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What Affects Quantum Physics Experiments?

Here is a preview of the lecture given by Guy Needler in the March 27, 2021 World Satsanga. Since it is a bit technical, I’ve included some illustrations to make it easier for us to follow the lecture and some additional questions on quantum physics. What is really happening with the double slit experiment or quarks and antiquarks and other subatomic particles? What affects quantum physics experiments?

What Affects Quantum Physics Experiments?

From: World Satsanga Lecture presented on March 27, 2021 by Guy Needler (as summarized by me)

“How do scientists affect the results of quantum physics experiments?” by Guy Needler

The physical universe, and not specifically the multiversal environment, is what is focused on for quantum physics. But the thing is that the quantum physics aspect is simply a projection or a creation sustained by ourselves, but also sustained by the Source, of course.

  • It’s because the physical universe is part of or just one component of the multiverse, which is compartmentalized to allow our True Energetic Selves to experience it in minute detail.
  • So everything that’s in the physical universe is affected by the multiverse. We just don’t quite understand the effect that it has.

When scientists have experiments and they don’t exactly go as planned or don’t provide the answers to the questions in the way they expected them to come, or the answers change, then there is a thought process that maybe there’s something else going on. It’s a reasonable thought process, because the power behind thought is immense.

  • We have a linear progression of DesireIntentionThought and Action. It’s not specifically associated with our thought processes and how we bring them into fruition. It’s associated with EVERYTHING that we interact with.
  • When we have an experiment, such as the classic Double Slit Experiment where a number of light particles or light waves (whatever you want to call them) are projected through from a source to go through the slits and then captured on the other side by a receiver. 

They are sometimes classified as being as light particles or sometimes classified as being light waves.

The thought process or theory is that light is a particle, a photon, that is also classified as a wave, because lights are waves, which is frequency. But it doesn’t quite solve the problem, because it’s not allowing the concept of light to be classified as whatever it is.

When we have scientists who are interested in these experiments (or any other experiments), their intention to find something out (or their lack of focus surrounding finding something out) creates a change in the way that aspect of the experiment works. We interact with an experiment by and large in a subconscious way.

For instance, when you’re firing light, in whatever modality it is in, light wave or particle, through these slits, it either comes out as a wave or a particle depending upon the thought processes or the interactions with the experiment that the experiment has got (below).

If we think, light is a particle, then what we might get is a particle. Or if we think light is a wave, it might get through as a wave. 

  • But if we have a number of scientists involved, and some of them think it’s a particle, and some of them think it’s a wave, depending upon who’s involved with it and when they’re thinking about the experiment, they can affect how the experiment changes and that changes the results.
  • They don’t have to be in the same room as the experiment, they can be anywhere in the world. But by thinking about the experiment, they can affect how the experiment changes and that changes the results.

So what we have here is the interesting conundrum where anything that we’re doing from a quantum perspective isn’t exactly quantifiable in a physical way. We can’t say that quarks are quarks or stranges and charms, they’re all part of the same thing. We can’t say there’s antiquarks. We can’t say there’s antimatter, because at the end of the day, matter is a function of the gross physical (below).

  • The gross physical matter is a function of six levels of quanta, which are going down from the atom all the way down to the Anu.
  • The Anu is the first level, which was discovered by Besant and Leadbeater and previously described by Hindu yogis as being the first manifestation of solidity, of physicality. And so everything we do affects everything we do.

When we create an experiment, we expect it to work in a certain way, so it works in a certain way unless we have a completely free mind. This means that things like the Large Hadron Collider aren’t actually doing anything decent in terms of an experiment. It’s a huge piece of expense over a huge, vast area, kilometers long, and it gives us an example of what we want to see.

If we were totally open-minded and in total acceptance and totally expansive, we wouldn’t need to use such machines to get the answer we want. We just need to ask Source for it. 

We just need to understand it from a different perspective. We need to be on a higher level, a higher frequential level, to be able to understand that from a physical perspective, a lot of the physical universe isn’t apparent to us, because we are only observing basically a quarter, or a tenth of it.

  • The first three frequencies creates the gross physical. Then every level above that creates a different level of physicality, which is more and more diffuse.
  • Next is the fourth frequency, which is the lower astral, which creates a higher level of frequency but still being in the physical. The fifth is a higher level or higher frequency relationship with the physical, but still being physical, and still needing incarnation. So in the physical universe we have ten levels of existence that can be experienced whilst still having the need to incarnate. 

