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How To Release, Reset And Renew Yourself?

This post was inspired by Nora Herold’s webcast called “The Day Out Of Time,” which refers to the extra day found in the Mayan Calendar on July 25. The old year ends on July 24 and the new year starts on July 26 (today). That’s why it’s time for Mayan New Year’s resolutions: How to release, reset and renew yourself?

What happened on December 21, 2012?

This date is sometimes called the end of the Mayan calendar, but it’s just the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle (below). As Lyssa Royal put it, we have been “asleep” for the last 13,000 years and are just now “awakening” to the truth of who and what we are. We have been taking baby steps towards that goal for just 10 years.

Nora Herold said the epicenter of our consciousness shift occurred around the winter solstice in 2012. It was a huge shift! All the “3D” timelines, soul contracts and blueprints for incarnation created prior to 2012 expired at that time. Everything was wiped out like a clean slate for us to create on. But things don’t change overnight. She explained:

  • We are now going through a massive identity shift both individually and collectively. People who were fully immersed in their incarnation before the shift start to question things, including societal structures that don’t really serve us (e.g. political, financial, educational, healthcare systems, endless wars, global response to climate change or pandemic, etc.).
  • We start to see how generational or collective consciousness karma propels evolution of humanity. We start to see that we need a more united, humanitarian approach to life, how we treat each other, other life forms, the planet and its resources that sustain all life here.
  • We start to re-evaluate who we are, who we are in relationship with, whether what we do on a daily basis is meaningful and where we are headed in life. Everything is up for review.

We also disconnect from the idea that suffering is necessary or beneficial for us to grow. We have accepted suffering as part of our experience after eons of incarnating into blueprints that contain suffering. We don’t grow from suffering, we shrink and contract. We now shift our perspective on suffering, as Nora put it:

I’m not using suffering to get what I want. I’m healing. I’m using healing as a very conscious tool on my journey. I’m using healing as a pathway for manifestation and creation. I create and operate from JOY!

We also redefine what success is and what it represents to us, as Wendy Kennedy told us:

You’ve been sold a bill of good about what success is. Our measure of success is how much LOVE and JOY we are expressing in a moment.

Every person is having their own, unique experience of the shift that is perfect for their soul’s evolution. It may feel like two steps forward, one step backward, because the higher frequency energies need to be integrated into us gently and gradually — not to freak us out!

  • Some people feel changes in their physical body with ascension flu symptoms, gradual rewiring of their body/brain/heart area, etc.
  • Others have changes in their emotional body with breakdowns or breakthroughs, as they allow themselves to feel the full range of emotions available to humans, observe and accept them as part of the human experience, not stuff them down or reject them.
  • Others have changes in their mental body or belief systems, as they learn about new ideas, concepts and perspectives that change the way they view life and how they operate here.
  • Others experience gradual development of higher intuitive functions (e.g. clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, empathic or telepathic communication) that allows them to communicate with their Higher Self, Source, aliens and other group consciousnesses.

How to release, reset and renew yourself?

There are three steps to “reinventing” yourself:

  1. Release anything that is not serving you. You can use any method you like (e.g. Purification meditation by Guy Needler, FOAL method by Nora Herold, or what I like to do is to visualize a white light shower cleansing you of all unwanted pains, emotions, thoughts, energies or cords (from top to bottom). Recycle it all back to Source.
  2. Reset your energetic templates (e.g. Template healing meditation by Guy Needler, or visualize a silver light shower cleansing your seven energetic templates and chakras one layer at a time (from left to right).
  3. Renew yourself by reconnecting to the energetic side during sleep, and consciously regenerating your body by visualizing a golden light shower that restores and rejuvenates every cell by filling it with pure life force energy from Source (from front to back).

Final Thoughts

Life is not supposed to be hard — toil and trouble, pain and struggle!? There are many ways to learn, not just through suffering. As the Michael Entity said:

All is choice. You are here to learn how to choose and to choose how to learn.

Nora Herold reminds us that we can operate from JOY instead! She often talks about “5D laughter,” which is the “5D you” laughing with the “3D you” at the way we choose to learn things. That’s a more lighthearted look at our evolution.

Ultimately, we are all here to learn about self-responsibility as incarnate human beings — in the flesh with all that it offers — while bringing our higher consciousness into the body to help us navigate the world around us.

Start imagining what YOU want out of life. Instead of fighting the old fights or structures you don’t want to see in your world, imagine a life filled with joy, lightheartedness, peace, stability, excitement, humor, physical feats, unconditional love, connection to others with as many people as you wish to connect to — on whatever level you desire — physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically. That’s what we came here to do.

We are reaffirming that we are ONE, all coming from Source itself. This is where we are headed as a civilization in the Aquarian Age. It’s time to release, reset and renew ourselves, to reinvent our life in the fashion we wish to live it from here on. That makes our incarnation more efficient and productive and we will be nicer, happier and kinder people, too. It’s a win-win situation for all.

Happy Mayan New Year to All!

Lee Harris (@leeharrisenergy) • Instagram photos and videos

If we were able to show you the information highways that all of you are, you would realize you all have many electrical tentacles to other times, other places, other people that you were. ⁣

And if you were to see the soul of another being, you would see so many of these fine tentacles running from inside your body off to other places, other times, other people. These are simply energy currents. ⁣

It is not a physical tentacle. It is simply the part of you that is an energy current to another place, another time, another person and when you interact with other people, you connect up with all of theirs. – Lee Harris