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D486HF A typical brain with the left side depicting an analytical, structured and logical mind, and the right side depicting a scattere

How Do Our Left and Right Minds Influence Our Reality?

In previous posts, we learned that our soul integrates its energies into our body, which is a physical vehicle, like a car that our soul drives around to explore life on Earth for a while. But this vehicle is designed to give us a different perspective from that experienced by the soul. How do our left and right minds influence our reality?

“Truth is always colored by perspective. There are as many versions of truth and reality as there are beings to interpret truth and reality.” – Wendy Kennedy & Nora Herold

How can that be true?

There is no absolute truth except at Source level, which has a 360 degree view of everything that is happening, i.e. all perspectives at once. In our human form, our personal “truths” are based on four things, according to Kennedy and Herold:
  1. Perception, which is our ability to detect things with our bodies and sensory apparatus.
  2. Perspective, which is our current vantage point in the physical world (or higher up).
  3. Experience in interpreting our perceptions using our left and right brain functions.
  4. Remembrance of the greater universal truths through our connectivity to our Higher Self.

How do our left and right minds influence our reality?

This post was inspired by Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, a neuroanatomist who described her stroke and recovery process in the book, “My Stroke of Insight.” It was an epiphany of sorts to me, because it tied together science and spirituality in a meaningful way.

Here is a Table that summarizes the many functions performed by the left and right brains, which give us two completely different versions of reality:


After suffering a left-sided hemorrhagic stroke at age 37, Taylor was able to study the brain from the inside out. Here are some of her observations during and after the brain attack:

  • There was no “brain chatter” coming from the left brain, just complete silence in her head. Since the left brain was no longer dominant, she was able to step to the right brain, which gave her a sense of complete well-being (euphoria) and deep inner peace.
  • She could not walk, talk, read, write, or remember any of her life. Instead she felt at one with the universe, where everything is in motion, blended into an eternal flow of energy.
  • She could not see three-dimensionally, define the boundaries between objects or track their motion, because their edges were blurred and her depth perception was impaired, as illustrated by the image analogy of trees and their reflections in water (below).


Her stroke of insight was that her right mind consciousness was directly connected to the expression of peace, love, joy, and compassion, when her left mind became nonfunctional.

“I pictured a world filled with beautiful, peaceful, compassionate, loving people who knew that they could come to this space at any time. And that they could purposely choose to step to the right of their left hemispheres — and find this peace.” – Jill Bolte Taylor

  • Many researchers have looked for a “God spot” in the brain to explain mystical, religious or spiritual phenomena in monks, nuns, meditators, and people with various brain lesions.
  • They found that multiple areas of the brain are responsible for the many aspects of spiritual experiences, including self-focus vs. selfless focus (self-transcendence).

For example, experienced meditators could silence their left brain chatter, which identifies our ego (“I am”) self. They could also change their orientation in space and time to be outside of the 3D perspective, to be at one with God/Nirvana/euphoria, which is right here, right now.

Where are we headed?

As Wendy Kennedy has told us, the 3D mind was created to limit us, to be a filter that gives us the illusions of separation (ego/personality/solid physical body), lack and linear time. Now that we’re gradually ascending to higher frequencies, we’re letting go of the 3D mindset.

  • We are releasing our judgment of things and collapsing linear time. We’re expanding ourselves by becoming heart-centered, present in the now, and grounded in the body.
  • It’s not something we have to become or reconnect with, because that’s who we really are.

But Guy Needler said the state self-realization is achieved, when the Soul is in communion with its True Self and God/Source while still incarnate. When the Soul can do it at will, that’s when we have reached the level of experiential understanding that goes with self-realization.

Final Thoughts

Jill Taylor’s wonderful book describes her journey from stroke to recovery, which took a lot of courage, perseverance and help from others (including her mother) over a period of 8 years.

Now she travels the country as a spokesperson for stroke recovery to educate the public and the medical community. She compiled a list of 40 things that stroke victims need the most during their recovery, which is new information to many of us. She is an inspiration to us all!


For more information, please see:

Home – Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Home – My Stroke of Insight & Jill Bolte Taylor | Speaker |

Isaac Lidsky: What reality are you creating for yourself? | TED Talk |

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies (website)

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home (website)

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015

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