Everything we do is from our perspective focused upon the gross physical, but actually we affect ALL of the frequencies within the physical universe. Scientists affect the result of experiments through their expectations, which is based upon previous knowledge. And that previous knowledge can and does result in constraints or resistance to understanding the grosser reality as it is.

When you look at the results of fired light going through two slits, and sometimes it’s a wave and sometimes it’s a particle, what are we learning? We’re learning that scientists can affect the outcome of the experiment by what they think or how they’re interacting with it irrespective of where they are.

  • They could be in the pub, for instance, talking about it while the experiment is going on.  Or even before or after the experiment and that will affect the outcome of the experiment.
  • Right now scientists are suggesting that light is both a particle and a wave. But whether it’s a particle or a wave is by and large affected by the interaction or outside interaction of some level of consciousness or sentience that creates it.

In essence, what the light is what we want it to be. It is both a particle and a wave or nothing that is associated with the gross physical. 

If we as scientists were able to detach from the constraints of the so-called laws of physics that we have created as part of the gross physical, or our interaction with the gross physical for the last 300-400 years, we would be able to see things as they really are, because we wouldn’t be constrained by gross physicality.

  • We’d only be working with that which is achievable. We wouldn’t have any limitations. We wouldn’t have any thought processes that are governed based upon previous knowledge bases.
  • If we had not been constrained by certain laws of physics, by certain individuals, such as Einstein, Newton, Copernicus and Galileo, all these different people, then we would know more than we do right now. 

Clearly, these people have made massive milestones from a scientific perspective, and they’ve made a massive contribution towards science, but what they’ve done in essence in their contribution has created a framework that future scientists or subsequent scientists have used to create new models for understanding the physical universe. And those models have been constrained by previous work.

  • So rather than having new discoveries that are completely novel, that are not based upon previous thought modalities or constructs or physical constructs or scientific calculations, we would have been able to have understood more.
  • When we as experimenters enter into an experiment to discover something, we need to be totally and utterly open, in total acceptance. It may well mean that the experiments, the materials of the experiment that we are going to use to try to find the answer to the question aren’t needed.
  • We might not need to have large colliders. We might not need to throw light through slits. We might not need to use huge magnetic forces to try to control electrons. We might just need to be able to meditate and understand it from that perspective.

We need to understand everything we do, we have the power to affect. And based upon Desire — Intention — Thought — Action, it isn’t always about how we interact with others or how we normally interact full stop, that creates an outcome that is sometimes based upon a limited concept. Every time we have a concept, we need to make sure that concept is a milestone. And it is only a milestone, it is not something we would use as a means of generating the next level of understanding. It is simply something we have achieved at one point. 

Every time we make an experiment, we need to throw away all the previous knowledge base we’ve had and start from scratch every time. No expectations. No reference points. No confusion. No references. No use of milestones. No use of springboards or kickstarts.

We need to start from scratch and then we might find much more about our physical universe above and beyond those that are affected by or created by our frequency level. The other thing to note, to affect and understand is that everything in the physical universe is everything else.

The concept of things like entanglement or the creation of entanglement again is a limited function. It’s a limited thought process, because it’s creating directive thought rather than recognizing that everything is everything else and has the capacity to be everything else. So my watch can be my car, because there’s enough physicality there to create a car. Or my eye could be an airplane no doubt. It’s the concept.

We have to think that everything that we have, every part of physicality has the ability to be everything else. And when we understand that, then we’ll understand that the laws that we’ve got in physics and quantum physics are simply limiting us and our ability to understand this particular aspect of the multiversal environment that we’re in, the physical universe.

Here is a more recent example of scientists’ influence over their results, as reported in The asymmetry of antimatter in the proton | Nature. They said:

Researchers at Fermilab confirmed that there is a confusing imbalance in the antimatter inside every proton (which is made of two up quarks and a down quark held together by the strong nuclear force, below). For every one of those quark types there’s a mirror opposite — an antiquark.”

But Needler explained that there is no real existing antimatter. It’s something that’s been created in science that sees things positive and negative, or the physical universe as being dualistic. The objective that things have an opposite is not strictly true, so again this is something that we expect to see.

