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How Does the Higher Self View the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Here is another perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic, but this time from the Higher Self’s point of view, as channeled by Lincoln Gergar today. Never before in human history has the world experienced a global event like this. How does the Higher Self Consciousness understand the pandemic, the closing of countries and the shut down of economic systems worldwide? How does the Higher Self view the Coronavirus pandemic?

How does the Higher Self view the Coronavirus Pandemic?

by Lincoln Gergar (video link: Higher Self Channeled Perspective on the Corona Virus COVID-19 – YouTube)

“Learn how the Coronavirus is part of humanity’s ascension process and spiritual awakening.

Step out of fear and into a higher perspective of how this experience is serving your highest good.  Evolve your understanding and truly benefit from this global event.

In every experience, we are free to decide what we focus upon and how we interpret the event. We are free will creators in our minds. We can learn how to see the higher perspective in all human experiences – a perspective that truly supports our journey of spiritual awakening as creators.

Let the Higher Self Consciousness help to guide your mind into a higher way of understanding the events of this world.  Gain confidence, peace and happiness by adjusting the lens of perception and awakening your inner wisdom.” – Lincoln Gergar

Transcript of Lincoln’s Channeled Teaching:

“Dear One, close your eyes, feel your spiritual heart, be at peace. Relax into yourself, relax into the feeling of your body, the feeling of your heart energy shining thru your body and the feeling of your own spacious awareness.

Relax into being that which you are, greater than the activities of thought, greater than the feelings of emotion. Experience yourself as this present state of consciousness and the energy and the intelligence of your True Self. In every moment, Dear Ones, you are creators. How you perceive yourself determines how you create through yourself.

As we have shared with you many times already, that which you focus upon is that which you channel your creative energy into different thoughts, different feelings, even the forms of the physical world, which you focus your senses on, anything your awareness is focused upon, channel your energy into, and this, dear one, is exactly what we have seen happening.

Understand, Dear One, that this current experience of this coronavirus is a demonstration of just how powerful human consciousness is! All of the world has been calling your attention to this idea, this threat, this virus of attack. And all of mankind is looking upon the news and holding conversations and thinking about this experience.

And as a result, Dear One, the world has been turned upside down. Businesses are closing temporarily. Human activities are shutting down. Conversations ongoing again and again and again, nonstop focusing, pulling the world into the emotion and the understanding that mankind is believing.

You’re watching up close and personal, right in front of your very eyes, right under your very noses just how powerful you are as creators. Now imagine, Dear Ones, if you took a different idea, instead of something threatening, something that creates fear in the body?

What if you focused collectively, all of humankind together, on a single idea of prosperity of peace, world peace, happiness, unconditional love?

You see, Dear One, from our perspective looking into this human reality, we see that this is the first time that mankind has all gathered to focus on a single idea. Technology has allowed this like never before. Humanity has focused together on a single idea and demonstrated to itself just how powerful of creators we are.

When united together, Dear One, we can change the world instantaneously and that’s exactly what you are seeing. Look beyond, dear one, the understanding of what you’re focusing upon, because when you realize yourself as a free will unlimited creator, it doesn’t matter what you choose. What matters more is the understanding that YOU are the creator and YOU can choose anything.

Now many of you, Dear One, are concerned about a virus and we say that’s not to be of concern. There have been countless viruses on this world, upon this earth and in your bodies, around the air, that’s not to be concerned with.

The value in this experience, Dear One, what your mind should truly be focusing upon is how powerful human consciousness is. It’s a grand demonstration. It’s a grand demonstration of what happens, when all of humanity thinks a single intention, aligns with a single thought.

That’s the value, Dear Ones, that’s the purpose, because you are awakening to yourself as a creator. That’s the human journey. That’s the enlightenment experience and you are seeing a grand display of the evidence of who you are.

Each and every one of you, Dear One, lives in your own personal reality. Each and every one of you has an experience that you’re creating, and you can choose, Dear One, to shape this experience any way you wish.

For some, the appearance of the coronavirus is a time to come together, a time to think altruistic thoughts of how to help humanity, a time to pray in your hearts for the well-being of those who are suffering.

For some of you, it is a time to think of your own separation, a time for you to isolate yourselves out of fear and self-preservation.

This is a wonderful time, a beautiful time to see how your mind works and to also witness it on a global scale. You see, there are only so many human thoughts and so many human emotions, and you’re witnessing the dominant ones work in the world.

And the beauty of the news media is that it shows everything. You can see, dear one, people helping people out of place of Love. You can see people pushing around other people out of a sense of fear. You can see some people say, Look at me, look at me, look at me! And other people trying to hide themselves away. We really get to see a grand reflection of ourselves, because so much human creative energy is all being channeled together around one single thing.

This is waking humanity up. It’s truly not breaking it down.

