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What Is the Spiritual Perspective On Suicide?

This week we were shocked by the suicide of Robin Williams, one of our favorite comedians and actors, who through his movies gave us a glimpse at several poorly understood concepts, such as heaven, hell, suicide, depression (“What Dreams May Come”), reincarnation (“Being Human”), memory implants to record lifetimes (“The Final Cut”) and much more (see Robin Williams – IMDb). Here is a man who had clearly thought about these things during his life, but chose to end it anyway. What is the spiritual perspective on suicide?

Image from: @Knightcartoons.


Why is life so hard?

Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) said Earth is called the planet of emotion, because it has the widest range of emotions found anywhere in our universe.

  • That means we have the highest highs and the lowest lows and everything in between.
  • We know what it’s like to feel alone, afraid, sad, guilty, angry, frustrated, etc.
  • We also know what joy, love, curiosity, excitement, gratitude, and compassion feel like.

Other planets may have a quarter or a third of the emotional range we have, which makes life on our dense 3D planet much more challenging.

what happens to the soul after suicide

How can we deal with our fears or lower emotions?

Jose Stevens, PhD is a psychotherapist and author of “Transforming Your Dragons: How To Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power.” The “dragon” represents the primary stumbling block or obstacle that we have chosen to overcome in order to achieve our main goal in life.

Here are the seven basic obstacles with their accompanying fear patterns, that lie at the heart of every major dysfunction and addiction known to humankind, according to Stevens:

  1. Self-deprecation (fear of being inadequate)
  2. Self-destruction (fear of life is not worth having)
  3. Martyrdom (fear of being a victim)
  4. Stubbornness (fear of change)
  5. Arrogance (fear of being judged)
  6. Greed (fear of not having enough)
  7. Impatience (fear of missing out)

Some obstacles tend to be paired. For example, self-destruction and greed are often associated and manifest in people addicted to food, sex, drugs, gambling, power, etc.

  • Self-destruction may be quick (e.g. suicide) or prolonged over many years of self-sabotaging behaviors (e.g. overeating, smoking, drinking).
  • The obstacles of self-deprecation, self-destruction, and martyrdom are self-blocking and tend to hold the person back for self-karmic inward experiences.
  • The obstacles of arrogance, greed, and impatience encourage the person to interact with the outer world for more outward karmic experiences.

The dragon forms a large part of our false personality (ego) and can impact every aspect of life (e.g. health, creativity, presence, relationships and spiritual life). But with understanding and conscious effort, it can be erased to allow our true personality (higher self) to guide our lives.

what happens to the soul after suicide

“You cannot create happiness for another, but you can hold for them the reflection of their divine nature, which makes it easier for them to see it within themselves.” – Wendy Kennedy

What is the karmic impact of suicide?

Guy Needler said suicide is a method of gaining massive instant karma for many reasons:

  1. The desire to commit suicide happens at lower frequencies. This creates an energetic karmic link to that level, that the soul aspect needs to remove in another lifetime.
  2. When the physical vehicle is prematurely terminated, it is like throwing away a gift or the opportunity given to the soul to evolve. There is a backlog of souls waiting to come into human bodies that are in short supply.
  3. Suicide creates an “evolutionary debt” to all the other souls affected by the loss of that person from their lives. The soul that committed suicide has to commit to helping them recover their missing evolutionary content. What is lost must be recovered, and neither the soul/aspect or its True Energetic Self/Oversoul can move forward until that debt is paid.
  4. Suicide creates so much downstream chaos that it takes thousands of souls, guides, and helpers to deal with the direct and indirect interactions that got terminated or voided by the act of suicide. It can take millions of years in human terms to recover what is lost.

As a result, the soul will lose some evolutionary headway that would have happened, if they had continued to live out their life in that body until their planned exit point. Suicide is NOT an acceptable way to leave an incarnation, even when the person has a disease, such as cancer, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, etc. That experience serves the individual and those around them.

