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Are You What You Eat?

Are you what you eat? Believe it or not you are in more ways than you might imagine. We need not make any judgment about what we or others eat, because each person’s energetic needs may differ.

How do humans sustain their physical form?

According to Guy Needler, we used to have a lighter or higher frequency human form, which gathered free energy from the surrounding universe via the energy centers and distributed it throughout the body (see What Is the Human Being Project? – Big Picture

But to sustain our denser form, we need both physical food and universal energy, which is collected automatically through our energy centers (see Do We Need Our Chakras Or Not? – Big Picture

Image: By Alex Grey | Art


Wendy Kennedy said: “You eat currently to absorb consciousness, because you’ve forgotten how to work with the breath and how to work with the sun and receive consciousness energy, divine light energy.”

  • But Needler said we’re not eating sentience (“consciousness”), we’re eating the energy associated with the incarnate vehicle (e.g. meat-based or plant-based vehicle).
  • There are some “breatharians” on Earth that don’t eat at all, because they’ve adjusted their chakra system to collect universal energy. But most of us are not configured like that, so we still rely on physical nourishment to keep our bodies working (see Does Food Affect Our Spiritual Progression? – Big Picture

What can you do before ingesting food or drink?

Kennedy said there is a reason behind saying grace or blessing your food whatever its origin (GMO/not), whatever its toxic load (from chemicals/radiation/etc.) may be.

“You can alter the frequency and the cellular resonance of your food and water by “charging it,” which is done by giving thanks, by giving it positive feelings of love and gratitude before you ingest it. This is one practice you can follow for both food and water to lighten the vibrational load on the body.” – Wendy Kennedy

What are the best foods to eat?

Needler said that of all the plants available for our nourishment, root-based vegetables are the best substitute for universal energy, because they tap into this energy for growth.

  • Anything grown in the ground is surrounded by the upper energy field of Earth. It protects them from contamination by the atmosphere.
  • Root vegetables contain the purest energies and base minerals. They are more easily digested and assimilated by the digestive system of the human form, which needs both physical food and universal energy to be sustain itself.

When possible, it’s preferable to eat our vegetables and salads raw, or lightly cooked (not overcooked, which depletes their energy and nutrient content).


What happens in the food chain?

It is generally accepted that whatever we eat, we put into the food chain through us. Robert Shapiro (“Particle Personalities”) is a prolific author and “superchannel” of the whole gamut of consciousness. He talked to a particle in the right hind leg of a mountain lion that described its journey.

  • The particle originally came from a 3.3D planet of cats, which was struck by a passing asteroid. A piece of the planet was dislodged into space.
  • It traveled for a long time before it became an asteroid that hit Earth along a river in Russia. The particle ended up in the water and then became a part of a fish, that was caught and eaten by a man.
  • Its journey continued in that family for a while until the particle became part of ice that drifted, melted and circulated to North America.


From there the particle cycled through the fishes, people, and various forest animals (lynx, snake, elk, deer, skunk, chipmunk, squirrel) and finally into a mountain lion.

  • Since it came from a cat world, the particle liked staying in the mountain lion community for several thousand years.
  • Sometimes his guides and teachers placed it around the eye of a cat, so it could move from one cat to another, as they would lick each others’ faces. When its current host dies in a few years, it will be part of a mountain in the Pacific Northwest.

Final Thoughts

Although this story is told from a human perspective, particles may have rudimentary consciousness. According to Needler, mineral level entities are very limited in their thought processes (consciousness) and restricted to the dimension they were projected into (see How Do Mineral Entities Evolve? – Big Picture

Update #1: Guy Needler said it is possible to make GMO foods that are higher in frequency than regular food. But until the manufacturers know what they are doing, it’s best to avoid them.

Update #2: Here is an article about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work describing the reason behind “charging” the water and food you consume with positive words: Fractal Enlightenment | How Our Thoughts Affect Water and Us!