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How Does the Multiverse Cycle Through Expansions and Contractions?

In previous posts, we learned about the universe, multiverse and omniverse and how they’re structured and populated by different entities. In this post, we’ll kick it up a notch to explore the biggest picture of all, which is how our Source Entity has created, dissolved and re-created our multiverse. How does the multiverse cycle through expansions and contractions?

What is the origin of the universe?

There have been many cosmological theories throughout history to explain the origin and fate of the universe, as summarized by Luke Mastin.

  • In ancient times, we thought that the Earth was the center of the entire universe.
  • Then we thought the Sun was the center of the galaxy, which was the universe, too.
  • By 1925 we figured out that there was more to the universe than just our Milky Way galaxy. Since then several theories have been proposed, the most famous one being the Big Bang model.

What is the Big Bang model?

Most people think that our universe began from a single point about 13-14 billion years ago after a “Big Bang,” and that the universe has been expanding ever since (click to enlarge).


There are some problems with this theory that physicists argue over. We don’t need to get into that, because this model (based on the limited human perspective) is wrong.

What is the problem with science?

Human science is based on what we can see, touch or detect by using instruments that we have built with the best knowledge we have. We’ve come a long way since our earth- or heliocentric view of the universe, but there are countless things that we’re not aware of.

  • We can only detect a small portion of our physical universe. For example, there’s not just one Earth, there are 10 versions of Earth, because it’s a “panfrequential” being  (see What Is New About Planets and Galaxies? – Big Picture
  • That’s why Guy Needler said: “Today’s spiritual science is tomorrow’s hard science.”

“Truth is always colored by perspective.”


“It is only at Source level that you get the raw data and see all perspectives at once.” – Wendy Kennedy

How was our multiverse really created? 

Based on Guy Needler’s ability to communicate directly with our Source Entity (SE1, its peers SE2-SE12 and the Origin), we now know that our multiverse was created countless millions of years ago in less than a nanosecond (in our terms). It was “winked” into existence so to speak.

  • There was NO Big Bang, NO expansion of the “universe,” which in fact is a multiverse.
  • There was NO binding together of atoms or chemicals.
  • There was NO evolution of biological entities from the primeval soup.

Everything was created in perfection to start the job instantly, to hit the ground running.

Image: The known universe as understood by human science (click to enlarge).


What more did our Source Entity say?

In Needler’s “Beyond the Source” Book 1, our Source Entity explained how it created multiple simultaneous universes, i.e. an elaborate multiverse structure within itself:

  • It simply gave each area intention and purpose to become a universe, to take whatever form, and to settle on whatever frequencies and dimensions it wanted.
  • Each universe has the power to manipulate itself into the condition that best suits it.
  • The galaxies are the physical representation of what the universes have created within themselves.
  • That means galaxies and universes are sentient living entities in their own right (see What Are the Functions of Minerals, Planets, Stars, Solar Systems and Galaxies? – Big Picture

Some areas that took a physical form started moving away from each other to give themselves space, not be influenced by each other. But the multiverse itself is NOT expanding. It has always been the same volume that it currently occupies.

What do the Hindu Vedas say?

The Hindu Rigveda is one of the oldest sacred texts written in India around the 15th-12th Century B.C. It describes a cyclical or oscillating universe, in which a “cosmic egg” containing the whole universe expands out of a single concentrated point, and then collapses again. The universe cycles infinitely between expansion and re-creation and total collapse and dissolution.

What did the Origin say?

While writing “The Origin Speaks,” Needler realized his information was consistent with some of the Hindu Vedas. He was told that we are currently in the THIRD evolutionary cycle!!!

  • The Origin explained that the Source Entities It created have been located within a very tiny area (<.01%) of the Origin, which It hasn’t quite mapped out. It is called the area/volume of “polyomniscient sentient self-awareness.”
  • That’s where the 12 Source Entities are working with the localized energies of the Origin. They expand their sentience within this area to create their own universal or multiversal structures and populate them with smaller entities to map it out.

But beyond that known area is a vast area of unmapped Origin. The Origin Itself doesn’t know how big It is! Just like we don’t know what’s beyond the known universe.

How does the multiverse cycle through expansions and contractions?

Our Source Entity (SE1) created a multiverse within the known area of the Origin, and populated it with countless entities or True Energetic Selves (or Oversouls, which is who WE really are).

  • That’s the out breath, exhalation or breathing out of the “universe” in Hindu texts, which means the expansion of our multiverse in the FIRST evolutionary cycle.


  • We went on to experience, learn and evolve, and worked our way up through all the frequencies (simultaneous universes) to the top of the multiverse.
  • When ALL of the entities (i.e. all True Energetic Selves) got to the top frequency, we all re-communed with our Source Entity.
  • That’s how our Source mapped out that location and fully understood how to work within it. After SE1 passed the information to the Origin, its job in that area was done.

Next our Source Entity contracted all of its sentience to a small point, which included us. The contraction is the in breath or inhalation of the cycle. Then SE1 commandeered a NEW body of energy within another location inside the Origin’s area/volume of polyomniscient sentient self-awareness.

  • This created the SECOND evolutionary cycle, where another multiverse was created and the energies in that part of the Origin were investigated, worked with and evolved within. That’s the out breath or expansion of the second cycle.
  • Again we evolved through the structure of the multiverse through all the frequencies.
  • When we all got through it, we re-communed with our Source Entity, which contracted back into pure sentience during the in breath of the second cycle.
  • BTW: We retained our individuality through cycles 1, 2 and 3, as our True Energetic Selves, which are individualized sentient units of SE1.

