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What Are Some Common Love Issues?

Previously, we learned that humanity is changing and evolving quite rapidly. These changes are affecting us in terms of our relationships, sexuality and creator energy, which includes the core issues in our second chakra. This is a very rich topic that deserves a lot more discussion. In this post we’ll explore: What are some common love issues?

What are some common love issues?

What factors are involved?

As a Libra, I’ve been fascinated by relationships all my life and have been studying them using many different systems. Here is a summary of some factors that influence our relationship or “love issues” compiled from various sources (click to enlarge):

What are some common love issues?

With all these factors to take into consideration, you might think it’s a miracle that any of us are able to find or call in one or more mates in a lifetime. That’s why we make at least 9-20 mate agreements with other souls before we show up on Earth, where each of us has free will (What Is the Purpose of Relationships, Soul Mates and Self-Love? – Big Picture

What are some common love issues?

The love issues are the same no matter what system we use to study them (e.g. card science, human design, various types of astrology, etc.). For example, Judy Hall (“Past Life Astrology”) described five main karmic expectations around love using Venus aspects in our birth chart:

  1. Love hurts (Chiron-Venus) — indicates a soul that has been hurt in love so many times, that they have shut down or stopped trying to have relationships. They tend to attract difficult and painful experiences that only reinforce their old belief that love hurts (see Why Are People On the Spiritual Path Often Not In Relationships? – Big Picture
  2. I don’t deserve love (Saturn-Venus) — indicates an old belief that the soul is not lovable. Past relationships may have been cold and unloving (e.g. loveless marriage or prostitution, where they traded off love for security). The soul may feel guilty about something, or may not have experienced love, or may have taken a vow of celibacy carried over to this life (see How Will Spirituality Change Our Sexuality? – Big Picture
  3. I don’t need love (Uranus-Venus) — indicates a soul that finds commitment and intimacy difficult, or wants to be emotionally free. They may be promiscuous or settle for celibacy. They may explore bisexuality or same sex orientation to move beyond gender restrictions. The soul may be new to incarnating in a body of a different gender than in other lifetimes (see What Are Masculine and Feminine Energies? – Big Picture
  4. Love has to be perfect (Neptune-Venus) — indicates a soul that is seeking its “soulmate,” putting them on a pedestal and expecting them to be perfect. They may also have conflict about how to be sexual and sacred at the same time. In some lives they repressed their libido. In other lives they explored sexuality. Now they may be confused or disillusioned (see What Are True Soul Mates? – Big Picture
  5. There will never be enough love (Pluto-Venus)  indicates a soul that has a need to “get love” from another person. In the past, they may have manipulated and demanded love, or clung to relationships that were abusive, dependent, or indifferent. They may want to be in control, because they believe love will overwhelm or consume their individuality or soul (see What Is Human Love vs. Divine Love? – Big Picture

What happens when “Love hurts” meets “I want to be free”? Well, that depends on the people, their free will and commitment. Judy Hall’s brilliant book gives many examples of these past “lovescripts,” that need to be healed or reprogrammed through relationships in the present.

Final Thoughts

Everybody has love issues of one kind or another. It’s not a bad thing. As Richard Rudd noted, there is no quicker path to higher consciousness than relationships.

Any relationship will reflect things to you (e.g. your mother, father, child, brother, sister, best friend, enemy, etc.). But your intimate relationships offer you the greatest opportunities to transform your wounds, dissatisfactions and desires to Love.

“The path of relationships, sexuality, and sexual transformation is the fastest route to spiritual growth that there is.” – Richard Rudd


Note: There is a lot more to explore around this topic. Stay tuned!

For more information, please see:

Anodea Judith: Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self, 2004 & New Home – Sacred CentersSacred Centers | Tools for Conscious Evolution (website)

Barbara Brennan: Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, 1987

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys, 2009 & Gene Keys Network | Living Library (website)

Linda Bunnell & Ra Uru Hu: Human Design: The Science of Differentiation, 2011

Chetan Parkyn: The Book of Lines, 2012 & Human Design, 2009

Robert Camp: Cards of Your Destiny, 2004 & Robert Lee Camp | Cards of Your Destiny – (website)

Sharon Jeffers: Love and Destiny, 2008 & Star of the Magi (website)

Aaron Christeaan, JP Van Hulle & MC Clark: Michael: The Basic Teachings, 1988 & JP Van Hulle: mef-april2015 (website)

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science & Avoiding Karma

Enneagram Institute: Descriptions of the Enneagram Types

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home (website) & Nora Herold – Recorded Workshops and Special Events: Sex, Sexuality, Your Creator Energy & Relationships (January 30, 2016)

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