion, BUT our soul aspect can be projected in a non-linear fashion, whenever and wherever into any event space, and as any physical form factor (species). We’re not limited in that sense.


Needler said all this talk of “taking the human body with us” is very limited thinking and ultimately restricts our evolution. It’s just the human EGO trying to maintain control and its longevity through the fear of losing the body.

  • When the physical body demises, the ego will die (see What Happens To the Ego, Body and Soul When We Die? – Big Picture
  • When we evolve the human vehicle past the need to incarnate within the physical universe, i.e. past the 12th frequency, we will experience the 13th and 14th frequencies in a vehicle, but it’s nothing that we could call “incarnate.”
  • From thereon, our evolution continues in the purely energetic realms, and at that point we’re considered to be “ascended” or “liberated” from incarnation.

Eventually, all the entities within the physical universe will ascend in several tiers, as outlined in How Do We Ascend Out Of the Physical Universe? – Big Picture

Final Thoughts

Incarnation is just part of our evolutionary journey. Our True Energetic Self is an eternal being of pure sentience created by our Source Entity, who gave it a volume of energy to use to evolve in various ways. We’re part of that process.

Everything we learn is shared among the aspects within our True Energetic Self, who shares it with our Source Entity, who shares it with the other 11 Source Entities and the Origin. We ALL benefit from each other’s evolutionary content.

There is no such thing as “death” of our soul aspect or our True Energetic Self, since we’re already “immortal,” because we’re beyond our physical form. We’re not taking the motor car, i.e. our body (or any other possessions) with us, when we exit this planet.

In the meantime, enjoy the ride! 🙂


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Ulla Sarmiento

    My understanding is that the physical universe is where we incarnate as different forms and it represents the bottom of our multiverse. Once we master incarnation, we move on and continue our progression up the multiverse, meaning all the universes within it using our true energetic form (which is a spherical sentient energy being, not a humanoid or any other body as such). If you’re interested, you might like to read my book (“Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse”) to get a more expansive view of the greater reality and our role in it. Thanks.

  2. Ulla Sarmiento

    Thank you for your comment, Kathy. It’s true that the physical universe is all about “physicality” or embodying spirit into form. But when we die, we don’t take our bodies with us. We are “upgrading” them for as long as we’re alive and well here, but when we leave the Earth plane, we leave the physical body behind. The discarnate soul (which is pure sentience) moves on to the energetic side without a body. But our life doesn’t stop there. There is much more LIFE to experience beyond the physical universe in the rest of the multiverse.

    Regarding your other points about different kingdoms of species, human root races with different bodies, 5D ascension and Christ consciousness, I have discussed them in other posts, which explain things in more detail. If you’re interested, please check them out. I hope that helps.

    What Are the Five Levels Of Higher Selves? – Big Picture

    What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture

    Are We Ascending To the Fifth Dimension? – Big Picture

    What Is Cosmic Consciousness vs. Christ Consciousness? – Big Picture

    What Is a Living Entity? – Big Picture

  3. Kathy Dobson

    For the most part, I loved the article. However, I must totally disagree about not taking the body with us. We have always had a body in every plane of existence. We have been minerals, plants, animals, humans and now we will be Divine Humans. We will be God incarnate on earth. As the consciousness evolves, the body evolves as well …but without a body, there is nothing to evolve!! Just as this body is a culmination of all bodies/kingdoms before this, our Divine Body will be a culmination of all bodies before it…and it WILL EVOLVE OUT OF THE PRESENT PHYSICAL BODY. You must have a physical body to evolve into the 5th dimension of Light and Love. The body is part of the process of evolution, not to be discarded but to be evolved! A whole different scenario from dying! Once your consciousness is pure Light then your body is pure LIFE and it lives forever. Love, Light and Life are the Holy Trinity. When you have one, you have all three! You cannot separate them. When you do, such as physical death separating the soul from the physical form, the physical form is subject to decay “dust to dust”…and the soul creates another form to advance in. But it must have a form to evolve until finally the Alchemical marriage of female electric energies and male magnetic energies unite to create Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness results in a Light Body…a Body that has released the spark of Love from their hearts…the Christ Consciousness…the highest potential of humanity.

  4. Hi Conrado,

    Sorry about the comment not posting. I’ve been changing things around, because the old theme was discontinued. I switched to another WP theme and it has a few glitches to work out. We’re working on a brand new website that will be more user friendly, but that takes some time to develop.

