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Are We Having Accelerated Lives?

Previously, we learned that the base resonant frequencies of the Earth and humanity are much higher now than at the time of Moses or Jesus. What does that mean for us? Are we having accelerated lives?

Are we having accelerated lives?

Here are some questions and answers regarding our lives and why it might be true for you:

Who is in charge of incarnation?

Our True Energetic Self (TES/Oversoul/Higher Self) uses the Akashic records (a database outside the physical universe) to figure out how a lifetime might benefit its growth. It chooses:

  1. How many aspects (souls) or shards (sub-souls, fragments) to project at the same time?
  2. Where in the physical universe or energetic multiverse to project them to work?
  3. What type of soul would work best in that environment (given brand new/used/hybrid energies, different levels of connectivity, prior karmic links to certain frequencies, etc.)?
  4. What type of physical form (human/alien/other biosuit) would work best at that level?

Most of us have had thousands of lifetimes and have been everything in gender, race, religion, country, spanning many eras/civilizations to learn, experience and evolve here and elsewhere.

races copy

What is the Law of Relativity?

This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (challenges or tests of initiation) to determine how they will face and solve those problems, and whether they have mastered the spiritual lessons contained within them. There are two things to note:

  • Everybody’s tests will be different, based on what the soul has come here to learn. There is no point in comparing yourself with others. Everybody has their own cross to carry, so to speak.
  • Each event in life stands alone with its own frequency and lessons in a particular event space. Current problems should not be compared with past problems or other things.

Ask yourself: What is it I’m supposed to learn from this situation? What am I to give or to receive in this situation? How can I find a higher solution to this problem? How can I make my choices from the heart center? How could I master this lesson, so I won’t need to repeat it?

Are True Energetic Selves operating differently in this cycle?

This is not our first rodeo! Our True Energetic Selves are now into their THIRD multiverse cycle, which is going much faster than the previous two cycles. As Guy Needler explained:

  • We seem to be getting through our problems faster, and understanding ourselves faster.
  • We are removing these dysfunctional thought processes and power faster, so we’re moving away from karma faster than we have been doing in the past cycles.
  • This is effectively the LAST TIME we will be evolving through a physical universe, which is the base/foundation/bottom universe in our multiverse!!!

He said it’s getting to the point, where we’re not going to need to incarnate again, certainly within the NEXT multiverse cycle, but it may even be within THIS particular cycle as well.

Are they putting more aspects to incarnate, because it’s “now or never”?

Needler said about 40% of the more experienced True Energetic Selves are projecting more of their aspects to incarnate at the lower frequencies, because it does help them.

  • They tend to be the TES whose aspects (souls) are also quite experienced in being here.
  • They don’t tend to get caught up too deeply in the addictions in terms of the thoughts, behaviors and actions associated with low frequency existence, that create karma.

A lot of the TES also have the ability to protect their aspects to some level, so they don’t get stuck in the karmic loop or karmic cycle. So there’s a little bit of acceleration for those TES.

OR less aspects to incarnate, because it’s “been there done that”?

Needler said it’s a bit of both. In his readings, he is seeing more and more individuals, who are very highly evolved (whose TES is at FD 5 and upwards). They’re close to being done.

  • He feels that these individuals have used various acceleration processes associated with incarnation and other methods of experiencing lower frequencies.
  • This is allowing them to move up the frequencies faster, and therefore, to evolve faster.

They will move out of the need to use the physical universe, and therefore, out of the need to use incarnation as a means of accelerating their own evolutionary progression.

Do they put souls into more difficult situations, dipping into the lowest frequencies in this third cycle compared to our previous cycles?

Needler said the answer to that is most definitely YES! More importantly, the souls them-selves are starting to choose more difficult lives to accelerate the evolution of their TES.

  • In general, the TES makes that choice, but in some instances it’s the soul/aspect as well.
  • If the soul is particularly experienced in a certain type of environment or in a certain experiential set, it can also decide to jump into new and different areas, where it doesn’t have any experience at all to accelerate its own evolutionary progression.

Only 12% of the True Energetic Selves created by our Source enter into the evolutionary cycle. Most guides and helpers are in awe of entities (like us), who expose themselves to lower frequency existence. They’re not interested in doing that, because they know how hard it is.

Final Thoughts

If you feel like your life has been quite challenging, you are right! In this lifetime, many of us have not just settled or taken the path of least resistance, as in other lifetimes. We have overcome many obstacles and reinvented ourselves many times. Not because it’s easy, but because we wanted to experience “both sides of the coin” to make the most of our time here.

Needler said that a lot of souls (that choose the evolutionary cycle) prefer to incarnate in the higher frequencies, because it’s still considered to be incarnation within the physical universe, but it’s much easier to navigate it than here in the first three frequency levels.

We lose all our higher senses and almost all connectivity with our True Energetic Self. That makes us “deaf, dumb and blind” on many levels, which we’ll only fully understand, when our soul returns to our True Energetic Self after our physical body dies.

Although humans may be operating at the bottom of the multiverse, the Origin said:

“That is where you score the most evolutionary points, so to speak. You, or at least part of you, is totally cut off from the rest of yourself…it’s your equivalent of having no eyes, ears, touch, smell, or taste and still trying to build the Eiffel Tower…but somehow all of you manage to succeed.” – Guy Needler (“History of God”)

Like this guy who managed to get a really nice view, right? 😉


“On this hike (journey) your Soul is leading the way for good reason. It has already been to the mountaintop, so it knows how to get back.” – Neale Donald Walsch

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015 & World Satsanga Teleconferences

Norma Milanovich & Shirley McCune: The Light Shall Set You Free, 1996

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