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Is Power a Dirty Word?

Is power a dirty word? We’re told that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Some people shy away from their power or give it away to beings external to themselves, who then get blamed for everything that is wrong with the world. What most people forget is that their outer life is constantly reflecting their inner life back at them.

What is power?

The ancient Chinese text I Ching (Book of Changes) depicts 64 symbols (hexagrams or gates) that describe wisdom for human life, one of which is called Great Power (Gate 34):

  • Power is a means and not an end in itself. It does not act as master nor seek greatness.
  • Power is a true test of character, and is only great when its use comes from inner balance.
  • Power can be used to bring enlightenment and progress OR chaos and evil to the world.

Richard Rudd (“Gene Keys”) has authored the most comprehensive interpretation of the 64 gates, which he calls “gene keys” that correspond to specific codons in our DNA. Each key spans a spectrum of consciousness, which is divided into three levels (frequency bands):

  1. The Shadow frequency is concerned with individual survival. Each shadow may be expressed through fear (repressed state) or anger (reactive state; fear turned outwards). Much of the world operates at the low frequency energy fields of fear and anger.
  2. The Gift frequency is reached after accepting your shadows, transcending the suffering, and rebirthing the authentic you. By opening the heart, you’re drawn into some service.
  3. The Siddhi (divine gift) state is made of even higher, more refined frequencies that lead to spiritual illumination and transcendence of the lower states (except for brief periods).

Rudd said the goal is first to de-program our DNA of all the low frequency patterns (shadows), then re-program our cells with the higher frequency patterns of our genius (gifts and siddhis). We will do this quantum leap in consciousness both individually and collectively as a species.

“Embrace the Shadow, Release the Gift, Embody the Siddhi.” – Richard Rudd


Source: Gene Keys Network | Living Library (click to enlarge the above Table)

For example, a closer look at Gene Key 34 (Great Power) shows how the three levels may be expressed in humans, as beautifully described by Rudd:

  1. Shadow of Force: The repressive nature is expressed as hiding from your own power, putting yourself down, accepting other people as your authority, becoming enslaved in society. The reactive nature is manifest as bossy behavior, using force to bully people around, becoming furious when challenged. Force is not good at hearing. It keeps trying to force things until it’s exhausted or dead.
  2. Gift of Strength: When the shadow of force is released, the archetype of human strength emerges, which is not just about physical strength. It is the ability to act in harmony with natural forces without forcefulness, resistance or trying too hard. Strength is easy and effortless. It is true inner strength, that lies in self-assurance.
  3. Siddhi of Majesty: This is the true beauty of embodiment or consciousness in form (e.g. human form in motion in music, dance, martial arts). The form itself is pure awareness, as if the whole universe was moving through the body to express itself in joy, motion and love. It is beyond strength. It requires transcending any fear of survival and loss of identity for spirit to be fully present in matter in every moment. We become Divinity in motion, in movement, repairing the world in some way.

Final Thoughts

Here is some final guidance, as transmitted to us by Jennifer Farley at Your Power | The Creator Writings:

“Power can be a challenging word for you to understand.  The human language has taken its beautiful meaning and morphed it into something dangerous, frightening and enslaving.  Your power cannot and will not harm others unless you have set your intention to do so.

Being powerful and standing in your power is one of the most important things you will do in your lifetime.  To create, to manifest and to love is the end goal of it.  Anything other than that is an untruth.  Embrace your power knowing it is Creator given and grow!” ~ Creator
