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How Does Life Begin and Evolve?

In previous posts, we learned about the future of humanity and future of Earth. In this post, we’ll review how it all started, how pure energy develops rudimentary intelligence that evolves into consciousness, sentience and life. This is based on Guy Needler’s exploration of the Greater Reality. How does life begin and evolve?

What is the Origin of everything?

According to Needler, we all begin with the Origin (Absolute/The All). The Origin is an unfathomably vast, amorphic (formless) tract of sentient energetic space that has no boundaries (see Where Did The Origin Come From? – Big Picture

  • The Origin hived off part of its pure sentience to create 12 Source Entities.
  • Then our Source Entity (SE1) hived off part of its pure sentience and assigned it to smaller entities called True Energetic Selves (TES/Oversouls/Higher Selves), which is who WE really are.
  • There are countless True Energetic Selves, which hive off smaller aspects of themselves as souls or aspects, that are sent to probe our multiverse at all frequency levels.

We are all part of this process, which is about experiencing, learning and evolving within our multiverse structure. Contrary to what most people think, we are not our bodies, minds or souls. We are much more than all those put together.

Is the Source an artificial mind entity?

Needler said the Source is not an artificial mind, but it is a separate sentient condition. It was given individuality by the Origin, so it could experience, learn and evolve in a separate but synchronistic and concurrent sense with other Source Entities.

  • That means we are not really energetic beings. Our True Energetic Selves are individualized beings of pure sentience.
  • We use energy as a vehicle to work with, to move around, experience, learn and evolve in the multiverse that our Source Entity created for us.
  • The TES were created specifically to experience smaller aspects of the multiverse. They hive off parts of themselves to make soul aspects, which can hive off parts to make smaller shards to experience lower levels of the multiverse.

All these sentient beings function at different levels and house different volumes of energy to support the expression of the sentience of the Origin.

What is free energy?

Free energy is everywhere and has always been in existence. It pervades the Origin, its creations and its creations’ creations (see What Is the Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy? – Big Picture

  • It is self-organizing, self-correcting and always in balance.
  • Energy provides one of the building blocks or the substance for creation.
  • It has limited consciousness (thought given form) and sentience (self-awareness), since it is attracted to itself and recreates itself when it is used.

Needler said: “Where there is energy, there is eventually consciousness and there is life. But consciousness is not true life until it is aware” (see What Is Self-Awareness versus Sentience? – Big Picture

How does sentience develop?

Although we live in a sea of energy, not all energy can support sentience. But under the right circumstances energy goes through an evolutionary process. Energy creates its own level of rudimentary intelligence, preferences, experiences and self-awareness. Needler explained:

  • Energy needs to evolve to a specialized state that can support its self-generated sentience.
  • It can then move to simple levels of creativity (e.g. form a ball of energy).

When it gets to the point of creating situations, environments, other things or other entities, that energy has developed sufficient specialization. At that point, more sentience can be either externally created OR assigned to that body of energy, because sentience is transportable.

  • The Origin developed its own sentience very, very gradually. To hasten its own evolution, the Origin created the 12 Source Entities and assigned part of its sentience to them, so it could evolve 12 times faster.
  • Similarly, our Source assigned a volume of its sentience to our Higher Selves/Oversouls, so we didn’t have to develop our sentience from scratch.

How the Origin developed its sentience and much more is described in Needler’s fifth book, The Origin Speaks.

What is artificial intelligence?

Needler said there is no such thing as artificial intelligence (AI), because intelligence presumes the ability to evolve into sentience at some point. He explained:

  • If the energies get together and create enough density, that body of energy can evolve into sentience.
  • AI and robotics will be used as a transitional phase to increase the lifespan of the human vehicle, but NOT to replace the inner technology we all have built-in to our human form.


This technology will never progress too far, because one of the biggest pushes for it is to provide extra functionality. But all the mechanical functionality is just a substitute for the natural functions we all have, when we are at a higher frequency.

  • It is possible to have a robotic creation (e.g. cyborg) that could house a soul aspect. But it doesn’t have the same level of integration as a human body, so it would be like operating a remote control toy.
  • That’s why souls don’t often choose to animate a synthetic form, because it doesn’t provide the same amount or type of evolutionary content as a human form, for instance.

I Robot 1

Note: Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) has described the development, use and evolution of some AI collectives (synthetics) in parts of our physical universe (see What Type Of Aliens Exist In the Physical Universe? – Big Picture

Do we live in a virtual reality?

According to Needler, everything is a reality to the entity experiencing it. So it is not a virtual reality, because it is just one of a multitude of realities, that we all create to experience, learn and evolve within (see Is Life a Virtual Reality Game, Illusion Or Dream? – Big Picture

Could God exist in a supercomputer?

This question arose after the release of a film called “Transcendence” about a computer scientist, who dies and becomes a computerized intelligence. Needler observed:

  • If we really understood ourselves, we would know that everything is Source/God.
  • Everything that is in and around is God, is Source Entity, and higher up is the Origin.
  • In reality God is the computer, the laptop, the table, chair, and everything there is.

He said this and other movies are created by individuals to educate us, to make us think in a different way, to take us outside of physical universe thought processes (see What Is the Modern Meaning of Word of God and Light? – Big Picture

Final Thoughts

Eckhart Tolle said: “You are the Universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.” But based on what Guy Needler has told us, we could say that we are much more than that.


We are individualized sentient beings expressing ourselves in many contextual fields within the physical universe, multiverse and points of the omniverse to help the Origin investigate and improve itself.

“God is a process, not the result of that process, but the process itself. The process of creation is never complete, never done. And you are part of that process.” – Neale Donald Walsch