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Are We Growing Spiritually Or Not?

Recent events around the world have brought up old fears, wounds, blocks and traumas related to the core issues of humanity, such as safety, security, religious persecution, etc. In some countries, there is even talk of national databases, internment camps, changes to migrant and refugee policies, etc. Are we growing spiritually or not?

Why does a benevolent creator allow suffering?

This is the question we all want to know after seeing the terrorist attacks, war, conflict and suffering still in so many places in the world. Guy Needler asked our Source to respond:

“The answer is both simple and complicated. Those involved in the conflict choose to incarnate into it. It’s part of their life plan, so they can be of service to the rest of mankind. They provide a focus for the rest of mankind, who are being shown how not to operate.”

Needler said the whole point of their incarnation is to focus us to realize in a more global sense, that certain ways of behaving, acting and existing are not evolutionary ways forwards.

  • Everything that is happening now is a way of waking some of us up. 
  • We all grow from the negative experiences (e.g. war, conflict, natural disasters), because they provide a positive focus for us. We start to think in the same way, to work together.
  • People who abhor conflict tend to group together, both locally and globally. They create spiritual/energetic links of love, hope, peace, sympathy and help. Needler said we should all be more loving individuals, helping each other out to live in an equal way.

The synergetic effect is amplified by every person in the group and expands across the globe, eventually affecting even those in the middle of the conflict by the triangulation effect.

  • Even though they are part of the lower frequency activity, they get pulled up in frequency as well, so eventually they will start to work in more a caring and loving way. It takes time.
  • But by the end of the conflict, everyone will exist on a slightly higher frequency than before the conflict or if it had never happened, according to Needler.

Are we growing spiritually or not?

What kind of souls become terrorists?

We may think that people who become terrorists are immature or unevolved souls. But Needler said actually some of these people are highly evolved beings outside of their incarnation. Why?

  • Because they take on board the focus of our distaste, the negative thought processes of other individuals, and they neutralize it. They are brave souls, because they take on board a lot of potential problems for themselves (e.g. karmic consequences).
  • They help us realize that who and what we are in our incarnate condition needs to change.

In “How I Died and What I Did Next,” the souls of two Palestinian suicide bombers were interviewed by Peter Watson Jenkins with Toni Ann Winninger as the channel to contact them.

  • One of them was a young woman, whose husband and family were killed in a bombing. Her lesson was to understand what anger, hatred, revenge and power was all about. After death, she realized it wasn’t power at all. She was in the midst of a life review to integrate her lessons and to truly appreciate all the various consequences of her actions.
  • The other soul was an 11 year-old boy, whose father had died. He changed his mind about blowing himself up, but was shot and killed at the scene. His lesson was about confidence in himself to know he had a choice, and that he had the power to control what he did.

When we look at the “mastermind” of the Paris attacks, we see his life was about the Gate of Shock. Its shadow is Agitation or doing something in a shocking way to shift or mutate our perceptions. The gift is Initiative, and the siddhi is Awakening, the ultimate goal for humanity.

Are we growing spiritually or not?

It may not seem like humanity is progressing, but according to Needler, we’ve moved forwards an awful lot both spiritually and frequentially. If you look at where we are now, compared to the end of World War II, we’re a completely different incarnate race, because we are moving up. It’s just that we don’t see it, because we get normalized with ascension as we live here.

It may seem odd, but the overall effect of these localized negative events is positive for humanity as a whole. At some point in the future, we won’t need to create such dramas. As we evolve and ascend, we’ll get exposed to even higher frequencies and functions. Instead of playing with our shadows, we’ll be accessing our gifts and siddhis in new creative ways. 🙂

Are we growing spiritually or not?

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015

Peter Watson Jenkins & Toni Ann Winninger: How I Died and What I Did Next, 2010

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys, 2009 & Gene Keys Network | The Learning Center 

Chetan Parkyn: The Book of Lines, 2012 & Human Design, 2009

Linda Bunnell & Ra Uru Hu: Human Design: The Science of Differentiation, 2011

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home (website)

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