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How Do Souls Exit From Life?

In previous posts, we learned how the soul carefully integrates its energies into a physical body, which is like a “biosuit” that the soul uses and animates throughout a lifetime. Now we’ll take a closer look at some of the ways souls use to exit from life on Earth. How do souls exit from life?

Do souls choose the timing of death?

When we hear about someone’s death, we may think they shouldn’t have died, at least not so young, not so tragically or suddenly or whatever the case may be. Most people find it hard to believe that our births and  deaths are carefully orchestrated events at the soul level.

  • There are no such things as accidents, even when it comes to mass deaths, like tsunamis.
  • The soul leaves exactly when it wants to, when it doesn’t have anything else to accomplish in that particular lifetime and setting.

According to Guy Needler, our souls have pre-planned not just one, but 3-5 exit points in every lifetime. It’s the soul (not the ego) that gets to choose on the energetic level if and when to leave early. Sometimes one soul leaves, and another soul walks-in to the same body.

  • These termination junctures (exit points) are spread out over our lifetime, so some points will “expire” after we’ve passed our gestation/babyhood (0-7 yo), childhood (8-21 yo), adulthood (22-42 yo), midlife to later years (43-70 yo) or before our body’s natural demise (70 yrs+).
  • The soul can leave at these points without accruing karma, because all the downstream functions, experiences and interactions are converged, so they come to a natural end.
  • That is very different from a suicide, which is NOT a normal termination juncture. It creates a lot of problems for all the other souls that were supposed to learn and interact with that soul in that lifetime. That’s why the soul accrues an “evolutionary debt” after suicide.

In hindsight, most of us recognize certain events in our lives that could have been potential exit points (e.g. near drowning, car accident, anaphylactic shock or life-threatening illness, etc.). If we bypass all of them, then we have to live out until the end of the lifetime as planned.

Do souls choose the manner of death?

The manner of death for leaving the physical form is also planned at the soul level. It’s usually by illness, accident or murder. It can be anything from a cancer to a sudden heart attack, brain aneurysm, stroke, getting shot, being in a car accident, plane crash, accident at sea, etc.

  • For example, if cancer is the planned exit strategy, the person may undergo treatment and go into remission for a while. But eventually the same or another form of cancer will come back, because it is the planned exit strategy. No amount or type of therapy will cure it.
  • Sometimes the person or their relatives may blame themselves, the doctors or others for not saving the person’s life without realizing, that it was the soul’s chosen way to leave.


What happens in senile dementia or Alzheimer’s disease?

Needler said these are simply other ways to depart. But in these conditions, the soul has chosen to leave the body in a gradual way. The day-to-day functionality starts to deteriorate.

  • They start to get problems with memory, because the ego starts to move and the memories associated with the ego go as well.
  • But nothing is lost, because the person’s memory set and experiences are continuously passed onto the True Energetic Self (Higher Self/Oversoul/Godhead) in real-time.

Susann Taylor Shier said it’s almost like they’re getting used to going to “heaven” again to forget what it’s like here, because it’s been so intense. They go out, then they come back — they go out, then they come back and go: “Oh, did I miss something?”

  • She said see it creatively and love them and be with them while they’re in those other spaces, even if it seems like they’re not here. You can communicate with them on a soul level, even when they’re “out” on the Other Side of the veil. We do that all the time.
  • Give them permission to be there and say: “I know where you are and it’s a beautiful place, and you have permission from me to be there.” You are not going to say: “Oh my god, get back here in your body,” because they are creating their own crossing over process as long as it might take. It’s their process and they will leave when they are ready to do so.
  • If someone lingers (e.g. coma), it’s because they have a strong desire to stay incarnate and not let go of physicality. The ego is trying its hardest to stay incarnate, because the ego disappears when the human form demises. But the soul itself is eternal.

Some souls want to get more “evolutionary brownie points” by experiencing life with and without certain abilities and functions. This allows others to play the caretaker role, which is hard and gives them more evolutionary content as well. Both parties benefit.

Do all parallel incarnations experience the same disease?

Needler said it’s possible that more than one parallel is experiencing the same condition in the same way or in a slightly different way. It’s also possible that some parallels don’t experience it at all, because they may have taken a different path 20-30 years ago. He explained:

  • Sometimes that path might lead to an early demise. That particular event space collapses back into or close to the main life line.
  • That means a soul aspect can die in one parallel incarnation, while other parallel versions of them keep going (Cartoon: Stan Cooper and Don Hunt: Parallelism).


  • The main life line will continue to exist until the last of the parallel conditions collapses back into the main life plan. Then that incarnate can and probably will demise as well.
  • The reason for them being there is finished. They have done all that was expected to be learned. All the experiences, different events and evolutionary content has been accrued.   If they would continue, they would just create more parallel versions of themselves.

