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What Are True Soul Mates?

In previous posts, we discovered the concept of “supersoul consciousness” put forth by Ian Lawton, the author of a book entitled “Supersoul.” His book corroborates the work of Guy Needler, who is another spiritual pioneer and author of five books on the Greater Reality. The two authors’ approaches are completely different:

  • Needler’s work has a higher dimensional (“spiritual”) perspective given his unique ability to access information from beings at the highest levels, including our Source Entity, 11 other Source Entities and the Origin/The All.
  • By comparison, Lawton’s book gives a grounded (“earthly”) perspective, because it is deliberately not based on his personal experiences. He reviewed older and newer research published by other spiritual pioneers.

Both approaches take us to the same conclusion. We are part of a much bigger, much higher frequency sentient being, that Needler calls our True Energetic Self and Lawton calls the supersoul.

What are the principles of supersoul consciousness?

Lawton has formulated a set of 10 principles, which we can base our experience on. I’d like to describe one principle at a time, then add what Guy Needler has told us about the same concepts. This will give us the most complete picture. But keep an open mind, because things will get refined, as we’re given new information.

Lawton’s Principle #1. We are multidimensional, expeditionary soul probes sent out by a supersoul consciousness possessing a wisdom and power of divine proportions. Myriad supersouls are involved in the simulation game we call ‘human life on earth’, which is just one of myriad different realities soul probes are sent into.

Needler’s work agrees with this principle, but adds that each True Energetic Self (TES) or supersoul can project up to 12 aspects or soul probes simultaneously to incarnate anywhere in the physical universe. These soul aspects are projected and retracted back as needed to learn, experience and evolve.

What are true soul mates?

Image #1: An example of a True Energetic Self/supersoul that has projected four soul aspects into the physical universe (click to enlarge). For example, the location of the four soul aspects and six shards could be as follows:


  • Two concurrent aspects are sent to Earth (e.g. U.S. and France in male and female bodies of different ages). They rarely meet each other.
  • Another aspect could be in our solar system, but aligned with the consciousness of a planetary body (e.g. Jupiter at frequency band 9).
  • One aspect is sent to another part of the physical universe (e.g. Andromeda Nebula at FB 4), and so on.

All four soul aspects are considered to be true soul mates, because they come from the same True Energetic Self, which is in charge of their evolution.

  • But each soul aspect could also split itself into up to 12 smaller “shards” (or sub-souls, as shown). They are having so-called “subincarnations” of the aspect.
  • When the sentient energies of one soul is split equally between two bodies, they are called “twin flames.” A soul can split between two or more bodies (e.g. twins, triplets, etc.).
  • These shards form another group of soul mates. But the aspect (not the supersoul) is responsible for their evolution, including their karma.

When soul aspects from different True Energetic Selves have many lifetimes together, they’re called  “sympathetic souls.” They feel like a “soul mate” because their energy is instantly recognized as familiar. These are the people we meet most often in life.

How many soul mates could we have?

Potentially, our TES/supersoul could project up to 12 aspects x 12 shards = 144 parts of itself to incarnate at the same time, but that rarely happens. Only a small portion of the TES incarnates, the rest stays in the energetic side as a sentient being.

  • Most TES’s project a couple or more aspects, but not many shards, because they don’t need to (see How Does Reincarnation Work? – Big Picture
  • The aspects can use event space (space where all events take place) to play out multiple parallel lives to learn and evolve from different free will choices (see How Does Event Space Change Your Perspective On Life? – Big Picture

Image #2: Simple analogy of a True Energetic Self/supersoul (owner) in charge of several incarnating soul aspects (different types of dogs on a leash).


How many parallel lives could we have?

Image #3: Taking the analogy one step further shows a soul aspect (owner) in charge of one incarnate being (dog), who is split into experiencing multiple parallel lives, as multiple parallel versions of that being (represented by a group of beagles).


It can get really busy, really fast with each parallel version of the being having free will to choose where to go in order to experience, learn and evolve, which is the whole point of incarnation.