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Are We Experiencers Or Creators Or Both?

Here is a question I have asked in a couple of World Satsangas to get a better understanding of our function as creator entities in training. I tried to phrase the question in different ways to get a clearer answer: Are we experiencers or creators or both?

Are we experiencers or creators or both?

My question originally came from reading “The Origin Speaks” by Guy Needler. The Origin said something curious, that could be interpreted in various ways:

“Nothing is new; it’s just different entities experiencing the old in a different way, which is exactly what I desire, differentiated experience and understanding.”

Here are several questions that get to the core of the Origin’s statement with Needler’s channeled answers (summarized by me):

Do we really CREATE anything by ourselves OR did Source create everything in the multiverse from the start?

  • We are individualized units of Source, so everything we create is Source basically. Everything that’s experienced in our multiverse is created by us in general.
  • We are in the third evolutionary cycle right now, and so a lot of what we’ve done in this cycle is experienced by other entities in a slightly different way.
  • It’s a bit like looking at a statue from different angles. You can see a statue in front of you, but unless you’ve looked at it from all angles, including from the top and the bottom, you don’t see the whole thing holistically.
  • So although everything has been done before, it’s being done again by different people, because they’re seeing things from a different angle. They’re experiencing it in a different light, different temperatures, with different levels of ‘newness’ associated with it.

In other words, is the FORM (energetic structure held together by frequencies) already in existence, and do WE just come to meet it and experience it at a certain location?

  • When we go through an evolutionary cycle, the Source disintegrates its multiversal environment, because all of the smaller individualized units of itself are reabsorbed into communion. Then it creates a new multiverse in a different part/energies of the Origin.
  • It may keep the same structure or not. The first multiverse structure was a bit different to what we have now (third cycle), which is fairly similar to the second multiverse.
  • So in some respects, it’s there for us. We experience its structure in a pre-constructed state, although we do create and construct within it as well.

If we do create anything, where does that creative process START, meaning at what level of beingness? We know that Desire leads to Intention to Thought and to Action, but is that Initial Desire coming from the ego level or soul level or our True Energetic Self level or all of the above depending on the ever-changing situation?

  • From the moment we have a Desire to create, we are creating. It’s NOT from the ego. The ego is simply a tool used by the soul to exist within the incarnate environment.
  • Think of it in this way, the ego is the user interface with the outside world. The soul is the subroutines in the background that make it work. The True Energetic Self is the bigger software that is allowing all things to work, the major Operating System.
  • So the desire to create or uncreate comes down from the Aspect or soul level, maybe in conjunction with the life plan, and therefore, under guidance of the True Energetic Self. Usually the soul remembers it as something that needs to be experienced or created.

Do we (as incarnate entities) by our own frequency consciously CHOOSE to interact with OR unconsciously end up interacting with whatever structure or entities are already at the same frequency in a static multiversal location (or some event space version of it)?

  • Yes, we do. The whole point of us being individualized is that we do interact. We have this desire and this intention and this need to interact with the environment, other entities, and self basically. And this is the whole point of us being here.

Do we MODIFY the existing creation/structure with our interaction with it, i.e. with our thoughts, behaviors and actions and interactions with other entities? Are we true creator entities in that situation?

  • The answer is yes again. Just look at how we’ve interacted with the Earth and created the environment that we’re in. We’ve made cities, we’ve made boats, ships, airplanes. We’ve thrown projectiles towards the Moon and other places in orbit.
  • We are creator beings. It’s just that we are allowed to create within the confines of our location or within the abilities of the environment to support a certain level of creativity.
  • We are master creators actually, because when we are disincarnate, there isn’t anything that we can’t create.

Mathematically speaking, do we just zoom in on a particular set of coordinates (on x, y, z axes at Earth level or higher n-frequential axes at higher levels of the multiverse) and experience that event point, and then move on to another set of coordinates and so on, thereby creating a zigzagging path of experiences (which we call a lifetime), as we go from one locus (or datum) to another?

  • Basically, yes, that’s a good way of describing it. We get drawn to doing, experiencing certain things, being in certain areas, and recreating in certain areas.
  • We are guided in some respect. We create what we want to experience together with our guide, helpers and True Energetic Self, so it’s actually planned, not a random movement around the physical, universal or multiversal environment.

Is that what “life” is? Is that what we, as the “experiencers” on behalf of Source, contribute to the Source, its peers and the Origin’s progression?

  • Yes, the Origin is the overall or the ultimate creator. It wanted to experience, learn and evolve faster, so eventually it created the Source Entities, that are individualized Origin sentience given a body of energy to work with within the Origin.
  • Our Source Entity decided to create even smaller versions of itself (True Energetic Selves). Source separated out an area from itself to create an environment, which was a smaller version of the Origin. We are here to experience that structure in any way, shape or form we can, including the interactions with other entities, other individualized units of Source.
  • So the True Energetic Selves and their projections (Aspects and Shards) are smaller individualized units of Source sentience attached to a body of energies. The Shard is really individualized Aspect sentience, which is individualized True Energetic Self sentience, which is individualized Source Entity sentience, which is individualized Origin sentience.

Does that mean that we as individuals are repeating event streams that other beings have already done in their way and in their time at the same coordinate point? OR is every entity choosing an absolutely unique and differentiated path (with multiple parallels) in every lifetime?

  • Yes, we are experiencing everything ultimately on behalf of the Origin. Maybe there’s thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of different entities that have experienced what we’re experiencing now in various different parallel ways, but the way WE do it will be unique to us, and therefore, of benefit to the Source and the Origin.
  • Even if we are following an event stream and go from one event space to another, and it’s identical apart from 1% of 1% of 1%, then that 0.000001% difference is worth experiencing. So it doesn’t matter, if we’re going over old ground, or if we’re providing an overlap, it’s the way we do it that counts.

Final Thoughts

I hope you have a better understanding of how and why we function as both the experiencers and creators within the Origin in more ways than we can imagine. Here is another analogy closer to Earth, as explained by Needler:

“Everybody can drive a motorcar, but everybody drives a motorcar in a different way. We all drive our motorcar to our place of work differently every day. We move in different ways.

We don’t use exactly the same gear changes or go on exactly the same piece of tarmac. We experience different traffic conditions or different weather conditions. We experience different times to get there, because we maybe left home early, or maybe we’ve left home a bit later, and we need to get there a bit quicker. So everything we do has a slight change to it, has a slight different twist to it.”

Apparently, all these twists and turns, minor or major changes are of interest to our Source, its peers and the Origin. They make us ALL evolve. 😉

“Nothing is new; it’s just different entities experiencing the old in a different way, which is exactly what I desire, differentiated experience and understanding.” – The Origin

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Guy Needler: Guy Needler 3-30-18…World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture & Guy Needler 2-25-17…The World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rose

    We live in the same house day after day,but we don’t do things within the house the same way everyday.

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