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What Is Gravity?

Previously, we learned how energies work together in many different ways called “tractions,” such as attraction, protraction, rotraction, etc. In this month’s World Satsanga, Guy Needler told us a bit more about the force of gravity. What is gravity?

What is gravity?

In “The History of God” Needler gave us a new look at “gravity,” which is an attractive force (attraction). It is the glue that holds the physical universe together. In “The Anne Dialogues,” he elaborated on a few points that could be summarized as:

  • Planets are not just lumps of rock and gas, but sentient entities in their own right. They are less sentient (not individualized souls like we are), but they have an incarnate life span as well (see What Is New About Planets and Galaxies? – Big Picture
  • The difference is that one True Energetic Self (Higher Self/Oversoul) may split its sentience into many galaxies that work with their wards, the stars (suns), that in turn work with their wards, the planets, that can exist on multiple frequency levels (e.g. 10 Earths).
  • All these bodies are integrated with the structure of our universe and are a living part of it. They evolve from being of service to other entities that live on, within or around them.

Each planet can create gravity in any form it wants, not just spherically around itself. Gravity allows the smaller parts of the universe to move around, when given direction and force.

  • This is how the local parts are spatially maintained and held together. There is a natural desire to be together, to be one, to be in communion due to “gravitic energies.”
  • This extends down to gravity on planets, gravity between planets or gravity between different star systems or different galaxies. Everything is based upon everything wanting to be together again. Nothing likes to be separate.

That’s why gravity is said to be a function of “Universal Love” and we are Love incarnate. We also want to be in communion with what we truly are, which is part of our True Energetic Self, which is part of our Source. That is our natural state of beingness.

“Love is metaphysical gravity.” – Buckminster Fuller

Needler said this is where gravity is love and love is gravity comes together. Love is a function of attractivity and communion with another being or a group of individuals. Gravity is a physical function of communion within the more solid structure of the physical universe.

What else does gravity do?

Needler said that there is much more to gravity than attraction of physical bodies or entities.

  • Gravity is also a communication medium between different frequencies and dimensions. It is similar to “planetary telepathy” that allows instant messages to be sent around the physical universe (like the “cosmic internet” simulated in the featured image).
  • It operates along gravity beams that form a lattice or a gravity network that connects all the planets together. These beams are interconnected on many levels at the same time.

The communication between planets is instantaneous and looks like flashes of red or pink areas that can change in shape, speed, hue, direction and coalescence. There are many different types of communication that occur on all levels of interconnection. That’s not all.

  • Gravity can be used by evolved entities (e.g. Curators or maintenance entities) to manipulate the local space and to move planetary bodies to different locations to preserve them. That’s how the Earth and the Moon got to where they are now located.
  • The gravity network also allows space travel to other parts of the universe. By converting the physical objects or energies into gravitic energies, entities can go from one side of the universe to another. To translate back, they convert the energies back again.

Needler said the use of gravity as an energy is an attraction of subatomic particles right down to the Anu (fundamental particle of matter) transmitted across every Anu in the whole of the physical universe almost at the speed of sentience, i.e. faster than the speed of light.

Final Comments

I hope this gives you a bigger understanding of the attractive force we call gravity. We’ve come a long way since the days of Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who discovered gravity. But clearly we have a ways to go before we’re able to bridge this kind of spiritual science with physical science to understand how our physical universe and multiverse really work.

Today’s metaphysics or spiritual science is tomorrow’s physics or hard science.” – Guy Needler

Newton discovered Gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about the forces of nature…or so the legend goes.
Your very existence is a validation of the Unconditional Love of The Universe.  ~ Creator

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Guy Needler 8-26-17…The World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

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What Is the Law Of Vibration? – Big Picture

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Big Picture Questions

    From today’s World Satsanga: Needler said: “I’m going to have to ask that question to be honest. What I’m being told is Einstein had a feeling about multiple universal environments, but didn’t have enough to be able to justify it. Most of his work was based upon, shall I say, the frequencies within the physical universe and not specifically the multiversal model.

    So based upon that point in Einstein’s incarnation, that he was working more in the level of education that was available to him at the time and his own thought processes of being detached from the conventions of mathematics and thought processes around him, he may still have only been thinking in terms environments supported by frequential level, but calling those universes, rather than actually thinking of those frequencies above the physical universe. So he may have been thinking of those environments supported by the frequencies within the physical universe as being a multiverse, which it sort of in essence, they are a sort of self-contained multiverse within the universe, but not specifically in terms of the greater reality.

    So I think he was getting there, as with Stephen Hawking, he was sort of getting there, but not in the level of detail that is available to us today, because even the sort of average individual is exposed to greater levels of education than people were about 50-60 years ago.” I hope that helps!

  2. Mike

    Wonderful !

  3. Big Picture Questions

    I’ve asked Needler to comment on this question in the next Satsanga (June 30, 2018).

  4. Mike

    Hello Ulla
    Did Guy Needler spoke of Einstein’s theory of relativity and is it congruent with the multiverse model ?

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