  • We expect to see an opposite, because we have things like electricity with a positive and a negative. A circuit is a loop basically. 
  • We have a battery, but the positive and negative of the battery is the connection of that loop in the battery. So rather than thinking of a loop, they’re thinking of it as a positive and a negative.

That thought process also comes into the idea of how things aren’t in the physical universe. The researchers observed:

“When one type of quark meets its antiquark match, the pair vanish back into the sea, leaving a virtual flicker of a photon in its wake. If we imagine a proton like a balloon of quarks zipping about with a variety of energies, those momentums say something about the kinds of quarks popping in and out of existence.”

Needler explained that what’s happening is the combination of those quarks together is allowing it to be or present itself in one frequency level vs. another level. The movement from one frequency to another has an effect, and that effect is the generation of something.

  • They talk about a photon, but in essence, it could be anything, because that particular pair of quarks (whether they call them quarks and antiquarks or positive quarks and negative quarks, it doesn’t matter), it’s moving into a different frequency.
  • So it moves from one frequency to another without anything else happening other than that space needing to be occupied by something that’s in the first frequency level. 

The other thing to recognize is what appears to be a “photon” might be something that has come from a higher frequency. The combination of these two quarks together creates the potential to go into the next frequency level or change what they are from quarks to something else.

  • There’s a potential to have a location where the high point in the low frequency may be in contact with a low point in the next higher frequency (e.g. fourth frequency). As one thing leaks in, the other thing leaks out.
  • Another thing to observe is that sometimes when one thing goes from one point to another point, there’s a momentary portal there; thus, a momentary keyhole observation of what’s in the next particular location may present itself as a photon, because that’s expected by the experimenters.

Don’t forget quarks are leptons. The quark, the stranges and charm are three particles that are classified as being leptons. So they’re three conversions of the same thing basically, and so these things will change. Of course, the opportunity to manipulate it based upon what is expected will affect the outcome of the experiment. For example,

Older experiments found that once the quark’s momentum was high enough, some flavours of antiquark did become more common, the up ones. But new experiments on quark momentums found more abundant down antimatter quarks than up antimatter quarks over a wide range of momenta.”

So it’s showing that if we have confused thought within a group of experimenters, this can affect the outcome of the experiment. The link between the old experiments and the new experiments is that there is influence on the results based upon the thought processes of the experimenters themselves  the desire to find something different creates something different. If we want to find something different, it creates the opportunity to find something different, so that’s what creates these differences.

The final point Needler made is don’t forget that mankind expects to see something below. When we break an atom, we see electrons, protons and neutrons. When we break protons and neutrons, we find the quarks, stranges and the charm, the leptons. When we can break a quark, we will find something else. So there’s an expectation to find something else, but WE create that something else.

“As always in particle physics, a lot more information is needed before the matter is settled. Those nuclear matryoshka dolls at the heart of every atom aren’t so quick to reveal their secrets quite yet.” – Decades-Long Experiment Finds Strange Mix of Antimatter in The Heart of Every Proton


He added that although there’s potentially six levels of quanta below the atom giving the Anu, these are based upon our expectations, not because they’re actually there. We create them. We create these different levels. And actually, we can create another increasing level of detail, of depth based upon what we expect to see, because we create it. END

Final Comments

To summarize what Needler has told us about the Anu: They are the smallest particles of matter six levels below the atom. Every material in the periodic table is created by variations of ways to group the Anu (below), and there are eight different versions of the Anu particles. There are another 36 materials that will be discovered over the next 129 years and during the end of this period, the Anu will be detected by scientists as well (see “The Curators” book by Guy Needler).

The Anu link end-to-end to form strings or rope-like structures that create the “holographic” (all pervasive) framework for the physical universe, which is a “hard structure.” The hard structure is a function of low frequency that allows certain energies to stick together. But it isn’t actually “hard” as such, it’s still energetic. The multiverse is energetic and the physical universe within the multiverse is also energetic. It’s just that its frequency is so low, that this sticky energy clumps together to create “physicality” that has a different feel than higher frequential states in the multiverse.

There you have it! I hope this helps you see all things “quantum” a little bit differently. Enjoy the lecture (Recording and Transcript to be published on March 27, 2021).