We all think WE are the main line, but we might not be. It doesn’t matter, because we can experience what we’re supposed to experience. We can accept that and just keep going. 😉

Final Thoughts

Your soul may choose to incarnate in many different places and forms in the physical universe. But “you” are a unique expression of that soul projected into a particular human vehicle with a unique energy signature, lessons and experiences, which will never be reproduced in other lifetimes. Even the parallel versions of you aren’t doing exactly the same path as you.

Life may seem “random” to you, because you and all the parallel versions of you have free will to explore things in their own way. But in reality, the soul is on top of it all, in charge of all the parallel lives, and ultimately decides when it’s done with all the earthly experiences.

After death, your soul aspect along with your guides and helpers will do a comprehensive life review of all the localized parallel conditions to see what worked or didn’t work in terms of the life lessons you came here to experience, learn and evolve from.

There is a large queue of souls waiting to incarnate in the earth plane, so let’s make the most of our time here on this exquisitely beautiful planet!


“Who you are is an Individuation of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.”       – Neale Donald Walsch

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022

What Are Soul Exit Points? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

What Happens To the Ego, Body and Soul When We Die? – Big Picture

What Happens In Our Life Review After Death? – Big Picture

How Detailed Is the Soul’s Life Review? – Big Picture

What Is the Afterlife Like? – Big Picture

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

What Is the Big Picture? – Big Picture

How To Bridge Science and Spirituality? – Big Picture

What Is Meant By Soul Age? – Big Picture

How Does Event Space Change Your Perspective On Life? – Big Picture

Is Life a Virtual Reality Game, Illusion Or Dream? – Big Picture

How Does Reincarnation Work? – Big Picture

How and Why We Incarnate On Earth (Part 1)? – Big Picture

How and Why We Incarnate On Earth (Part 2)? – Big Picture

What Happens To People In Mass Deaths By Tsunamis, 9/11 Or Other Events? – Big Picture

What Is the Spiritual Perspective On Abortion? – Big Picture

What Is the Spiritual Perspective On Suicide? – Big Picture

What Is the Spiritual Perspective On Physical and Mental Disability? – Big Picture

What Is the Physical vs. Energetic Basis of Disease? – Big Picture

What Is Karma In Modern Spiritual Science? – Big Picture

What Is a Walk-in Or a Soul Exchange? – Big Picture

How a Bombing Survivor Described Her Near Death Experience? – Big Picture

How To Dissolve Your Victim Patterns? – Big Picture

What Is the Free Will Experiment With Humans On Earth? – Big Picture

Susann Taylor Shier: Susann Taylor Shier: Ignite Your Soul Fire and Activate the Divine Power Within (“Beyond the Ordinary Show” with John Burgos, September 19, 2018)

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015 & The Anne Dialogues, 2016

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ulla Sarmiento

    In my understanding nothing is forced, certainly not suicide. It is a soul choice that creates downstream confusion for the souls left behind, who were supposed to interact with that soul later on. There is no punishment of any soul, but there is cleansing of the sentient energies in the afterlife, so that they won’t affect other souls or the Higher Self with lower frequencies. It is an energetic issue, nothing to do with religious beliefs. Hope that helps.

  2. Anonymous

    Suicide is a forced exit.!!! Watching many Near Death Experiences where people did commit suicide, there was no punishment though. The Source of Being is a Being of Love and would not punish anybody.!!! This is Religions Teachins and very Crappy ones trying to trap people’s minds in their boxes.!!!

  3. Ulla Sarmiento

    Suicide is a valid exit point in very, very, very rare cases (see Guy Needler’s book, “The Anne Dialogues” on page 109 for the exceptions). The bigger point is that we are not here for ourselves only. We are here to interact with countless other souls and their life plans. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

  4. lara wolfe

    complete and utter BULLSHIT. suicide IS A VALID EXIT POINT. there is NO punishment for those who cross themselves over. period.

  5. My understanding is that we have 3-5 exit points spread out across the lifetime, not right next to each other. It sounds like the underlying condition is the ulcerative colitis, and the DVT may be a complication of that. If you’re still here, it wasn’t an actualized exit point for you. Needler described the exit points (termination junctures) in some detail in this World Satsanga lecture. Please check out the transcript here:

    Guy Needler 6-30-18…World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

  6. Aurora

    Can some individuals have an unusually high number of exit points like in the hundreds? I am wondering this because there are some individuals who have a lot more close calls than others including daredevils and in some cases people with medical conditions. Would most of the close calls from similar things be considered one exit point according to event space, even if they came close more than once? One time over the span of about 2 months I had two close calls. One from ulcerative colitis not being treated soon enough, and another from DVT probably caused by ulcerative colitis. Then I had another bad one with ulcerative colitis but treated it sooner six months later. Would the DVT, the 1st close call, and any future close calls of this nature be considered one exit point instead of 2+ exit points?

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