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How Do Plants Evolve?

Previously, we learned that animal species have varying levels of self-awareness and sentience based on the evolution of the souls that incarnate in those forms. Entities that incarnate as plants have an even lower quality, density or volume of sentient energies than animals do. How do plants evolve?

Do human souls incarnate as plants?

Some teachings and authors suggest that WE start off as less conscious entities or beings that need to evolve through a series of lower life forms before we become fully sentient humans. But Guy Needler explained:

  • It is simply a metaphor for how much sentience or consciousness various beings can have. It was used to explain things at a time when people were less aware of who they are.
  • We were created as fully sentient beings. Our Source assigned a part of its ready-to-use sentience to countless True Energetic Selves (TES/Oversouls), which is who we really are.

Our soul comes from one particular True Energetic Self, that sends smaller parts of itself to explore the physical universe in various physical vehicles (e.g. human, alien). Our souls can but typically do not incarnate as plants or animals, because their evolution is much slower.

Where do plant entities come from?

The entities that incarnate as plants come from a lower level of the multiverse than we do. If we use the analogy that the multiverse is a 12-story building, then most human souls would come from the third or fourth floor. Fewer humans come from the fifth to ninth floor (rare).

  • By comparison, plant entities come from the middle of the second floor, and mineral entities come from the bottom of the second floor.
  • That means plant entities could incarnate as minerals if they wanted to. At a certain point, plants will evolve to jump energetic genres and could incarnate as animals from thereon.
  • The physical form of the plant or tree may is often developed elsewhere. For example, the aspen tree was introduced to Earth about 3 million years ago to clean up the carbon dioxide levels. Variations of the aspen tree exist in 32 different galaxies in our universe.

We can see that it’s the evolution of the less sentient entities that some authors and teachings were alluding to. It does not apply to us, i.e. human souls that are fully sentient to begin with.

How do plants evolve?

Most people find it hard to imagine what it’s like to be a plant. JP Van Hulle channeled the Michael Entity (a collective at FB 7-8 in the physical universe), who described the life cycles of a flowering plant and a sentient tree, which give us a fascinating glimpse into their lives.

How do plants evolve?

Example of a starter life cycle as a flowering plant:

To have as easy a time as possible in the physical plane, the entity was born to a race of plants, that were all telepathically linked though their root structure (like a hive mind).

  • Each entity’s body was a flowering plant, resembling large dahlias with eyes. These entities stayed rooted where they were and traveled telepathically from mind to mind anywhere one of them grew across the planet.
  • The branches were mobile, so the entity could care for its personal space, groom and attract insects to pollinate it. It could also push mentally into one of the “pet” insects, that fertilized and fed off the pollen of these flowers, and experience flying over to a new area to see it through the mobile eyes of the insect.
  • Once the plant body died (life expectancy was about 10 years), the consciousness stayed in the hive mind until another body could be budded off and grown, so past lives were well-remembered.

This was a great starter race. No aggression whatsoever and a wonderful feeling of home and belonging while still dealing with the physical plane (storms, predators, disease, etc.).

Example of a life cycle as a sentient tree race:

On another planet sentience evolved in six original “Mother Trees” that resembled willow trees. The lower branches were leafless and could be used like arms, hands and fingers. Patches of bark that were photosensitive were used as eyes. Communication was telepathic.

  • Their roots were mobile and could be used to shuffle slowly along the landscape, gripping and burrowing as they moved along. They also fed through their roots and leaves, absorbing water and nutrients from the ground and air.
  • Each tree needed to root and “sleep” (go unconscious to feed and detoxify their systems) for roughly 25% of their day in rich damp or wet soil, so their civilization lived near sources of water at all times, which was easy on their water-rich planet.
  • They were very difficult to kill. Usually it took a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection or parasites to kill one of them. Lightning strikes and forest fires could do it, but usually left them injured rather than dead.
  • The leaves were equipped with primitive audio-sensitivity to pick up changes in the weather patterns. They were highly sensitive to smoke in the air, so they usually had time to shuffle out into a stream, lake, or river before fire could reach them.

Every hundred years or so, each tree would be compelled to root in rich soil for three months rather than a few hours. During this time, they would literally split in half forming two smaller trees, that shed their old bark and super-enriched their cells with nutrients, so that they became two youthful, healthy trees that would take 3-4 years to regrow to normal size.

  • Each tree was left with a perfect copy of the memories the original mother tree had. These trees had eidetic memories, so no knowledge was ever forgotten.
  • The new “sister trees” would then gather new knowledge and experiences that created their own unique lives. They remained very close to and had loving friendships with other trees (whether family or not), and usually chose to cluster in groves of friends and family.
  • Every tree could remember all the way back to their original mother, so there were only six families on this planet. Six was considered a sacred and complete number.


They were a very scholarly race with great interest in studying the world around them. They built telescopes and other scientific equipment for studying the world and space around them, though they had no desire to leave their planet to explore.

  • They invited other races to visit, and many became highly respected professors of great knowledge that gave written or telepathic classes to other sentient races.
  • They constructed beautiful buildings to store machinery, tools, equipment and art. They relished painting and gardening, but had no use for housing or clothing, though they would decorate their branches for fun and fashion.
  • They had no commerce. All equipment and knowledge was available to all. They had no sexuality, though they found other races’ sexual dynamics interesting, and somewhat comparable to the loving bonds they had with dear friends from a different family. They often had lifelong relationships, sharing a grove with their closest friends and family.

In this cycle, the entities learned the value of patience, deep family ties, and attunement to nature, and how to pay attention to long-term (not just short-term) gains or consequences.

Final Thoughts

I hope this gives you a better idea of the life cycles that may exist for different types of entities. Some people may be skeptical, but others will see them as examples of the myriad life forms that populate the physical universe, which is just the first floor of our multiverse. After all we live on a small planet in a small solar system in a small galaxy in a vast universe.

Needler said anything that lives has a level of sentience. We’re all experiencing, learning, evolving and moving through the frequencies in our own way. So it’s not just our souls, but everything within the physical universe that is ascending in frequency.

Entities that are of animal energy or plant energy will still be of their genre of energy, just at a higher frequency. They provide a very different perspective on the same frequencies that we are exploring for our Source, but will (like us) ascend out of the physical universe eventually.

“God is a process, not the result of that process, but the process itself. The process of creation is never complete, never done. And you are part of that process.”            – Neale Donald Walsch


For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, Recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 19th January 2016 & Personal communication

JP Van Hulle: mef-april2015 (website) & Personal communication

José Stevens: Tao to Earth, 1988 & Earth to Tao, 1989

German Forest Ranger Finds That Trees Have Social Networks, Too – The New York Times

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

How Do Mineral Entities Evolve? – Big Picture

When Will Humanity Ascend From 3D Earth? – Big Picture

Are We Ascending To the Fifth Dimension? – Big Picture

What Is Ascension Flu? – Big Picture

What Are the Functions of Plants, Trees and Nature Spirits? – Big Picture

What Are the Functions of Animals In the Universe? – Big Picture

What Are the Functions of Minerals, Planets, Stars, Solar Systems and Galaxies? – Big Picture

What Are Star Systems? – Big Picture

Are We Energetic Or Sentient Beings? – Big Picture

What Is a Living Entity? – Big Picture

What Is Self-Awareness versus Sentience? – Big Picture

Do All Species Have Chakras Like Humans? – Big Picture

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