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Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality Is Published!

I’ve finished my 8th book in English, “Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality,” which explains the Darker Side of Life. It probably answers all the questions you were too afraid to ask 😮 and then some! Lots of new material with illustrations, tables and figures to help you understand more and fear less. Enjoy!

Hi Everybody,

I am delighted to announce that my eighth book is now published on Amazon as a Kindle version AND Paperback.

Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality

My NEW book called Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality is available on Amazon as Kindle and Paperback versions. It probably answers all the questions you were too afraid to ask 😮 and then some! Please go to this link: 🔥

What is meant by the Fall or descension of humanity? What are astral entities, ghosts or possession? What are backfill people? What is a cult? What is the dark agenda? What are the Illuminati, fallen angels, dark masters or misguided teachings? What is burnout vs. dark night of the soul? Why do we see wars, terrorism, evil leaders, pandemics and societal breakdown in the world? What is a world cycle? What is the old vs. new spiritual paradigm.

This and much more explained by modern spiritual science, not in religious myths or science fiction. Everything can be understood in its proper context now. We need to fear less and understand more to become empowered agents of change.

Here are the LINK to Amazon (Kindle):

Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality

Note: I donate ALL my proceeds from book sales to charities serving refugees. There are a lot of needy people in war torn countries right now. Let’s serve others in any way we can.


Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality

Spiritual Guide To Our Greater Reality 

Spiritual Guide To Our Health

Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening

Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws

Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships

Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife

Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse

Guia Espiritual a Nuestro Multiverso

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