Some of you have the belief that this is the end of the world, that this is the breakdown of modern society, that economies are going to collapse, and businesses and buildings and entire lives are going to fall apart. But we do not see that at all.

What we see, Dear One, is a demonstration, and you’re all learning from this demonstration of the creative power you have. 

You see, there will come a time, when you all get tired of focusing upon the coronavirus. Why? Because we always get tired of focusing on the thing we do not want. We’ll get tired of this and the news will become yesterday’s news, as they say. 

But what will remain within yourself is just how powerful it was, when all of humanity, all the minds, all the cameras, all the eyes were focused together. And that’s a spark, Dear One, a spark that’s going to catch a wild fire that’s going to help the awakening of all of human consciousness within this world.

The power of your minds is truly great and this is not a negative experience whatsoever.

There will come a time at the end of this coronavirus fear, where you will realize it was just a virus, like any of the other viruses that are commonly floating around this world. There will come a time, where it’s not so important any more to focus upon something as simple as a flu, even if it’s a strong, powerful flu.

What will remain with you do is the notice of your own creative power and how you were able to change your life and change this world in an instant. So that’s our perspective, that’s the Big Picture.

Now how can you apply this right now?

That’s important. As we said, the virus is not important, not at all. What’s important is the power you have and the demonstration of your creative ability. So as you go about your life, Dear One, look and see:

  • Is your heart opening or closing?
  • Are you spending time in thoughts of fear? And if you are, you’ll notice how tight your body is.
  • Don’t blame your fear on humanity. Don’t say, Well, everybody is thinking in fear and that’s why I’m doing it. No, not at all.

Take responsibility for the power you have as the creator you are. If you’re feeling it, your mind is creating it. You’re aligned with that vibration, because you’re manifesting it yourself.

  • How much of you is under your creative consciousness, control and influence?
  • How much of you can you command your own authority as God consciousness in this human dream?
  • How much of yourself can you really come into and say, I am the creator of this?

I’m the creator of my mind and my thoughts and the feelings of my body.

I am the creator of peace in my being and peace in my home.

I am the creator of love and happiness, even when the world is falling into fear and doubt.

This is a wonderful opportunity to truly develop your strength and your authority in yourself. Yes, the world is trying to pull you into fear, but what direction will you take? What will you do? Allow yourself to be influenced and pulled into the thoughts that they are demonstrating for you on the news and social media? Is it fear? Is it doubt? Is it happiness? It doesn’t matter what it is.

Are you creating what you want? 

Are you choosing what you want to align with, because it feels best in your reality?

Fear does not feel good in anyone’s body. And you see what happens, when we create from fear, we shut things down, we separate away, we isolate.

You see what happens, when we’re in love. We open our hearts, we open our minds. We open communication. We problem solve.

You see what happens in your own body, when you shut down with fear. You get that cough. You get that tickle in your throat.

But what happens, Dear One, when you align with love? Well, you feel a strength in your body. You feel a field of energy around you. Your immune system is so strong. You’re witnessing, Dear Ones, just how powerful you are as creators. You’re witnessing a demonstration of yourselves in every moment, so if you’re feeling suffering, it’s because your mind is going into those places.

So what can you do?

Perhaps, Dear One, turn off the social media. Perhaps bury your nose in an empowering book. Perhaps look outside your window and engage the peace of Mother Nature. Perhaps it’s time to go within to really take this time away from work, to examine how you’ve been creating your life and the happiness you truly desire to bring it to it.

You see, Dear One, you are that which directs your attention. You are that which shapes your mind.

This experience is not going to hurt and harm humanityThis experience is not designed to remove the population from the planet.

This experience, Dear One, is a demonstration that all souls here have been wanting to perceive, and that, Dear One, is a demonstration of just how powerful humanity is when aligned together.

Now as we awaken, of course, we’re going to choose Love and that’s just around the corner. But for now, Dear One, for now, we’re choosing fear and we’re seeing the direction that it takes this world.

Recognize the power you have. You’re seeing it right now right in front of your faces. Some of you say, Well, the world doesn’t change. I don’t have power to change it. Look around you, look at human beings, look at the power you all have together. That’s the same power you all have individually.

You are powerful beyond your understanding and you’re being introduced to that power here today.

So feel good, Dear Ones, about this coronavirus experience. Feel good that it is opening all of your eyes to see what happens, when we join together in a single idea.

And now align that idea with the greatest purpose – happiness in this world!

We thank you do for joining us today. We wish you peace and happiness. We wish you love.” – Lincoln Gergar

Here is my most recent YouTube video that explains these same concepts in pictures for all to see. 😉

For more information, please see:

Lincoln Gergar: Channel Higher Self – YouTube & Higher Self Channeled Perspective on the Corona Virus COVID-19 – YouTube

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