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What Are Three Types of Demons?

I asked Guy Needler to explain more about the “demons” shown in The Chosen TV series, which is based on the life of Jesus. In the early years, Guy talked about possession by astral entities in drugged individuals. But in the August 28, 2024 World Satsanga lecture, he talked about stray souls diving into the body. What are three types of demons?

What are three types of demons?

The Chosen series presented three fictional scenarios for “demons” that are described below. What is the offending entity in these three cases?

Case 1:  Mary Magdalene was depicted as a drinker, gambler and a prostitute that had a nasty, violent personality. Jesus healed her by saying: “Leave her!” (To me, it sounded like a stray soul within her drugged body that left upon Jesus’ command.)

Guy said that it was a stray soul that took advantage of Mary when she was very, very, very drunk, and therefore, wanted to indulge in some of the physical sensations that it craved when it was in a human body. So in that instance, it was a stray soul that had taken advantage of the body being disharmonious, and therefore, there was an opportunity to experience sensation again.

With Mary Magdalene, Jesus would have had to remove the soul totally. So just saying, Leave her! is a bit of a super simplification of what happened. There would have had to have been a significant amount of work to remove a stray soul.

Case 2. A disheveled man was a nasty, knife wielding person, who attacked a disciple who fought him off. He was NOT drugged, but sneered and growled at others. Again Jesus said: Leave him! He was healed.

Guy said that was an astral entity without doubt. It was just taking the person’s energy. The person was being controlled by the entity to be able to attack others or to try to get close to them and jump ship, so to speak. By the way, the astral entity did jump ship to Mary Magdalene, who went back to the tavern to start drinking again. She was ashamed, but was rescued by some disciples, who brought her back to Jesus again.

So again, there would have been a piece of work, other than just “Leave him!” that Jesus would have said, to remove that entity. What I’m picking up is in that instance, that would have been quite an advanced and large astral entity in terms of its ability, its intelligence. But it would still have only been at the fourth frequency level, because astral entities that are attacking human beings for energy tend to be at a lower level.

Clearly, there are higher level astral entities, but they don’t tend to be as obvious, so to speak. They’re a bit more covert.

Case 3. Another young guy was mentally deranged, kept in a dark room, tied to his bed by his parents. Two disciples were sent out to heal him (with oil and “healing powers” assigned by Jesus to them to heal people on his behalf). This guy wasn’t drugged either. But they healed him. 

In this instance, it wasn’t an astral entity or a stray soul. This was one of the souls that was in the body anyway. As I’ve said before, we have at times more than one soul in the same body. Usually there’s a primary animating or incarnating soul, which is doing the work and the other soul(s) are just supposed to be observers, because they are observing and being in the incarnation, but they’re not participating in the incarnation.

In this case, there’s only two souls in that particular body, and one soul that was supposed to have been just observing, not participating, became aggressively involved in trying to overtake and become the primary animating soul. Basically, it was a soul that was trying to take control above and beyond the primary animating soul. The deranged words were the two souls fighting for command and control of the body.

When Jesus worked with that particular patient, rather than remove that soul, he had to move and compartmentalize that soul that had taken command of the body. He would have had to return it to the proper status of just being the observer.

Final Comments

As Guy explained, there’s three different versions there. There’s the stray soul taking advantage of drugs or alcohol. The second is a large astral entity. The third one is the “bipolarism” or two souls, hence the violence and being strapped to his bed.

The most interesting part to me is that, as an experienced psycho-spiritual healer, Guy Needler was able to differentiate these three (albeit fictional) cases and explain them in their proper context in proper energetic terms, probably like no one else!? Why? Because he has extensive experience in treating cases just like these ones. We thank him for sharing his wisdom and service to others!

For more information, please see:

Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019 

Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021 

Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2022

Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022 

Spiritual Guide To Our Greater Reality, 2024 

Spiritual Guide To Our Darker Reality, 2024