    You might want to read my book, which explains the Big Picture and your place in it in a more expansive fashion. It’s something you would appreciate at this point on your journey. But in the meantime, here are a few posts that specifically address your comments in some detail:

    What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture

    Do We Need Our Chakras Or Not? – Big Picture

    Why Do We Revisit the Same Old Issues? – Big Picture

    What Is Artificial Intelligence? – Big Picture

    How To Defuse Duality and Transcend Misguided Thoughtforms? – Big Picture

    Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture

    I hope that helps! If not, please feel free to write back to me.


  5. Conrado Salas Cano

    It looks then that I am just going to have to put with the disgusting and humiliating process of senescence. In case you hadn’t noticed it already, it’s not death that is ugly; it’s ageing! I will be buried in the typical pretense that is a Catholic funeral service, there will be then many generations after me, and nothing truly stupendous will have occurred in Earth’s history ca 2012. Just the same old lame science-fiction future; for those lucky enough to come after me, I guess. Extraterrestrial intelligence will be officially acknowledged and come out in the open and land before the White House in daylight when there may be only cyborgs and robots left on Earth, if ever. If the reptilian shape-shifters are real, they will continue ruling behind the scenes. Except for Mahavatar Babaji, life on Earth is mostly a curse.
    No wonder I need spiritual reassurance that suicide is not a good option for me.

  6. Big Picture Questions

    Thank you for sharing your perspective, John. I appreciate it and think we’re on the same page for the most part.

    It is my understanding that in essence we are sentient beings, not even energetic beings, but pure sentience that has been given energy to work with. Our body is an energetic tool (“multifrequential energy given purpose” per Needler) that we use to explore certain frequential levels.

    We NEVER lose any experiential or evolutionary content, not even from our existence as an “ego,” because all the information is being downloaded from us in real-time continuously throughout our many lives (simultaneous and parallel lives). The ego dies, but all its experiences are stored.

    When we incarnate at higher levels, e.g. 5th frequential (“5D”), the aspect that is “you” here retains ALL it has learned, plus what all the other aspects have contributed to their True Energetic Self, which is who we really are. We may wish to put some filters on to have a unique experience at a particular level, but that’s just a game we choose to play for a while.

    We (as humans) are a like a tiny sentient probe for our True Energetic Self. Our body is like a wetsuit, a costume, a motor car suited to probe into a given reality field, e.g. a planet with certain physical conditions (light, radiation, gravity, etc.). That’s why we’ve had to reintroduce the human form (races) again and again to sustain it through the many earth changes over time. I’ll write more about that later.

    BTW: “Sentience” is not just intelligence or consciousness or self-awareness, it’s much more than that. As sentient beings we’re a small individualized unit of the sentience of our Source, which is a unit of the Origin.

    Please see: What Is the Difference Between a Universe, Multiverse and Omniverse? – Big Picture

  7. John Orfila

    Whilst I concur with much of this article I still think that keeping a 3D body is part of the evolution and what Source wishes to continue to experience. To say that the Divine Plan is merely to Ascend and merge into one is also limiting. I understand Source is always seeking growth in all arenas and so to simply leave behind 3D experience (not taking the body with you) is cutting off this supply of experience for Source. The idea of keeping the 3D body is to continue to have presence in all dimensions simultaneously. We are eternal because we came from Source. This unique experiment to Ascend and keep a 3D body is so that we can flit in and out of all dimensions and experience all at will and transfer that experience to Source.

    3D is the most dense, but who would not want to have mastery of switching awareness from 3D to 5D to 14 D or whatever instantly, maintaining full connection and consciousness in all simultaneously. This work we will master will of course be gradual over many millennia, but it will allow Source to continue to receive new information, new growth.

    Our next phase is to become active members of The Explorer Race and roll out our hard lessons to the universe and its civilisations. That cannot be done if we cannot maintain an ‘intention’ of experience in 3D. We need the full set of tools to do that work. We will telepathically relate our 3D experience to other Light Beings who have not done the 3D rounds. We will allow access to the Akash etc. We will be teachers.

    There are some who will have decided that their work on Earth 3D is finished and need to continue their energetic work elsewhere, ‘elsehow’ in the universe or other creations. Not all will do this Explorer Race work so yes they will move on back to their normal vibrational state in higher dimensions.

    Keeping the 3D body does not mean denying yourself of higher dimensional existence. It is a question of having your cake and eating it!

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