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What Are Masculine and Feminine Energies?

Many spiritual people think of energies in terms of masculine and feminine types. Is this accurate or not?

What are masculine and feminine energies?

The Michael Entity (a collective of 1050 souls in the physical universe) said that there is an overall balance of focused and creative energy on our planet, so that the male/female energy ratio for the entire population at any one time will be 50/50. They also said:

  • Male energy is directed, focused, goal-oriented, productive, outward-thrusting and positively-charged. It corresponds with linear, left-brained thinking, and with doing.
  • Female energy is creative, process-oriented, unstructured, inward-drawing and negatively-charged. It corresponds with circular, right-brained thinking, and with being.

BUT Guy Needler said that there is no such thing as male or female energy. Energy is totally neutral or genderless, but it is required to create the human form or physical body, that allows us to experience the environment we’re in.

The energies associated with the chromosomes and hormones could be aligned to male and female, if looking at it from a human perspective of sex differentiation, but this is a limited perspective (see Is Our Sexual Operating System Changing? – Big Picture

What about preference for male or female lifetimes?

The Michael Entity said most people have 40-60% of either focused or creative energy. If you have a high amount of focused energy (>60%), you have a tendency to have more male lifetimes. If you have more creative energy (>60%), you prefer to have more female lifetimes.

BUT Needler said this is really about the memory associated with previous lives, if many male or female lives are experienced back to back. Alternatively, it may represent a specific life plan to be gay, for instance, that makes the incarnate want to be male when in a female body and vice versa. It is simply planned, or a state of retained energetic memory that confuses the incarnate.

Burning symbols of man and woman

What is the truth about energy?

Guy Needler explained, that in essence energy cannot be classified as masculine or feminine, electrical or magnetic, for the electrical and the magnetic are a function of energy and NOT a descriptor for the energy itself. These are uneducated human terms (see What Is the Law Of Correspondence? – Big Picture & What Is the Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy? – Big Picture

Final Thoughts

In the bigger picture there is a continual blending and balancing of yang and yin functions of energies in the dualistic physical universe, which are playing at every level (see What Is the Law Of Gender? – Big Picture

In terms of relationships, Needler said we naturally have a love for each other. Depending on the environment (or physical vehicle) that we find ourselves in, that can be male to female, female to female, or male to male. The actual vehicle type doesn’t matter. It’s the love that matters (see Is Our Sexual Operating System Changing? – Big Picture

In our true “spiritual” or higher energetic state, we are purely sentient whole beings with energies, that are totally neutral or genderless in nature. It is only during our incarnations in the physical universe that we use polarized energies for creative play (see Why Are We Attracted To Certain Souls? – Big Picture


Update 2/22/2016: According to Is Your Kid a Rainbow Child? – Doreen Virtue – Heal Your Life & Star Children, the newer generations born on our planet are the Indigo children, who she claimed to have more “masculine” energy, Crystal children with more “feminine” energy, and Rainbow children with “balanced” male and female energy.

BUT Needler said this is incorrect. She is picking up on the personality traits of these children, and interpreting them as gender specific “energies.” If anything at all, these children have a progressively higher level of frequency and functionality based upon their introduction and spiritual role, and this is neutral.