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How Do We Use Money To Play With Energy?

This is the second of several posts about “Money.” In Part 1, we learned that money is not the root of all evil. It is simply a tool we use as a physical manifestation of energy. We are using it to play out some issues we’ve been trying to integrate for thousands of years. Here we’ll look at: How do we use money to play with energy?

What is energy?

Guy Needler said we live in a sea of energy. Free energy is everywhere and has always been in existence. It provides one of the building blocks for creation and more. Under the right circumstances, energy itself can evolve to become specialized. He explained:

  • Energy develops its own level of rudimentary intelligence. It is attracted to itself and re-creates itself when it is used, so that it is always in balance.
  • It develops preferences, experiences and more self-awareness until it can make simple creations (e.g. a ball of energy). Then external sentience can be assigned to it.

That’s how our Source Entity created us (our True Energetic Selves/Oversouls). We are sentient beings that are given energy to use and play with. Our TES plays with energy at higher levels, while our souls play with it at lower levels, such as human forms on Earth. As above, so below.

“All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.” – Shakespeare

How do our souls play with energy?

Our soul is part of a much bigger True Energetic Self, which is who we really are. The souls are small parts of that sentient being projected into the physical universe to experience things in a physical form (e.g. human body) to learn and evolve from everything they encounter.

  • But our souls don’t just randomly show up on Earth. Every lifetime is carefully planned to give the most learning opportunities possible for the soul and its soul companions.
  • That’s why we come here with a life plan or a blueprint that represents our soul’s expression and lessons for a given lifetime. We have many blueprints to choose from.

One way to figure out your soul’s blueprint is to study “card science,” which is a symbolic way to describe our material and spiritual life paths. Card science is based on assigning a specific set of playing cards for each day of the year. We all choose the day we are born.

  • The birth card gives us a particular set of lessons, challenges, opportunities, gifts and wisdom that we bring to a lifetime, as described by the 13 cards in the life path.
  • We are the sum total of our birth card, which embodies the energies of that day for the entire lifetime. We can express those energies in lower acting (ego-based/material) or higher acting (soul-based/spiritual) ways, as we experience, learn and evolve here.

When you learn to read the personal life path, you’ll soon realize that it reads like a family tree. It highlights all the connections with family, friends and others. It’s uncannily accurate in describing relationships, which combine the energy sets of two souls working together.

How do we use money to play with energy?

As with many wisdom teachings, there are four seasons or elements that correspond to the four suits in a deck of cards. We can choose to focus on being a lover (heart), seeker (club), reaper (diamond) or knower (spade) in a given lifetime. For example:

  • Diamonds represent our material and spiritual values, including money, worth, ambition, integrity, action and manifesting on the physical plane.
  • An unenlightened, lower acting person may be obsessed with material gain, greed, deceit and selfishness and all the karmic ties to lower frequencies that go with them.
  • In contrast, a higher acting person may have tremendous power for abundance, goodness and generosity for all with their embodiment of spirit and higher values.


The Table (below) summarizes the 13 different soul blueprints or life paths that are symbolized by the birth cards in the diamond suit.

  • The spiritual expression of each card describes what the soul is here to learn.
  • The material expression shows how energies may be manifest on the physical plane.

The examples include a list of well known people, who embody the energies, lessons and challenges of each birth card/blueprint. You’ll see just how well the card system works, given all the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Waltons and others on the list (click to enlarge).

Table of Blueprints:

TableCards copy

You are not stuck with your blueprint, especially in this lifetime. The goal is to learn from the things experienced on your path and to evolve to a more consciously acting, transformed self.

  • It’s important to release judgment of all paths and all people. Our souls go through many paths in many simultaneous lifetimes on Earth and elsewhere.
  • If you feel triggered by something, chances are you (like most of us) are still clearing and integrating some aspects of one or more paths. Reflect on the universal lessons therein.

“Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and enlivens the other who turns it on his fellow man.” – Kahlil Gibran

Final Thoughts

There is a whole spectrum of consciousness embodied in card science, which is one way to reflect the issues we are trying to integrate on Earth (see Part 1).

We are learning to work with energy, gradually expanding our sphere of influence from working alone (individual will) to working with a partner (competition vs. cooperation) or groups of beings (collective will, us vs. them). There is a bridge between the material (outer technology) lessons and more spiritual (inner technology) lessons. There is play with duality with receptive energies (yin/even #’s) and projected energies (yang/odd #’s) and much more.

The point is to see your life in a new perspective, not as a victim, but as a co-creator. We are using the physical plane to play with energy and form. Money is just one physical form of energy, which in the Greater Reality is self-organizing and self-generating and never runs out.

Our ultimate goal is to learn to master the right use energy and power, while also learning to master love and wisdom in equal measure. That’s a tall order, especially in our human form. But otherwise, it’s like giving a child matches or a monkey a loaded gun to play with. We can do a lot of damage to ourselves and others unless we know what we’re doing with the energy assigned to us as creator beings.

As Neale Walsch said God is a process and you’re part of that process of creation, which is never done, never complete. You could say that is a good thing, because it gives us “job security” of the eternal kind. 😉


Note: The next part of this series will focus on how we can evolve beyond money or financial systems.