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How Do Entities Progress?

The first thing entities need is the desire to progress, to become better than what they are, to expand and move on, as Guy Needler wrote in “The Origin Speaks.”

How do entities progress in our multiverse?

We incarnate on Earth and elsewhere in the physical universe, as part of the evolutionary path that our True Energetic Selves (Higher Selves/Oversouls/Godheads) have chosen. When we’re finished with incarnation, we’ll evolve in the energetic part of the multiverse until we all reintegrate with our Source.

But evolution is only one way for us to progress. In “The Origin Speaks,” Needler outlined six different ways that entities or beings can use to progress, which include:

  1. Stature (grows naturally from the entity’s achievements and maturity in existence, which increase its stature as a giver of wisdom, a giver of love, and a holder of power; stature is presence without ego or the need for reverence).
  2. Confidence (going beyond self-doubt and knowing what to do when there is no prior knowledge or familiarity with what is being experienced).
  3. Creativity (measured by the methods used and the diversity of things, environments and opportunities created by the entity to serve its own progression and that of others).
  4. Evolution (measured by how an entity assimilates its experiences from all perspectives; it may focus on developing an area of specialization or becoming adept at many areas, or it may move within frequential, dimensional or zonal structures as a single or group entity).
  5. Service (some entities choose the path of true service, i.e. total submission of self for the benefit of other entities, who receive help, assistance and advice from the service entities).
  6. Benevolence (measured by the entity’s level of giving of self, e.g. compassion, generosity, kindness, altruism, good will or other components linked to service and stature).

Most people think of “evolution” as Darwinian adaptation of species to different environments on Earth. But now we know that view of evolution is much too limited. Needler said evolution occurs in fits and starts, and can be positive or negative (devolution). For example:

  • If we keep doing the same thing over and over, that familiarity leads to stagnation.
  • If we evolve in one area of life, but devolve in another area, they may balance each other out and lead to static evolution until something is changed.
  • If we operate in ignorance of our condition or are not learning from our actions, we can go backwards in reverse evolution, as described in “Beyond the Source – Book 2.”

But if we recognize who we are and how we evolve as entities, we can become more conscious or mindful about practicing the ways to progress at this level of existence starting right now!


For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015

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