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What Is a Timeline?

In my previous post, we discovered that what we perceive as “time” in our physical world is really a series of now moments or event points. They are stringed together, like the still frames of a film strip to create the illusion of motion or time going forwards (future) or backwards (past). All those still frames exist simultaneously, just like your so-called past lives, current and future lives do.
Your current reality is based on which frame (or now moment) you choose to focus your intention or shine your flashlight on, as illustrated in the film strip (above). In this sense, time simply exists as a marker or coding for an event, so that it may be archived into libraries or Akashic records.

What is spherical time?

According to Wendy Kennedy, time is spherical with an infinite number of “now moments” to choose from, as illustrated below by the “event points” on the surface and inside the “sphere of time.”

  • When you focus your energy and thought (or consciousness) on one specific colored point, that is the “now” for you.
  • That now moment is structured from a specific set of circumstances from the past, that lead you to a unique set of future events, based on your choice in the now moment.

Time is better described as spherical and holographic event space, according to Guy Needler. Image analogy: Random event points within a sphere of time with event points on the surface and within the sphere.

What is a timeline?

Let’s take a closer look at the progression of time (or event points) on the surface of the sphere of time. In “Timeline Dynamics,” Tom Montalk explained:

  • The string represents the causal progression of events.
  • The tacks represent our moments of choice.
  • The string exists from beginning to end, simultaneously, but its path is open to revision.

This is how an individual creates their own reality (Image from Montalk):
Montalk said: “True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but the making of a choice. That which is inevitable has already happened. So looking backwards, the world is deterministic. However, looking forwards, the future is probabilistic.”
When multiple individuals interact, they weave a more complicated web. Based on the combined strength of their freewill at various choice points, the collective creates an agreed upon set of circumstances, which define the collective reality that matches the individual’s reality in certain parts.
Typically, you will choose another now moment that is very similar in frequency and content to the last one you chose in order to maintain the illusion of continuity of the game.

  • If you would jump to something completely different, such as a timeline that didn’t experience an event, like World War II or 9/11, it would “pull you out of the game.”
  • This shows that you have many choices available, and that every decision creates another “timeline.”

“When you change the now, you can change the future, although the future is not determined until a particular choice is taken.” – Wendy Kennedy

Who is really in charge?

According to Kennedy, YOU are in the driver’s seat. You have the power and free will to choose which events and circumstances you wish to experience individually and collectively.

  • You co-create with others all the time. You are not a victim of the circumstances, so don’t blame others, like your parents, the collective that is asleep, the government, power elite, etc.
  • If you’re there with them, there is some part of you (at a higher level) that has chosen to experience that particular timeline (event space).
  • That means you have something to gain from that situation or you have something to give to others in that collective experience.

You need to pay attention to what is there for you to give and receive, so that you won’t need the “big drama” to have the awareness of why you’re there. Speaking of drama, there is a TV show called Sliders (TV Series 1995–2000) – IMDb or Sliders – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, which demonstrates how we might explore different parallel realities.
The other point to remember is the incredible power of your intention. If you intend it, think it, and act on it, it will be your reality, because you make it so.

  • Remember that you choose what you focus your energies on.
  • If you choose to focus your thoughts, words or actions in fear mongering scenarios, such as Planet X, pole shift, grid breakdown, FEMA camps, martial law, financial system collapse or whatever, then you will experience those events in some form.

It is not about denial of the existence of such things in the world, it’s about your choice to be within those event spaces or not.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ulla Sarmiento

    Thanks for your comments, Aurora. This is an extraordinary time on our planet, so don’t feel bad about being triggered by present or past issues. We are trying to transmute trauma from many lifetimes, while going through this pandemic and the other major changes in all areas of our lives. Note that collectively we’ve been dropping in frequencies over the past few years, and everybody is feeling it – it’s a bit like falling asleep while watching TV. The thing to do is to go back to basics. Try to center yourself, ground yourself, go into your heart space (think of something that makes you smile), make your decisions from that place, not from your head. Try to expand your consciousness in any way that you can (e.g. meditation, prayer, etc.).

    Be gentle, kind and patient with yourself. Nobody is immune from all that’s happening to humanity. If you’re asking this question, you’re definitely not a backfill person. If something is happening to you, it’s meant to happen to that version of you, because you have something to give to others or something to learn from others in that situation.

    Did you see my video on Coronavirus? If not, please check it out, it might help you:

    What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

    How To Deal With Guilt and Shame? – Big Picture Questions

    Here is a simple technic given by Nora Herold to help you transmute trauma as it happens. It just takes a couple of minutes to do this FOAL technic to shift yourself:
    • FEEL — simply feel what you’re feeling and own it (using “I” statements): Ah, I’m feeling shame, I’m feeling worthless. Or I’m feeling angry (but don’t associate the shame program with it). Feel what you must, don’t push it away.
    • OBSERVE — while you’re fully feeling, begin to observe yourself from a balcony, while you’re still feeling the intensity of your experience without judgment. Then you’ve got the 3D self feeling away, and your 5D consciousness observing, which gives you a blended 3D/5D experience.
    • ACCEPT — step into acceptance saying: I totally, completely accept myself and this feeling state in this moment exactly as I am.
    • LOVE — what happens next is an automatic activation of unconditional love within your energetic system that gets sent to all versions of you that have felt that trauma — wherever it sits, on whatever timeline it sits, and whatever moment in this lifetime and any other lifetime you experienced that trauma going back to the origin of that trauma. You will feel lighter right away. Smile!

    When things get intense and you get triggered by something external to you, just FOAL more often. Be more gentle, loving and compassionate with yourself during this highly polarized time on Earth. The more loving you are with yourself, the more loving actions you take. Hope that helps! Blessings.

  2. Aurora

    Lately I have had the feeling of being on a timeline that should be the results of almost a backfill version of myself, one that puts in no effort and doesn’t care how it affects others. There are lots of areas that I have been trying to self improve these past few years but some areas show no results off and on like mom and I getting into the same arguments we had since early childhood. Maybe being drained from putting in effort and lack of results resonates at a very similar frequency to those who don’t put in any effort at all. I wish that I could be on the timeline that I have worked so hard for and not be the version of myself who is kind of a Guinea pig in an experiment of what happens if someone is put on a timeline that doesn’t change with them. It is getting to the point of me being easily angry and releasing high amplitude anger hoping that it will somehow break through the walls of the experiment and lead me to the proper timeline.

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