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What Is and Is Not a Supersoul?

In previous posts, we discovered through Guy Needler‘s work that we are part of a much bigger, much higher frequency sentient being, which he termed the True Energetic Self. Others have called it the Oversoul, Godhead, Monad or Higher Self without giving many details about what it is.

Recently, another British author, Ian Lawton has described what he has termed the “supersoul” in his newest book, which I’ll be reviewing in parts, because it validates the information given by Guy Needler, who has unparalleled access to the highest frequencies in the Greater Reality.

Both Needler and Lawton agree on this point:

“A new consciousness is emerging on planet earth. Huge swatches of the human population are waking up to the incredible truth of who and what we really are. And now the next pieces of the jigsaw reveal a power in each of us way beyond our wildest imaginings…the power of our SUPERSOUL.” – Ian Lawton (Supersoul, 2013)

Who is Ian Lawton?

Lawton has spent the last decade researching and writing books about the concept of rational spirituality with the motto “evidence not faith.”

  • By studying the near-death-experiences, out-of body-experiences, past life memories of children and adults, and hypnotic regression work of many researchers, he came up with a worldview that emphasizes “full personal responsibility for what happens both before, during and after our own lives.”
  • He has written about the holographic nature of the soul, life between lives (interlife), NDEs, OBEs, reincarnation, life planning etc.

He said: “We create everything we experience at some level of our consciousness.” I think we can all agree with that. But in his latest book, “Supersoul,” he described a series of major shocks to his previously held spiritual system based on a linear growth model of the soul.

What is a supersoul?

Lawton reviewed some older and newer information from many different sources, including:

  • Channeled material (Seth, Michael entity, etc.).
  • Out-of-body encounters (Monroe, Moen, Buhlman, Bruce, Phinn, Acamesis, etc.).
  • Esoteric teachers (Leadbeater, Besant, Aurobindo, etc.).
  • The physics of time and parallel worlds (Campbell’s Big Theory of Everything).

This led him to the concept of a “supersoul,” which he defined as a collective of a number of individual souls, a grouping of hundreds, maybe thousands, of souls. He said:

“Myriads of supersouls are projecting soul aspects of themselves into this and myriad other realities. We are part of a supersoul consciousness, which is so divine, that it makes every single one of us absolutely a creator god.”

He used the following analogy to describe this concept further:


  1. The raindrop is one life or personality.
  2. The stream fed by many raindrops is the soul.
  3. The river fed by many streams is the supersoul.
  4. The sea fed by many rivers is the Source.


Note: Lawton’s analogy does not include The Origin, which Needler described as the creator of the omniverse and 12 Source Entities. You could say the Origin is the entire ocean of consciousness.

Where is the supersoul located in our multiverse?

The terms “supersoul” and “True Energetic Self” are describing the same thing, although Lawton’s sources don’t say where these beings exist. But Needler has described the structure of our multiverse and the entities within it in much detail:

  • Most humans are projected from True Energetic Selves (TES) in the third or fourth full dimension of our multiverse, which has 12 full dimensions (with 397 universes).
  • These TES’s project fully sentient soul aspects into humans and many other alien/ET species, which (like us) are incarnating in the physical universe (the bottom universe of our multiverse).

In comparison, most animals and plants are projected from True Energetic Selves found in the second full dimension. For a full description, please see Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

what is and is not a supersoul

What is not a supersoul?

There is a lot of room for confusion, when we talk about group souls, egregores, entities or collectives of souls projected into the physical universe. Much of our channeled information comes from various entities, that view and interpret the physical universe from their own level and perspective. Here are a few examples:

Example 1: The “9th Dimensional” Pleiadian Collective (channeled by Wendy Kennedy) is a group of 2,500 soul aspects that work together within the physical universe at frequency band 9 (not the true 9th full dimension).

  • Similarly, the “12th Dimensional” Pleiadian Collective is made of a larger number of light beings at frequency band 12, which is the top frequency in our physical universe (not the 12th full dimension).
  • They are aspects projected from a number of different True Energetic Selves (or many supersouls) to incarnate as “light beings” in the physical universe. They serve as guides and teachers to other beings.

Example 2: The “Michael entity” is a collective of 1,050 soul aspects (“fragments”) that group together at frequency bands 7-8.

  • Some channels use the term “oversoul” as a synonym for an entity. But the entity is a very small collective of souls, not the same as a supersoul at all.
  • The “Seth entity” is related to the Michael entity and also within the physical universe. It is not a supersoul (or true Oversoul), although they may call themselves an “oversoul.” They are a small collective.

Example 3: Some teachings misuse the term “oversoul” for certain collectives at frequency bands 10-12, which some call “the Founders.”

  • These collectives are not the same as a supersoul at all.
  • They’re simply aspects projected into the 10th, 11th or 12th frequency bands, which are the highest levels within the physical universe.

It is important to keep in mind that all these collectives, entities, “archangels” and New Age “ascended masters” are giving us channeled information from their level of the physical universe. That means their truth is colored by their perspective. The whole truth is only perceived at Source level (or higher).

Needler said this has lead to some misguided physical universe thought forms. Some entities do not perceive or choose not to communicate to us the Greater Reality beyond the levels where they exist.

“The smaller your reality, and the less you understand the big picture, the easier it is to misinterpret what you find.” – Tom Campbell (physicist)

Final Thoughts

Lawton’s message to humanity is very empowering: “Remember who you are, stop thinking of yourself as limited beings that things happen to.” In a recent video, he said:

“We are all beings of infinite majesty. We create everything that we experience bar nothing…from some level of our consciousness. That means a huge responsibility for us. Not everybody is ready for that, how responsible they are for everything. On the plus side, you are so powerful, you can move mountains literally.” – Ian Lawton

We will continue to discuss a few more concepts sparked by this book in my upcoming blogs. We are privileged to be receiving this kind of cutting edge information about the Greater Reality, rather than the same old, tired and limited teachings given to us in the past.

what is and is not a supersoul