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How To Master Fear and Remove Astral Entities?

Here is a sneak preview of the Meditation given in the August 28, 2021 World Satsanga by Guy Needler. This meditation is a companion to his lecture called “Fear and How To Master It.” Since we are in the midst of an ongoing pandemic with more polarization at home and abroad and widely held fear about the state of the world, this meditation makes it easier for us to visualize and use our own power: How to master fear and remove astral entities?

How to master fear and remove astral entities?

This is a written transcript of the Meditation guided by Guy Needler (starts at 44 min in this MP3 File).

Step 1: Getting ready to meditate

Get yourself ready to go in a meditative state. Find yourself a straight back chair, or a place where you can sit crosslegged.

So sit in a straight back chair, feet flat on the ground, palms facing up and resting gently on the upper thighs. Back is straight, neck is straight, head is straight, eyes are closed, and the closed eye vision is focused on the origin of the spiritual or third eye, which is in between the two eyebrows and above the bridge of the nose.

Step 2: Guided meditation by Guy Needler – Transcript

Part 1: Mastering Fear

“I want you to just now relax, and just recognize that your consciousness, your sentience — consciousness is a function of sentience by the way — isn’t just part of the gross physical form that you are currently occupying — this motor car, so to speak — this vehicle that you’re using to experience a low frequency environment in the way that it is supposed to be experienced as a low frequency, dense, gross physical item.

This item is able to navigate around the environment, interact with it and others in the same state and create within it as well. Recognize that this is a temporary condition that you enter into every now and then. It’s a bit like going scuba diving once a week or having a bath once a week. Every now and then you go into a low frequency environment, and you come out when you’ve achieved what you wanted to achieve.

You are not the vehicle that you are occupying, just as you are not the motor car that you occupy when you to leave the house in the morning to go to work. You get into your car, you travel to your work, and then you get out of your car, when you arrive at work. It’s in the same way that you’re not the motor car, you’re not your body.

Everything that’s happening is a creation that’s supported by thousands of other souls, creating a very complex interactive, temporary, ever-metamorphosizing reality. As another soul supports our reality, we support their reality to create an overall reality.

So when you realize that really everything that happens around us is a temporary condition, based upon us entering into this environment, it’s a bit like us going to the theater or watching television.

If we go to the theatre, we interact with it a bit more, or even the cinema, we interact with it a bit more. We go to the cinema. We go to the theater. We interact with other individuals in the cinema and in the auditorium of the theater. If we’re home, we’re a bit more insular, a bit more isolated. But in all these conditions, we are observing us observing what’s going on in the theater, in the cinema, on the television.

From our higher frequential perspective, we can observe us now. We are not the human body. We are sentience and energy, which is using the human body to navigate around a low frequency environment we call the physical universe.

When you start to understand that this is all temporary. This is like an interactive game, so to speak, or an interactive experience to give it a more higher or esoteric name, then you start to realize that we’re actually not part of it.

When you start to realize that you’re actually not part of it, you start to realize that that which you fear or feared, when you are in the immersed state of being in this environment in the circumstances interacting with those individuals within the circumstances within the environment, that nothing can hurt you. Nothing can affect you.

You’re simply doing an interactive game in a frequential environment that is expressly difficult to interact with and work with. But it does give us some benefits. It does give us some evolutionary benefits by being here, specifically because it is hard. But again, we recognize that we’re not part of it, we’re simply interacting with it.

We’re simply playing a video game on a very interactive level, very immersive level. And that immersive level allows us to concentrate on it, to focus on it. But the problem with concentrating and focusing on it is we believe we’re in it. We believe that we are it.

If we can get a chance to step backwards and we realize that we’re not it, we’re just playing our role. We’re an actor. Even though we go to the theater and watch other actors on stage, we’re also actors, because we are acting as “extras.” We are acting as the audience. We are acting as the background to other people’s interactions, other people’s environments, other people’s realities.

So when you start to feel in this way, be in this way, and again you realize that the human body in this environment is not what we are. And therefore, that which exists that we fear doesn’t affect us. It can’t affect us.

We are simply observers or game players or actors.

We don’t fear losing a life in a video game. We may get a little bit annoyed, if we’re not interacting with it properly and losing the game. But by and large, we’re not worried. We don’t worry about losing some part of the tool set that we have in the game. We don’t worry if we lose a limb in the game, because we’re not the game. We’re just playing with the game.

And so looking at this from our perspective as a small individualized unit of sentience and energy incarnate into a low frequency environment, and therefore, using a vehicle to be able to interact with it. It’s a very complicated vehicle, but that vehicle is what it is.

We don’t worry about when our cars have an accident or when they break down. We may be upset or we may be disappointed or a bit annoyed, because we need to get somewhere. But at the end of the day, the vehicle is a tool.

The human body is a tool along with all those other vehicles, bodies in different frequential environments, in different geouniversal environments within those frequencies.

So nothing can actually affect what we really are — an incarnate aspect, an incarnate unit of sentience and energy using a vehicle to interact with the environment in the way it’s supposed to be interacted with.

