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What Is the Purpose Of Money?

This is the first of several posts about “Money,” which touches the lives of those who have it and those who don’t. There are many facets to discuss here based on my own understanding of money, material values and spiritual values. We will cover the purpose, the players, issues, blueprints and how we will evolve beyond money in the future. What is the purpose of money?

What is the purpose of money?

Is there a higher purpose to money? Dorothy Parker said: “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.” Here are a couple of guys who fit the bill with different views about the riches they amassed from the computer industry:

“If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake.” – Bill Gates

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful…that’s what matters to me.” – Steve Jobs

Some say money is the root of all evil. Mark Twain said the lack of money is the root of all evil. Others say it’s the love of money that is the root of all evil. But money is a neutral tool, a physical representation of energy. It only has the value we assign to it in our material world.

Who are the money masters?

Francis Bacon said money makes a good servant, but a bad master. Yet there are all kinds of “money masters” among us. Economic inequality has never been greater (see The 1% will own most of world’s wealth by 2016 – CBS News). But this is “old news” to humanity.

One can easily go down a dark, fearful, angry road trying to figure out who’s to blame for what? Who are the conspirators that dominate and manipulate the system to enslave people worldwide? Sometimes it’s better to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Why?


What are the issues then and now?

It serves us to review how and why we (as spiritual beings) co-created the Atlantean era after we descended in frequency. Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) described the major issues that polarized the Atlantean civilization, which we’re still working on today:

  • Free will (individual will vs. collective will in a society or race of beings).
  • Outer technology (science/machinery/mind/love of power) vs. Inner technology (spiritual/natural/heart/power of love).
  • Integration of divine masculine/yang and divine feminine/yin energies into a whole being.
  • Competition (either/or; us vs. them thinking; persecution) vs. Cooperation (both/synergy).

Apparently, these issues are common with all planets that haven’t integrated their polarity yet. Earth is no different. There were three major factions in Atlantis long ago:

  1. White Robes didn’t want to interfere with Earth in any way. Humanity’s or individual wishes were not important at all. Things simply were as they were.
  2. Dark Robes didn’t care what happened to the planet. It was about personal satisfaction and power.
  3. Grey Robes wanted to find the middle ground, where we could work with Earth and with our own individual desires. It was the beginning of integration of light and dark.

Kennedy said there was a lot of judgment by the light against the dark and the dark against the light. The Illuminati are a continuation of the dark priests of Atlantis. That’s the 1% game for those who believe in the “old paradigm” that the material world is all there is.

BUT what most people forget is that money and the financial institutions we currently have are collectively created to help us play out, clear and integrate some of the above issues.

How are things different from Atlantis?

According to Guy Needler (“The History of God”), the Atlantean civilization deteriorated to a circus at the end. It had to be “cleansed” and restarted. Earth dropped 9 frequency levels lower than where it had started (top of the physical universe or frequency band 12). He said:

  • It has taken 25,000 years for human evolution to recover from the Fall to where we are now, playing with technology and spirituality all over again.
  • The difference is that the base frequency of Earth (and the local universe) is much higher now than during the Atlantean era. We’re going up the other way now. Both Earth and humanity are ascending in frequency, which will make integration easier.


When we incarnate into duality, we play both sides of the coin to experience many different perspectives. That means the dark roles are another aspect of us. Kennedy explained:

  • There are multiple versions of reality going on concurrently, even though we only perceive one version. We hold our frequency in the midst of lower or higher collective frequencies.
  • But we can now access information (reinitialize programs and memories from concurrent lives) that tell us where a certain frequency led us to, so that we don’t have to recreate it again (unless we want to).
  • That means we can move beyond some destructive scenarios (where we could play victim consciousness) to a more harmonious outcome (where we are empowered). This is huge!

She also said some of the dark players (at the soul level) are tired of playing the perpetrator role and being on the receiving end of all the negative energy projected at them all the time. These mostly 4D beings (FB 4-5) have played their parts for a very, very long time. They want to grow and change, to go beyond how much power can I amass?


Final Thoughts

Kennedy said it’s best to send these beings love, rather than get angry, because that doesn’t resolve anything. Repressive (fear) or reactive (anger) states just keep you stuck in the lower frequencies of the game. Forgive yourself and forgive others for playing those perceived roles to gain certain experiences. Don’t deny your own eternal divinity (or theirs). We are One in the Greater Reality.