“During the last twelve years I have been fortunate, even honoured, to be able to work with Ulla on all levels. I have seen her grow from being a student, to a dedicated truth seeker, diving into the depths of the greater reality, stripping away the flowery decoration humanity uses to make metaphysics more attractive, by making it “spiritual”. More recently she has become a broadcaster of the truth in her own right, reporting the details behind the greater reality in the way it should be, without humanity’s desire to augment it with personal preferences, which ultimately leads to confusion. Ulla’s previous books illustrate this well.
This seventh book, where the information on the greater reality is channelled by Ulla herself, presents new original material to the reader on one side, whilst taking her further down the road to self-realisation and mastery on the other. Without doubt, I can see a metaphysical leader of great significance in the making. My advice is to keep an eye on her work, there is more to come.” – Guy Steven Needler (Author of 12 books) 28 February 2024
“Ulla has just released a new book, her 7th book, which she has channeled herself, which is absolutely fantastic. So I suggest you type in her name on Amazon or Google, and find out what the first six books are, Big Picture Questions books. Her 7th book is the one that she’s channeled herself, so please go out and seek out the new book. It’s proving to be excellent.” — Guy Needler (Author)

Note: All proceeds from my book sales will be donated to charities that will help refugees and immigrants around the world.

Here is what I’ve been doing for the past 12 years in the background! These books represent a co-creative effort by many participants around the world to provide a Spiritual Upgrade to humanity by explaining what really happens with sentience, energy, structure, beings and entities in our multiverse. All books available on Amazon as Kindle & Paperback versions. Enjoy!