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Where Do Inventors Get Their Ideas?

In the previous post, we learned that our left and right brains perceive and think in different ways to give us two vastly different perspectives of reality. Yet we experi-ence ourselves as a single person with a single mind. Where do inventors get their ideas?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein

Do we invent things?

In “The Origin Speaks,” Guy Needler was wondering if he was possibly inventing the informa-tion he was broadcasting. The Origin said there is no way that he could be inventing this information, or even overlaying it with previously understood material for two reasons:

  1. Needler was tuning or tapping into cosmic knowledge, which is integrated into everything that is part of the Source Entities created by the Origin.
  2. Even if he did, it would not be his incarnate self, but the True Energetic Self that is making the invention. BUT the True Energetic Self knows the truth and has no need or desire to invent new data or to pass on misinformation.

However, it’s wise to be discerning. Those who are marginally awake can be manipulated by lower frequency astral entities, that give misinformation to willing people in return for energy.

Where do inventors get their ideas?

The Origin said: “Simply put, mankind incarnate is not capable of individualized creativity of anything that is not currently available within the multiverse.”

Everything that is “new” (to us) is presented energetically to the so-called “inventors,” who are individuals that are open enough to receive the information. As Tesla observed:


Einstein said: “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” He realized the wisdom of his words in the afterlife (“Talking with Leaders of the Past”), where his soul said:

  • Many insights came from outside of him and ideas were downloaded to him, although he did not recognize it during his lifetime.
  • He was merely a “translator” of the energy that was there. He got help from the Other Side in passively channeling some of it. He laughed about it later, knowing his work wasn’t that “original” after all!

How does the process work?

The Origin said it takes a certain type of individual to be able to take the information being transmitted to them, and to turn it into a useable product. Needler gave an example:

  • There are at least 2,000 people worldwide, that are being educated by both incarnate and discarnate entities to build sacred geometry technology (physical or energetic functions).
  • The information is repeatedly being transmitted to them (usually in intuitive dreams or in meditations). It takes receptivity and stamina to be able to receive it, design it, recognize the errors in the design, and to modify it until the device is working.

Apparently, some benign devices are already here (to assist in meditative states, affect local weather, etc.). But this technology will not be fully introduced to mankind until we’re more mature, i.e. no longer motivated by making money or by trying to command/control others.

Final Thoughts

This is how all creativity and inventions come about. Many people may be receiving the same information, but only a few succeed in developing a product (e.g. various devices, works of art, music, books, etc.). Some people are inventors, others are innovators.

Needler said it wasn’t just Baird, who invented the television, because Bell and Edison had ideas as well. Many people received the downloads for developing the telephone and later the television, because it takes a lot of “receivers” to get the technology right on the physical plane. This explains why a person may believe that someone else stole their original idea!

It also explains multiple discovery, which is quite common in fields like physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, etc. The same discovery or invention is made by multiple scientists working independently of each other in different parts of the world. Some end up sharing the Nobel prize for their efforts, while others are overshadowed by their peers in history.     C’est la vie.

“What one can’t imagine, one can’t discover.” – Albert Einstein

“What one can’t conceive of, or believe in, one won’t discover.” – Noel Huntley


Source: Pinterest

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015

Peter Watson Jenkins & Toni Ann Winninger: Talking with Leaders of the Past, 2008

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