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How To Catch Yourself Spiritually Bypassing?

Previously, we have talked about both Spiritual Bypassing and the Spiritual Ego. Since all of us need to be aware of both aspects of ourselves and catch ourselves in the act, so to speak, whether it’s in our personal relationships or in social justice situations, I’d like to say a bit more about these topics here. How to catch yourself spiritually bypassing?

How to catch yourself spiritually bypassing?

Background: Here is a list of New Age Aphorisms that most of us have heard and said (based on Dr. Lissa Rankin’s post on Facebook called, “Why Spiritual Bypassing Is Not Just A Benign Narcotic Helping You Avoid Your Trauma; It’s A Social Justice Nightmare”):

“Choose love instead of fear.”
“Don’t polarize; unify — because we are all One.”
“Don’t complain about your lot in life. Your soul chose this incarnation so you could grow.”
“Don’t protest. Pray for world peace instead.”
“Forgive and forget and move on.”
“Turn the other cheek.”
“Your abuser is your greatest teacher if you surrender to the soul lesson.”
“Get out of your victim story .”
“Just meditate on it.”
“You must love your abuser unconditionally.”
“Take responsibility for your projections and point the finger back at yourself.”
“Why argue with reality? Just accept what is.”
“If only you’d free yourself from negative thoughts you’d stop manifesting pain in your life.”
“That’s just your ego talking.”
“Anger is a negative emotion; just choose love.”
“I don’t believe in interrupting other people’s karma.”
“Don’t confront your abuser; do The Work on yourself.”
“Keep your vibe up and don’t get caught up in all that negativity.”

“Everything happens for a reason.”

As Dr. Rankin said:

“Some of these common New Age aphorisms can feel comforting to some of us, some of the time….Yet, even in the social justice conscious milieu of 2021, people in the New Age world are still parroting these teachings and letting MeToo abusers, pastel QAnon conspiracy theorists, people who spread misinformation and profit from it, white supremacists in yoga clothes, and manipulative con artists off the hook of accountability, even amidst real global catastrophes.

It’s not okay…There is a price we pay when we spiritually bypass. Not only does it disable our healthy anger, making it hard for us to protect our boundaries and hold people who violate our boundaries accountable. It also (ouch) makes us complicit in causing social justice harm.”

She mentioned psychologist and spiritual teacher, John Welwood, who coined the term “spiritual bypassing” and Robert A. Masters, a reformed cult leader, who wrote a book (“Spiritual Bypassing”) to educate people how not to be vulnerable to those who abuse their power (see What Is Spiritual Bypassing? – Big Picture

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” — Desmond Tutu

Here are two questions asked in our Spiritual Mastermind group this week:

How can we become more conscious teachers and catch ourselves in spiritual bypassing, which tries to silence, avoid, deny or gaslight our own pain or other people’s trauma with spiritual aphorisms (as listed above)?

Here is what Source had to say today:

“You as human beings have the ability to be in ego, to act from ego (lashing out, shutting down) or to go into a spiritual ego, a holier than thou stance, that sees itself as superior to others, or to be 4D ego, which is thinking it and it alone is the only one that has the answers.

Realize that I, the Source, put you into the most diversified situations possible. I also gave you individualized free will, which is allowing you to decide for yourself, what and who you confront, how you confront them, how you behave in the situation, what you can take away from it as a lesson, what you can do better next time, and so on.

All these situations are meant to teach you something — yes, it is a teaching experience — for me, for you as the soul, for your Higher Self as the overseer of the souls, for the guides and helpers, too. We’re all learning from all that happens — the good, the bad, the ugly, the conscious and unconscious behaviors of people everywhere.

You need to go back to the basics — become more aware of yourself, your body state, when somebody is talking to you, how do you feel in your body, where do you feel their words hitting you, how does it make you feel, anxious or relaxed, tense or confrontational, calm or above it?

All are choices that are explored by entities at your level.

“Love does not oppose or judge.” – said Matt Kahn, and that is true. We realize that everybody is in a different level of awakening. They perceive the world from their level of awareness of themselves and the other. There is no bypassing that fact — that is what your reality is made of, everybody at different stages of the game.

The trick is to become aware of your own game — your own feelings, emotions, all of them, accept them, ponder about them, love them, transmute them, consciously, not by bypassing them, but consciously acknowledging the human side of you, which is what this experiment is really about.

It’s not about meditating and going up and out of body, where you are denying your humanhood — this is not the experiment we’re playing. This is about being human, warts and all, accepting the warts and everything else that come with it.

This is a whole life’s work — it is not done by reading one book or one paper.

It is being self-aware, being self-observant, being other-observant, being kind, being empathic, being sensitive to other people’s pain and suffering.

We also need to acknowledge that everyone on the earth plane is a soul on its own journey with its own feelings, emotions, pains, thoughts, obsessions, directions — and that they, and they alone, can make the decisions as to the purpose and direction of their life, that is their business.

Your business is mostly to observe and offer guidance, when asked or invited to do so, and from an open, loving heart space, not from a spiritual drill sergeant’s point of view.

Souls need time to process, time to learn, time to integrate, time to evolve. Everybody is on their own path in this game. Let it be so and love it all.” — Source (via Ulla)

How can I have strength to move through this turbulent time with a lot of chaotic things happening in my personal life and around me, kids fighting, being bad, fight with girlfriend, can’t agree with ex, and moving soon?

“You are experiencing all the stuff of density — it is allowing you to differentiate your own feelings, pains, thoughts and guidance from that of others. You are individuating yourself from everybody else — you are growing up as a person who is in full charge of your own life.

This is what self-responsibility looks like. It’s not about running to others, to get their opinion or even experience on things that they have not experienced, like you have. You have to learn to expect the best, and then expect to get it.

That means you need to visualize the best possible outcome with your friends, with your classes, with your coworkers, with your bosses. It may not turn out like that all the time, because there are a lot of factors in play, which are usually beyond your control, or your influence even, as a soul playing with so many other souls, who are learning their own lessons (sorry for that spiritual aphorism, but it is true, and why you are there). 😉

So learn to live and let live. Learn to let others process and deal with their “stuff” in their own way, in their own time, while you go on with your life — fully aware, fully conscious, both eyes open, seeing your purpose here and seeing your direction, making course corrections along the way, but seeing your higher purpose here in every situation you encounter.

That is the path you are following now.” — Source (via Ulla)

Here is a message given by Matt Kahn, which lovingly speaks to Being Human:

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022