This is the first of two posts on “Manifestation” in 3D (Part 1) and 5D (Part 2). Previously, we learned that we are all gradually ascending in frequency. That means the way we create and manifest things is also changing.
How does manifesting work in 3D?
From the third dimensional perspective, all things are created and generated under the Laws of Attraction and Reflection, according to Wendy Kennedy and others. She explained how we oscillate from feminine (being) to masculine (doing) states during the creative process:
- First we open up to inspirations and ideas about what we’d like to create. We become centered, clear and select a frequency. That’s the feminine part of creation.
- Then we pulse out and amplify the frequency. That’s the masculine part of creation, which gets blended with the feminine part and spiraled out. Our job is to work with frequency.
It’s the universe’s job to find a form that matches our frequency. The universe can bring us multiple forms at once (e.g. a new opportunity, business contact, job, not just a lottery ticket), which have the essence of what we asked for (e.g. abundance or freedom, not just money).
- We need to be free of the outcome, to be open to perceiving and receiving whatever form the universe brings. To do that, we need to return to the receptive feminine state again.
- Once the form is presented to us, we must return to the masculine state to greet and experience the form given.
Kennedy said we usually have another consciousness involved besides ourselves and Source (universe), because we are working in a dense environment. That other consciousness (e.g. another human being) helps us see the situation better by reflecting some things back to us.
How does it really work?
Most of us want to create something of a higher vibrational nature. We don’t consciously intend to create something bad or disharmonious for ourselves. Kennedy gave this example:
- It’s like climbing on the roof of a building to throw out a boomerang, which represents our order to the universe. It takes time for the boomerang to go out and come back.
- But it comes back to where we threw it out. To receive the order, we have to stay at the roof level (delivery address), then greet it and engage with it.
If we drop our frequency for some reason (e.g. we don’t feel deserving, or doubt our ability to manifest, or get impatient about where it is, etc.), then it’s as if we’ve gone down a few floors. We’re no longer on the roof to receive the order we requested.
How do we stay on the roof?
Simply by becoming more consciously aware of where our frequency is at every moment. Kennedy suggested that we check in with ourselves throughout the day:
- Where is our physical body vibrating? Is there any pain or discomfort? If so, we can relax, let go, breathe into or visualize the symptom dissolving in an instant.
- We can repeat the process with our emotional (e.g. fear, anxiety) and mental (e.g. lower thoughts, old habitual programs) bodies to consciously shift our frequency higher.
“Your thoughts create the waveform, and your emotions drive it into being. The more consistently you hold a thought consciously, and the more potent the emotional state underneath it is, the faster it will manifest.” – Wendy Kennedy
Nora Herold said it’s our emotions that bring reality to us, not our minds. So you can think and affirm all you want: I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich, etc. only to get frustrated, because we’re using our emotional bodies as the fuel to manifest our reality. That has often slowed down what our mental bodies wanted to experience, according to Herold.
Why is there a delay in creation?
On Earth we have the illusion of linear time. We believe it takes time for us to manifest things. The time lag is there for a reason. Kennedy explained:
- Most people are consciously aware of only 5-10% of their thoughts. That means about 90% of what we’re creating is happening at the subconscious level, based on our programs, beliefs or stories we tell ourselves about the world, nature of reality, other people, etc.
- If we were to immediately manifest whatever comes to mind, without being consciously aware of it, we would be creating many unfortunate, painful or challenging experiences for ourselves and others. A lot of “Oops!” or “Oh no, I didn’t mean that!” moments, right?
That’s why there is a lag in time, so we have an opportunity to elevate our awareness of where we are vibrating. But most of us have also noticed, that the time lag is getting shorter. What used to be a 24 hr day now seems more like a 12 hr or 8 hr day. It’s a function of our gradual ascension or increase in frequency, according to Guy Needler and others.
Final Thoughts
In summary, from the 3D perspective, we have very fixed rules or illusions about linear time, separation and delay in manifestation. We oscillate from feminine to masculine states, but in the fifth dimensional reality (or higher), they are a simultaneous experience and all things are immediately manifested. What does that really mean? Stay tuned for Part 2.
“Everything outside of us is a reflection of our own light.” – Nora Herold
Note: Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra started a 21-Day Meditation series today (Monday, March 18, 2015) called “Manifesting True Success” with free daily meditations at: Meditation Experience • Challenge.