So based upon this knowledge that nothing can hurt us, the true us, what we really are — sentience and energy — why would you fear being here? Why would you fear being in an airplane? Why would you fear arachnids, snakes, other animals, birds, the water? Why would you need to worry about things? There is no need to fear that which we are not part of in totality, so it can’t hurt us, so there’s no point in fearing it.

We are simply the game player interacting with the game. And when the life ends, when our particular life ends, we go back and we put some more money in the slot and start again. That’s a bit like incarnation.

We come back [to the energetic]. We look at what we did wrong or right. We’ll look at how we could improve what we’re doing or not, as the case may be. And maybe we’ll have another go somewhere else — in a different location, on a different planet. Or if it’s the same planet and the same frequency, in a different circumstance and environment.

So when we think in this way, we are above fear, because there is nothing to fear. It’s simply an interactive game.

Part 2: Removing Astral Entities

Part of this fear is also about how things get attached to us. Sometimes our fear creates the possibility for other entities, some low frequency, low intelligence astral entities, that are sometimes created by us — usually by mistake or subconsciously, but sometimes by directed thought processes or by simple Darwinian evolution of similar or same energies grouping together and eventually gaining some form of intelligence.

So these entities can come into our energies, entering past the waste product created by the chakras energizing the energy templates, which creates an electromagnetic field around us we call the human aura. These entities simply have a level of intelligence, a minor level of consciousness or awareness of self.

We are superaware of ourselves in the energetic. We are superconscious. We are polyomniscient, polyomnipresent. We are ultimate creators within that which is a creator itself. Our quality of sentience associated with the evolutionary content of who and what we are makes us very powerful, polyomnipotent entities.

So these minor units of energy and intelligence are simply like specks of dusts on our bodies. They have no place within our energies. We are so significantly above them, that there is no way they can resist us removing them from within and without our energy field or even on the chakras. We are ultimately significantly more powerful.

Simple thought process dissolves them, even the biggest and the most compelling astral entity. So just visualize them all leaving you. Visualize them being sucked off of you by a very large vacuum cleaner. All you’re doing is sucking up the dust from around you.

Sometimes it’s just sticky low frequency energy. Sometimes they’ve got a bit more energy that looks to be amoeba-like. Sometimes the energy has got a little bit of intelligence and starts to create a form factor that is associated with what it wants to do and how it wants to interact with and get energy for itself form you.

And sometimes they create images based upon our fears — this is before the meditation we’ve just done first. So that when we see things we don’t like, we turn away, so we don’t see them any more. We don’t perceive them any more.

Knowing that you’re ultimately the most powerful level of sentience within the multiverse, even though you are projected from the much bigger part of the sentience, these little, simply intelligent units of energy are easily brushed away, like brushing dust off your collar, off your jacket (below).

So just visualize you using the vacuum cleaner and cleaning up all of these little bits low frequency, these astral entities, if they’ve decided to attach themselves to various different parts of your auric layers or even on the chakras or any of the energy templates, by just visualizing them or using your mentally spoken words to achieve the same thing, and that means describing what you’re doing, so…

I am vacuuming up all of these little entities that I’m finding around me — the ones on my head, the ones on my shoulder, the ones on my middle to lower back. Those are the words you’ll use and just suck them off.

And then take that vacuum cleaner and find a recycling bin. Ask the recycling bin to recycle all the energies associated with the vacuum cleaner and the energies and the level of intelligence associated with the energy and it’s reabsorbed into Source.

Use the vacuum cleaner to make yourself clear of entities. Remove them from your auric layers. Remove them from your energy templates. Remove them from your chakras.

It’s as simple as that. Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t think you can’t do it. Just do it. They might also give you little bits of feeling of doubt to protect themselves.

All you need to know is you’re more powerful than anything. You’re the top of the food chain, top of the evolutionary ladder. You can do anything you want. So removing these astral entities should be an easy function of your Desire, Thoughts, Intention and Action to remove them.

Have no fear. You are powerful. You exist perpetually. Nothing is bigger than you.

Nothing even combined with thousands of others is enough to harm you. There are not enough astral entities within and without the lower astral, upper lower astral, lower upper astral and the upper astral that you cannot dissolve and recycle back to Source Entity energy.

You can do this all within a blink of an eye, because you are omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. You are the ultimate being, the ultimate entity, the ultimate sentience and ultimately powerful.

So just brush them off, like you brush dust off your clothes or flies off your arms or your back. And it’s as simple as that.

Try it. Go over these two meditations regularly. Do them daily over a week, and then follow through with them, and then just meditate and check yourself.

And you’ll find that your fear has been mastered. You no longer fear anything.

And you’ll also find that there are no parasites attached to you, and that you are feeling very good, because no one is taking your energy. You can walk tall. You have no hitch hikers.

Okay, so slowly come back into the room. Slowly open your eyes. You can take a drink of water, if you have some there.” END.

Note: All emphasis and images are mine.

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of
God, Beyond the Source – Book 1, Beyond the Source – Book 2, Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022å

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