Next SE1 moved over to a third area of the Origin, where it commandeered new energies and created a new multiverse populated with us again.

  • We are now within the first “10%ish” of this THIRD evolutionary cycle. We’ve only just begun. BUT we’re moving really quickly now in comparison with the earlier cycles, as we’re learning and evolving faster and faster.
  • Some of the incarnate entities have already moved 60% or more through the multiverse, which means our ability to work through the evolutionary cycle is increasing.
  • Eventually, we’ll work our way up through this multiverse, finish this cycle of evolution and re-commune with our Source again.

how does the multiverse cycle

What will happen in our future?

When this third cycle is finished, SE1’s sentience constricts back into a small dot that moves and commandeers more energies and goes through the FOURTH cycle of evolution, which may be faster than the third cycle we’re in. The overall pattern is:

  • Expansion of sentience into an area corresponds to the “breathing out of the universe” (our multiverse) in Hindu texts.
  • When the job is done, there is “breathing in of the universe” or contraction of our multiverse back into a small dot of pure sentience.
  • Then the dot of sentience changes its location and commandeers new energies in the new location to breathe out again in a new cycle of re-creation/dissolution.

When ALL of the current area/volume of polyomniscient sentient self-awareness of the Origin has been mapped out with the help of all Source Entities (i.e. SE1-SE12), then we ALL move into a completely new, unmapped area of the Origin.

  • But this area increases in volume by a factor of 12, which makes it much too big for the 12 SE’s to map by themselves.
  • That’s when OUR True Energetic Selves become Source Entities in their own right to help map that new part!
  • This is a long, long way away, but that IS where we’re all headed.

Needler pointed out that this information is not really “new news,” but rather “old news” given in the Vedas, although his work goes a bit beyond the Vedas, because now we’re able to understand this process better.

Final Thoughts

When we’re told about these evolutionary cycles and realize that we’re in the THIRD cycle right now, it confirms a few things:

  1. We are individualized parts of our Source Entity, but there is only One of Us here.
  2. We all come from and return back to Source to be part of its pure sentience, at least until we become Source Entities in our own right.
  3. We can rest assured that no one is going to be left behind in any evolutionary cycle. This is the third time we’re doing it and we’re all getting better at it!
  4. We can work with, help out and have more compassion for our traveling mates within our physical universe and multiverse. They’re evolving in their own way just like Us.

We can even start sketching out some ideas on what kind of a multiverse we’d like to create in the future? What a concept! 🙂

We ALL matter in the Bigger Picture!

how does the multiverse cycle


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ulla Sarmiento

    Hi Aurora: The out breath happens in an instant, i.e. in a blink of an eye. The movement of galaxies and stars away from us is due to them being sentient entities in their own right. They move away from each other to give themselves space, so as not to be influenced by each other. It’s not because the universe is expanding, it stays the same size while the multiverse cycle is ongoing. Here are some posts that talk more about planets, galaxies and the Higher Selves that incarnate as such entities:

    What Is the Size Of Our Universe? – Big Picture Questions

    What Is New About Planets and Galaxies? – Big Picture

    What Are the Five Levels Of Higher Selves? – Big Picture

  2. Aurora

    Is the “out breath” of the universe related to why astronomers observe certain stars and galaxies moving further away from us? It seems counterintuitive that expansion of sentience would drive distant objects even further away, and making us less able to learn about them. Perhaps this is to make more room for awareness of something between us and the objects that appear to be moving further away?

  3. Big Picture Questions

    This is a great question. Most True Energetic Selves (TES/Higher Selves/Oversouls) are a mixture of some projected souls (aspects) and souls that have been retracted back after an incarnation and reintegrated with their TES to exist in either full or partial communion, as described and illustrated in this post:

    How Does Reincarnation Work? – Big Picture (see illustration)

    How Do Souls Justify Their Incarnation? – Big Picture (see bigger picture)

    Don’t think of yourself as just the individual soul, but as the whole Higher Self. That’s the real creator being in training that is in charge of its evolution through all 12 soul aspects and their various hybrid combinations. At some point, the Higher Self will evolve beyond incarnation, but may want to send souls to incarnate not for its own sake, but for the sake of helping other souls.

    “We’re all just walking each other Home.” – Ram Dass

  4. Nicole

    When my soul in this incarnation merges with my TES and the Source through meditation and I become liberated, after I leave my physical body when I “die”, do I keep my individuality and get to go on creating and advancing? I think I’m a bit stuck trying to understand if I will lose some of my individuality when merging with my TES, because the TES has up to 12 soul aspects- so does this mean all 12 will merge back into the TES and than that whole will keep advancing? Or does it mean, since I become enlightening and liberated now, that when I leave this physical plane I will keep my soul individuality, merge with my TES, and go on advancing? Or, does it mean that once I merge with my TES here on the physical plane through meditation, that I am already merged with it then, and once I pass on from this physical plane that I will keep my soul individuality and get to advance like that?

  5. Big Picture Questions

    Yes, once you become self aware, you can communicate with your TES and God/SE. Like Neale Donald Walsch says, we can talk to God every day, because our TES and we are individualized units of God/SE anyway. Needler said our becoming self realized is just an indication of our desire to REALLY commune with SE/God and not just talk to it. Hope that helps.

  6. suvro sarkar

    This was really enlightening, thank you for sharing this. I am really glad that i found your site.

    Just a question , can I ask/ communicate with the source something after i awaken my true self through meditation?

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