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What Are the Akashic and Other Records?

In previous posts, we discovered the concept of supersoul consciousness put forth by Ian Lawton (“Supersoul”). Lawton formulated 10 principles that describe this newer spiritual worldview. Lawton’s Principles #1-9 about Soul Probes, Personality, Time, Incarnation, Karma, Life Planning, Guides & Angels, and Soul Blueprints were discussed previously. What Are the Akashic and Other Records?

Lawton’s Principle #10. Under a matrix model everything can be seen as altruistic, because everything that each soul experiences is designed to add to the databanks of the supersoul consciousness. Any particularly challenging circumstances or birth givens can best be seen in the context of ‘taking one for the team’, and each of us can be characterised as a ‘lead representative of team supersoul gaining experience at the coalface of space-time on behalf of the collective.’

Here Lawton describes the supersoul’s databanks that record each soul’s experience. Guy Needler’s work shows that our True Energetic Self/supersoul is the organizer and recorder of all our lives. But there are other databases way beyond the supersoul level.

What are the records kept by our Supersoul?

The supersoul (True Energetic Self) is in charge of recording all the lifetimes of ALL of the soul aspects and shards it has projected into the physical universe or multiverse.

  • Every supersoul has its own set of aspects and shards to keep track of.
  • They act as the grand overseers, planners and organizers of lives, which may include hundreds of thousands of incarnations per each supersoul.

Most of us wonder if our personality will die when we die. But Needler has assured us that everything that your physical body and personality experiences is continuously being recorded in real-time by your supersoul throughout your lifetime.

  • That means all your personality traits, likes, dislikes, desires, challenges and successes are instantaneously transmitted back to your supersoul, so nothing is lost.


When our physical body dies, our soul aspect is retracted back into the supersoul, much like a drop of honey (aspect) that is pulled back into the hive (supersoul), where it is reintegrated into the supersoul energies, so no droplet is lost.

What are the Akashic records kept by our Source?

According to Needler, the Akashic record is a database, that our Source Entity/God creates separately in the rest of the multiverse, outside of the “hard structure” of the physical universe, where all incarnation takes place.

what are the akashic records

There are other databases for all the other species (form factors) out in the universe, whether you call them insectoid, reptoid, humanoid, gaseoid, amoeboid, etc. If they come into the physical universe, they are part of the Source’s records.

What are the Omniversal records kept by The Origin?

Guy Needler has also described the “omniverse,” that includes all the multiverses created by the 12 Source Entities, which were created by The Origin/The All.

  • There is an area within The Origin called “Point Four,” which corresponds to a central repository of The Origin’s total evolution.
  • It is much, much bigger than the Akashic records, because this is the total accumulation of every piece of experience that The Origin has experienced, its 12 Source Entities, their creations and the creators’ entities and environments have experienced.

This is where ALL of the Origin’s evolutionary content is effective. That makes this area the “most wise, most loving and most powerful part of The Origin,” where every experience is contained.

Needler described what if feels like to be within this spherical central repository:

“It is full holographic understanding in every way, shape and form. Everywhere I look is the answer to everything. There is no question that is unanswered. There is no experience that doesn’t have a meaning behind it. There is no logic that doesn’t have a start/beginning and an end, or reasoning for it to move in a different way.

There is no aspect of parallelism that is unexplained, or hasn’t had a necessary component to it. There is no point in evolution that’s ended in a dead end, that hasn’t got a reason for it dying, being a dead end. Everything has got an answer to it. Everything is appreciated, loved and understood.

Everything gives an appreciation and a knowledge of that which the Origin is. It gives it its Power, and it also gives it this level of Wisdom about how to work with power. As its Power increases, as its Wisdom increases and its Love increases, this aspect of the Origin is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, as it experiences more through its creations and its creations’ creations.”

what are the akashic records

“Everything is appreciated, loved and understood.” – Guy Needler

Final Thoughts

Needler said the Origin hasn’t even started to evolve yet relatively speaking. Its current area of self-awareness is less than 1%, as described elsewhere (see Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture

That means there is a lot more for us to explore, map out and expand into (see How Does the Multiverse Cycle Through Expansions and Contractions? – Big Picture

We are ALL part of a much, much Greater Reality that is ever-evolving. What is most amazing is that we are given this higher level of understanding while working at the lowest frequencies of the multiverse in order to appreciate the bigger picture from our human perspective. 🙂

“The process of Creation is never over. It is never complete. All of life is constantly re-creating itself anew in each moment of now. This is the purpose of life.” – Neale Donald Walsch


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Dave

    I’m talking figuratively of course from a selfish ego of self preservation view. Thankyou for some stimulating insights and excellent debate .☺

  2. Big Picture Questions

    Needler’s understanding is that the ego is a temporary construct that loses its command and control of the sentience at death. It’s a drop in the ocean of the soul, which is a smaller unit of the Higher Self. In “The Origin Speaks,” he wrote that the desire for individuality and its perpetuation is largely a human thought process and not energetic.

    The Origin said: “Realizing that you, along with everything else created, is really me, is an important step. Thinking that you are “individual” is in reality a flawed thought process, even for a Source Entity to have. You know that in reality there is no separation, that there is only the momentary process and functionality that can be associated with individualization of energy, and that this energy is not separate but is part of that which I am. It is fully integrated while being allowed to perform a specific and specialized function — experience, learning, evolution, and progression.”

