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Is Coronavirus a Living Entity Or Not?

Here is an Addendum to my recent video and my blog posts about Coronavirus. This post will describe the virus itself, how it operates and how we respond to it in our bodies. It will also answer the age-old question that scientists have been asking about viruses: Is Coronavirus a Living Entity or Not?

Is Coronavirus a living entity or not?

Many biologists think viruses are not living things, just nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat. Viral genomes are very diverse, since they can be DNA or RNA, single- or double-stranded, linear or circular, and vary in length and in the number of DNA or RNA molecules. They cannot replicate on their own, but can become active and replicate inside living cells, as seen with COVID-19, which can lead to a fatal pneumonia.

I asked Guy Needler to comment on the energetic genre of viruses. He said:

  • I’m not seeing any sentience associated with viruses at all, simply very limited intelligence. Viruses have very low levels of intelligence associated with a lower frequency body of energy, which is just moving around and doing what it needs to do to survive and to reproduce.
  • So consider viruses in the same way as the energies in terms of how they become sentience later in “The Origin Speaks” book. But viruses don’t go beyond that really. They don’t have the capacity or the intelligence to move onwards and evolve, because they either kill the host or make the host immune to them.
  • So they stay at a certain level of intelligence, where they move around, work within the host and kill the host eventually. And in doing so, they eventually kill themselves. They are in a continuous spiral and they are also self-regulating in that sense.

Unlike true living entities (like humans, animals, plants, insects with soul projections), viruses are NOT projected from a True Energetic Self (Higher Self/Oversoul). They are simply part of the overall environment, the low end of the fauna that is part of the Earth. He said:

Think of a virus as lower frequency energy that is like astral energy (or an astral entity), but it exists in the gross physical levels (frequency bands 1-3).

How does a virus infect the host cell?

A virus can only replicate within a host organism, which can be bacteria, plants, animals or humans. Here is a diagram to show how the coronavirus hijacks the cell’s machinery to reproduce itself, which kills the cell.

Source:  virus | Learn Science at Scitable)

The cell death stimulates an acute inflammatory response, which may go overboard and lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome, which fills the lungs with fluid instead of air, which is why the person dies. Breath is life. If you can’t breathe (inhale prana or chi), you die. Take a deep breath right now! Repeat.

Note: Some coronaviruses can jump from one species to another (see From hippos to hamsters: how Covid is affecting creatures great and small | Coronavirus | The Guardian). With new variants of Covid-19 arising, humans present a greater risk to their pets than they do to us. If you are sick, it’s best to physically isolate yourself and try not to interact with your pets, children or other family members.

What types of viral diseases can humans get?

Viruses may have limited intelligence, but they are quite opportunistic in how they can infect us. This chart summarizes the different human body systems targeted by different viruses (below, click to enlarge):

How does this pandemic compare with other global outbreaks?

Here is a figure that summarizes recent global outbreaks to put this pandemic into a proper perspective:

Note: The Coronavirus pandemic is ongoing and the numbers keep increasing by the day. The fatality rate may vary from 2% (U.S. right now) to 11% (Italy, 2 weeks ahead of U.S.): Coronavirus Update (Live): 845,651 Cases and 41,437 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak – Worldometer


See also: We Should All Be Wearing Masks ,Why : Watch Coronavirus Transmission Video – World Top Trend

Why do we need vaccines?

Since this coronavirus is brand new and highly transmissible, nobody has immunity to it. This coronavirus will likely infect 40-80% of the world population and circulate yearly until enough herd immunity is established.

The primary way to prevent viral infections is vaccination using either “killed” or “modified live virus” vaccines given to an unaffected individual to increase their immunity to the disease. Without a vaccine, returning to work will likely spark a resurgence of COVID-19 in the population.

  • There are several dozen companies feverishly working on producing a vaccine, using various types of preparations (see COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker | RAPS).
  • But experts estimate it could take between 12-18 months to develop a vaccine ready for market provided that the process from conception to testing to market goes smoothly.

People that get the disease will develop some immunity to the virus. But since this disease is so new, we don’t really know how long that protection lasts (see Can You Become Immune to Coronavirus? | Science | Smithsonian Magazine). Some people can get reactivated or reinfected and get the disease more than once, depending on how good their primary immune response is, their age, genetics and other factors we’re still discovering.

Final Thoughts

We have a lot more to learn about this coronavirus and this pandemic. We need to be better prepared for the next pandemic (see Coronavirus: We need to start preparing for the next viral outbreak now). As explained in my recent video (see What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions), this is not first nor the last pandemic humanity is going to face given the overpopulation, climate change, pollution and international travel prevalent on our planet.

We may need to shift our priorities to develop things like rapid response teams that can contain an outbreak before it “goes viral.” We clearly need to manufacture more protective and medical equipment and increase the number of healthcare workers and services that are needed worldwide to handle an emerging disease or pandemic of this magnitude. It takes global leadership and coordination of efforts by all countries, since we’re ALL equally susceptible to these events. This is not the Middle Ages with the plague killing off half the world’s population. This is 2020 and we can and need to do a lot better.

Americans still trust doctors and scientists during a public health crisis

Mike Luckovich Copyright 2020 Creators Syndicate

This is your chance to be the change you would like to see in the world! ~ Creator (via Jennifer Farley)

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

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