Needler said sometimes a person incarnates into an area where suicide is common (e.g. South Korea, Japan, Finland). If they go through the thought processes, but manage to avoid suicide, then they have a significant evolutionary jump. If they don’t avoid it, then it’s: “Oops, I missed!”

What happens to the soul after suicide?

The soul aspect will always be in existence as part of a much bigger being, our True Energetic Self (TES), which is who we really are. The aspect will undergo a detailed life review (see How Detailed Is the Soul’s Life Review? – Big Picture for eye opening revelations).

  • It is a very in-depth and complicated review of ALL event spaces or parallel lives concurrently. It involves the person who died and all their helpers and guide as well.
  • They all have to work out what went on, how they performed, what goals were met or unmet, etc. reviewing every event space that led up to the point of the suicide.
  • In the case of suicide, they also have to figure out why the guides and helpers could not communicate effectively or stop the person from taking their own life.

There is lots to sort out, because that soul has to go through a multistep quarantine process, cleansing and reprogramming of their sentient energies. The downside of all this is that the soul loses some of its energies and its sentience, and its personality is deleted, so that the disharmonious energies cannot contaminate the TES, the multiverse, or the Source.

What is the spiritual perspective on suicide?

In “Talking with Twentieth-Century Men,” Peter Watson Jenkins asked the question: Do suicides like Ernest Hemingway go to hell? He worked with Toni Ann Winninger, who channeled the soul of Hemingway for his views on his recent life.

Like many artistic or creative people, Hemingway’s life was cut short by suicide. His father was self-destructive and committed suicide, as did two of his siblings. He explained:

  • All souls go Home, regardless of what experiences they had in the physical world.
  • Home has nothing to do with judgment, positive or otherwise.

“Going home is an entitlement for the very simple fact that you are a piece of the Creator and that you are an individual soul.” – Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway’s soul said there is no heaven or hell. The only place where we have a heaven and a hell is upon the Earth.

  • When he was drawn by his adventures, his passion and energy, he experienced what for him was heaven on Earth. But when he dropped into his depression, he felt tormented as if in pure hell.
  • If you were to chart his life, you’d see drastic spikes and huge valleys, that reflect the extremes of throwing himself into something (e.g. writing a book), then losing everything he had and suffering depression.
  • He received shock therapy, which interfered with his brain function and put him into the self-destructive mood. He numbed his pain, physical and mental unrest with alcohol.

As a soul, he knew that before we come down, we predetermine how we’re going to live our life, not play-by-play, but the major lessons that we’re going to undertake.

  • But if we get into a pattern that is not working for us, you get a “do-over.” You put yourself into a situation, where you go back to spirit form, so you can return to Earth and do it over again.

10498654_267826340071479_927849964580372720_oIn “Talking With Twentieth-Century Women,” the soul of Sylvia Plath expressed very similar views. One of the lessons she wished to experience was depression, which was the opposite of being able to see and connect with everything out there in the higher realm.

  • But the sense of being contained in a thick fog-like cloud proved to be overwhelming, much more devastating in the human form than planned. She was not spiritual at all in that life, so she thought her suffering would be over after her suicide at age 30.
  • But after death, she realized: “Whoops! Pulled the plug a little bit too soon.” She did not complete the lessons, which were to triumph over the depression, and triumph over the control of others.
  • She knows she will have to come down and experience them again in human form on a planet with a third-dimensional stage. She said: “All we are doing is rewriting our own script, choosing to approach it from a different direction.”

Jenkins commented: “Life does not stop when we go Home. Souls continue to think, discuss, create, learn, and interact with one another. We may leave the shell of the body behind us when we transition from Earth to Home, but we keep our thinking faculties intact, when we trade cigar smoke for bliss.” 🙂

what happens to the soul after suicide

How to start meditating?

Go to: Meditation Experience • Challenge – Deepak Chopra and Oprah have joined forces in a 21-Day Meditation Challenge called “Expanding Your Happiness.” It makes meditation easy, fun, and inspiring with free daily guided audio meditations via an online, interactive program.

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