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Is Money One Of Our Spiritual Teachers?

Reposted (post-Brexit vote and its fallout): In previous posts, we learned that money is a tool we use in the physical realm to play out scenarios that teach us how to handle energy and power. Eventually, we will evolve beyond money. But in the meantime, many people are living in poverty or have money issues. Is the problem systemic or individual? Or both? Is money one of our spiritual teachers on this planet?

Is it a systemic problem?

Neale Walsch said you cannot experience what you are except in the presence of what you are not. But the systems we have in place have failed humanity as a whole. We have stopped love, abundance, opportunity and other things from going around to everyone. Why is that?


  • The easy answer is blame something external to ourselves, like the greedy bankers, corrupt corporations, secret government, Illuminati behind the scenes, etc. They do play their perpetrator roles to allow us to play the victim/other roles on the same stage.
  • But all these systems are collectively co-created by the people who are experiencing them. Otherwise, these people wouldn’t all be in the same event space with things like bank bailouts. It wouldn’t even come to their attention, because they’d be somewhere else.

Most people don’t realize they co-create 100% of their own reality 100% of the time, as Wendy Kennedy said. You put your consciousness into a particular event space in order to have a particular experience, where you have something to give or to receive, and that serves you.

Is it an individual problem?

Wendy Kennedy and Nora Herold have given some of the most practical guidance on money issues. They said sometimes we think it serves us NOT to have money to keep ourselves “safe” in a dysfunctional way. But if we look a bit deeper, we see that money is not really the issue.

“Money is rarely the issue! When money is not flowing, your energy is not flowing. Look and see where you’re in resistance. It’s as simple as that.” – Wendy Kennedy

We need to ask ourselves: How would it feel to be infinitely abundant, to have infinite energy coursing through my body, enlivening each and every cell, so that I am operating at peak performance? How does it feel in this moment? Does it feel good or amazing?

Or did you just go into contraction? Why? What belief is there? Here are the top 12 reasons:

  • Is it familiar imprinting of poverty or scarcity? (Oh, I’m poor, but rich people suck…)
  • Is it past life vows of poverty? (Oh, for me to be spiritual, I can’t have money…)
  • Is it past life excesses? (Oh, I made money my god, was miserly, controlling, felt superior, didn’t believe anyone below me had the ability to create…)
  • Is it fear of being inadequate? (Oh, I don’t really know anything, let’s stay small…)
  • Is it about self-confidence? (Oh, then I have to love myself more…)
  • Is it fear of loss of identity? (Oh, I’m a starving artist, that’s who I am…)
  • Is it fear of power? (Oh well, then I have to access more of my power…)
  • Is it fear of responsibility? (Oh, then I feel responsible for other beings’ happiness…)
  • Is it fear of rocking the boat? (Oh, then somebody else isn’t going to feel good…)
  • Is it fear of success? (Oh, then people will envy me or expect more from me…)
  • Is it fear of failure? (Oh, I could lose it all and feel even worse…)
  • Is it fear of doing the right thing? (Oh, then I have no excuse to fail…)


Kennedy said we may hold these fears without being consciously aware of them. They are usually played out in other areas of life, too. The universe gives us lots of clues as reflections, but it’s only when the money stops flowing that we pay attention and have to shift ourselves.

Is money one of our spiritual teachers? How has it served us?

Let me count the ways! In addition to the individual “energy player archetypes” (see How Do We Use Money To Play With Energy? – Big Picture, there are some collective reasons for using money that we may not have thought of:

Richard Rudd said money is one of the new spiritual teachers on the planet. Why? Because money is a physical expression of victim consciousness. It represents human fear. He said it actually provides a wonderful lesson in letting go of fear.

“It is fear itself we have to conquer – not money. When you surrender to the greater pattern and raise your consciousness above the fear threshold, money always arrives just when it is needed.” – Richard Rudd

Nora Herold said money has been very useful in our evolution, because it has allowed us to exist on linear time. We created money as a physical tool to slow down our manifestation.

  • We plod along, make money to pay the bills and get what we want. We’re tricked into believing we can’t manifest instantaneously. But money is really a trap that limits us.
  • At our core, we know we are spiritual beings having a transient physical/material experience. As we transcend linear time completely, we will also transcend the system of money, which serves no purpose at higher frequencies.

Herold also said many of us planned this particular lifetime to have physical, safety or security issues and limitations, that give us enough discomfort to cause us to awaken now. How?

  • If we’re faced with lack of money or feeling angry, powerless or enslaved, we may play that role for a while. But then we start asking bigger questions about our lives, our true nature.
  • That’s how we will transcend these limitations, give up our attachment to material things, and connect with a higher perspective even while we operate in these physical bodies.

“All systems in place right now are DEFUNCT, because they were created to facilitate the 3D experience. Don’t try to fix something that is unfixable. Transcend and create all new systems that reflect the higher vibration, whatever it looks like.” – Nora Herold

Final Thoughts

The universe always wants to support us. It wants energy to flow through us and to us. Let’s not see ourselves as being materially challenged or attached to material things that are still part of our reality. As we’re shifting, it’s no longer about attracting things to make you happy.

We can let our self-imposed limitations expire now that we are awakening. We can create new experiences that all of humanity wants to be aligning with (e.g. to feel joy, safety, wholeness, connection, a sense of abundance, to be of service, etc.). How do we do that? Stay tuned.

As Guy Needler said, we are here as transient custodians of the Earth and its resources. We don’t really own anything. We can be grateful for what we have, and we can do a better job of sharing whatever we co-create with others. In the Greater Reality, there is only One of us.


“Evolution is not about becoming something, it is about remembering, and then demonstrating what we already are. Evolution does not take Time, it takes Will.”                  – Neale Donald Walsch

NOTE: This post was originally published on March 6, 2015 as “Are You Materially Challenged?”

For more information, please see:

What Is the Purpose Of the Illuminati? – Big Picture

What Are the Stages Of Spiritual Development? – Big Picture

What Are the Solstices Really About? – Big Picture

How Does Event Space Change Your Perspective On Life? – Big Picture

What Is a Fully Immersed Soul? – Big Picture

What Is Material vs. Spiritual Ambition? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose of Money? – Big Picture

How Do We Use Money To Play With Energy? – Big Picture

How Can Humanity Evolve Beyond Money? – Big Picture

Can a Rich Man Go To Heaven? – Big Picture

Is Power a Dirty Word? – Big Picture

How To Dissolve Your Victim Patterns? – Big Picture

How To Reframe Your Life? – Big Picture

How To Defuse Duality and Transcend Misguided Thoughtforms? – Big Picture

Why Do We Forget Who We Are? – Big Picture

What Are Siddhis Or Divine Gifts? – Big Picture

What Is the Law Of Compensation? – Big Picture

What Is the Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy? – Big Picture

What Is the Law Of Attraction? – Big Picture

How To Be In Abundance? – Big Picture

Neale Donald Walsch: What God Said, 2013

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies (website)

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home (website)

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys, 2009

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015 & The Anne Dialogues, 2016

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