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How Do Angels Differ From Us?

Our Source Entity (SE1/God) created a multiverse made of 397 universes arranged as nested spheres within spheres. It also created countless entities, that can take one of two major paths to evolve within these environments. Both paths lead to progression, but not at the same rate, according to Guy Needler (“The Origin Speaks”).

What are the two paths?

There are two major paths, that entities (True Energetic Selves/Oversouls/Higher Selves) can take to progress in our multiverse. Needler described them further:

1. Evolutionary path: This path leads to fast track evolution. This is the purest and preferred path for most entities in our multiverse. These entities actively earn their evolutionary content as a collective being (TES) or as smaller individualized units of the TES (aspects or shards).

2. Service path: Some beings are created to be of pure service. These maintenance or service entities work behind the scenes outside of the evolutionary cycle.

  • These beings passively earn their evolutionary content by maintaining and fine-tuning the physical or multiversal environments for the evolving entities.
  • The beings we call nature spirits, faeries, etc. take care of certain types of plants (flora) and animals (fauna) on Earth and other planets across the physical universe.
  • The beings we call angels are also maintenance entities, that are found at all levels of the multiverse. They enter into service purely for the joy of being of service.

How do angels differ from us?

Angels are maintenance entities that are not ensouled or incarnate like we are, because they are outside of the evolutionary cycle. Needler explained their dual function:

  • They maintain the environments by constantly changing and manipulating the energies, so that we can experience things in the most effective way. 
  • They may incarnate momentarily for minutes to hours to check up on the work done in the physical, and then return to their energetic form. They may appear in any form, such as a burning bush, winged angel, mirage-like wavy being, orb of bright light, etc.

They also progress, but at a much slower rate than us. The evolving entities automatically give up some of their evolutionary content (like a tithe/tax), that gets divided among the mainte-nance entities. Also, some evolving entities may give a regular or one-time gift to a specific maintenance entity, who accelerated their evolution. But these gifts are not guaranteed.

Needler said the dualistic function of angels goes a step further:

  • Some angels used to be in the incarnation path, but switched to the service path. 
  • They were originally created as evolving entities, and gained some experience on that path, but then decided to join the pure service path.
  • The Origin said it’s quite common to switch paths in some Source Entity environments.

They are a very valuable resource to both incarnate beings and other maintenance entities, because they have experiential knowledge from both sides.

  • But once they move away from the evolutionary cycle, they’re outside of it. It’s a one-way street, so they will remain as service entities until the end of the evolutionary cycle. 
  • They can still progress by their service and by passive collection of evolutionary content.

Final Thoughts

I hope this information helps you see how truly loved and supported you are on your evolutionary path, even at times when you feel all alone.

You get help from many beings, including your guide (who helps ALL parallel versions of you) and a whole crew of helpers (who help with various aspects of your material and spiritual life). Be open to feeling their nudges, hearing their whispers and seeing their symbols around you.

On top of that, you have all kinds of invisible maintenance entities, who sacrifice their own progression to be of pure service to you, whether you’re incarnate or in the energetic realms.

Let’s give thanks to all these beings that serve us with joy!

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Image: “Nature’s Guardian Angel” by Josephine Wall

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015

What Are True Spirit Guides and Helpers? – Big Picture

What Are Spirit Guides and Angels? – Big Picture

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Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

Are We Energetic Or Sentient Beings? – Big Picture

What Are the Twelve Source Entities Like? – Big Picture

How Do Entities Progress? – Big Picture

How Does Karma Affect Evolutionary Tension and Stasis? – Big Picture

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