    You are never truly individual — NOT even as an OM being, which is an isolated second-generation aspect of the Origin. Our individuality is transient at best and at the grace of the Origin for the purpose of holographic processing within the totality. Thus, our existence IS conditional, but we are a necessary specialized function within the Origin.

    The Origin said: “So long as I am gaining experiential content from that aspect of individuality, its ability to progress individually is maintained. I see no reason to change things, because from my perspective, everything is going well.” See Ch. 12, “The Origin Speaks” for more. I hope that helps.

  3. Dave

    Thankyou. I don’t think anyone can fully answer that question(s) I posed, not even Guy Needler. However I’m of the strong belief that if an ego is so strong and has the will power coupled with the necessary desire it can resist the pull of mergence with the TES and strike out on its own, thus becoming its own TES energy body in its own right.

    I have no desire to be some memory set of another until it decides to pull the plug or reuse its energy in recycling fashion and this includes the category of being kept on in an incarnation back to back with full memory set. Even when stripped of this early plane lower self I hope to continue in my desire of keeping this aim of total freedom from all and be my own creator. I have no desire to be part of an oversoul at all. In fact I don’t know why but I renounce it or any contracts made implicitly or voluntarily on any level. Reading all of this information has not only confirmed my beliefs, but also given validation to my deep core feelings and enthused me more. The only thing I will allow is the Origin of course, not its TES creations which in effect are the same as me and cannot hold dominion over me which in effect all of this smacks of some huge avatar like game of ego and spiritual obeisance!

    Maybe God wants some of his creations to pull away from the plan and actually see if they have the strength to become a source entity via a different path(similar to an Original Manfestation being’s path as in Mr Needler’s evolution?) instead of the usual TES route? By choosing to belief that which is here on paper only so to speak, will become my reality, but by choosing the opposite my true beliefs then that will be so. Thankyou again for confirming this simple truth to me. My path is much different..
    Best Regards

  4. Big Picture Questions

    Good question. Your take on the Higher Self is reasonable. My understanding is that the Higher Self’s bigger personality keeps changing and evolving over hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, as it matures and becomes greater in Love, Wisdom and Power through its own experiences and through its 12 souls’ experiences.

    It can choose to keep all the souls as fully integrated (reabsorbed to be part of its own mass) OR partially integrated (ready to be reused) or whatever it wants. It can even reassemble a 13th soul (a composite hybrid soul) from whatever parts it wants. It’s very flexible that way. There are no little toes thinking they’re still individuals (which is really a total soul personality developed from thousands of lifetimes) UNLESS the Higher Self deems them to be more useful to its evolution in some way.

    If we look at the bigger picture of our multiverse cycles, we know that our Source reintegrated ALL Higher Selves into its own sentient mass after the first cycle ended. Every Higher Self was fully reabsorbed to be in full communion with the Source, so it could start over from scratch. BUT at the end of the second cycle, 85% of the Higher Selves that had made themselves USEFUL were carried over to the third cycle and reused by the Source as is. The other 15% of the entities were recreated, but even that didn’t quite work out as planned (see below).

    If we look at our planet, there are lots of little bodies, each with a little sentience. We are souls in human bodies and we have individualized free will here. As we ascend in frequency, our individual consciousness becomes naturally more connected because of higher functions (e.g. intuition, telepathy, etc.), so there will be more communication between our souls. BUT we will still retain our individualized free will all the way up to the top of the physical universe (FB 12). That makes us different from all the other galactic races with collective will right now.

    As we ascend, we will become more directed towards working as a collective. We will use our individual will towards working with other individualized entities for the benefit of the whole, rather than for the benefit of the one. In other words, we will be working individually but together (see Satsanga Q&A, Question 2, below). I hope this helps frame things better. I don’t know if I answered your question, but you can always write back! 😉

    Guy Needler 8-25-18…World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

    Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture

  5. Dave

    Fascinating reading Ulla, but the part which I have a problem is that, if nothing is lost and the individual or personality is kept intact then what is the actual personality of the TES? After all, it has countless personality memory sets which it can access freely I mean does it have its own name or similar when it is ‘conversing’ via thought I assume, with other TES sets? How can all these memory sets still be functioning as individual within a TES under the belief of I exist as I?

    The sum is more than the parts analogy we know, but all these ‘little toes’ thinking they are still individuals is a rather cruel joke when they all go up to make a being which surely does not have a personality it can say that is ‘I,’ if it is full of these diverse memories, unless it says ‘yes I was a general in that life’ or ‘I enjoyed being a mother in that one!’ What then is its true personality? Fascinating stuff!😀

    My interpretation: probably wrong- is that it is just a huge energy mass housing countless memory sets/individual souls which still operate as individual in their own perceptions and through them all it has an unique hive mind which each soul can still feel its being an individual, yet at the same time feel the rest as energies within it and around in a conduit fashion. Much the same as an empathic individual would feel the pain or pleasure of others, yet still be individual. The TES is just the enveloping energy of God grouping everything together.

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