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Are You Ready For a Big Timeline Jump?

Previously, we talked about conspiracy theories, which are not harmless gossip, but act like a downward spiral or an energy sink to those attracted to them. They are karmic by definition, because they attract or attach us to lower frequency thoughts, behaviors and actions, examples of which are prevalent in our news worldwide. But we are ready to shift things again. The big question now is: Are you ready for a big timeline jump?  

Are you ready for a big timeline jump?

We are due to have another solar eclipse on Saturday, August 11, 2018. Nora Herold has told us that solar eclipses are always about power — both personal power and collective power structures. During the eclipse, we have the illusion of being “disconnected” from our Source energy, which allows us do a massive reset (reboot) in our operating systems. She said:

  • For the past couple of years we’ve been traveling on what The Pleiadians referred to as an “unexpected timeline“, a lower frequency timeline we are about to leave.
  • We’ll align with the new timeline on or about the solar eclipse on the 11th; however, it may take some physical passage of linear time to see evidence of this shift.
  • It will take you to a version of reality that will look and feel like the timeline that we all thought we would go to a couple of years ago, but with some adjustments.

You’re going to go to the moment that is the closest approximation of that moment (when we jumped to an unexpected timeline 2 years ago) based on everything that has occurred for you all in the last 2 years. Everything! The last 2 years have given you all an opportunity to collectively and individually transmute trauma at a rate that we have not seen before on your world.

Guy Needler told us about the “mechanics” of realities and event spaces and how different versions of event space are created by us and other entities around us. Herold explained:

  • It’s very important to disconnect from your stories about the past.
  • If you stay attached to how things have been and all your struggles in the past couple of years, it’s going to be more challenging to jump to the highest version of this timeline that is appropriate for your individuated energy (see How Do We Jump Timelines? – Big Picture

She said you could take the release or disconnection to an even higher level, where there doesn’t have to be a country or a border or a president or a gender or a race, i.e. where we start operating as one planetary system.

We are shifting to seeing ourselves more as ONE humanity, which includes the awareness of oneness with all life forms on Earth. We are One.

Here are some helpful messages from other sources:

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message – Thursday, August 9, 2018 via Shelley Young

Questions to ask over the next few days:

  • What do I need to move forward with grace and ease?
  • What is my body asking for?
  • What blessings can I celebrate in this Now moment?
  • How much gratitude can I feel for my personal transformation?
  • How can I find comfort and alignment?
  • What would bring me joy?
  • What do I need to give myself permission to do to move forward?
  • What mastery do I have today that I didn’t have last year at this time?

All of these questions are designed to help you navigate the energies of transformation you are now in. These are glorious times, Dear Ones! Finding the wonder in them will help you remember the wonder in you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Become… | The Creator Writings via Jennifer Farley

As time goes on and you move further along in this shift, things that used to bother you are no longer an issue. The little annoyances of everyday life become inconsequential and easily put aside because, quite frankly, they no longer matter.

When you choose to focus your attention on the beautiful and amazing things on your Earth plane, the negative falls away, leaving you lighter and brighter than ever before. Dearest one…this is what growth and learning is all about!

Releasing lower vibrational energies and ‘moving on’ is exactly what you are meant to do! Rise above the noise and become the you The Universe has always known you can be. ~ Creator through Jennifer Farley

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one


Note: All emphasis and images are mine.

Update 8/25/2018: Guy Needler said that collective humanity has dropped down to frequency level 3.075 and will bottom out at 3.07 by the end of August to mid-September and will stay there for about six months before we start ascending back up the frequencies again around March-April 2019 (see Are We Dropping Down In Frequencies? – Big Picture

For more information, please see:

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home & Channeled Lecture & Group Session Monthly Teleconference, August 7, 2018

Shelley Young: Archangel Gabriel Daily Message – Thursday, August 9, 2018

Jennifer Farley: Become… | The Creator Writings

How Do We Jump Timelines? – Big Picture

Nora Herold 6-5-18…”How To Transmute Stored Trauma?” – Big Picture

What Is the Meaning Of the Solar Eclipse? – Big Picture

What Is Wrong With Conspiracy Theories? – Big Picture

Why Don’t Things Happen When We Want? – Big Picture

What Are the Different Levels Of Event Space? – Big Picture

Shelley Young 7-11-18…”Accelerated Growth” – Big Picture

Nora Herold 6-21-18…”The Power Structures On Your World” – Big Picture

How To Be Part Of the Solution? – Big Picture

Are We Experiencers Or Creators Or Both? – Big Picture

Do We Explore Utopian and Dystopian Parallel Worlds? – Big Picture

How Do Parallel Selves Differ? – Big Picture

How Do Galactic Civilizations Evolve? – Big Picture

How Are Humans Teaching the Universe About Compassion? – Big Picture

Where Do Fear Patterns Come From? – Big Picture

Why Do We Revisit the Same Old Issues? – Big Picture

Are We Growing Spiritually Or Not? – Big Picture

José Stevens 3-15-17…”Our Response To Massive Change” – Big Picture

How To Cope With Awakening? – Big Picture

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