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What Does the Origin Want Us To Know?

Here is a chat I had with the Origin on July 21, 2020. I wanted to ask some follow up questions about my post called Which Came First: The Origin Or Frequency? – Big Picture Questions. I didn’t publish this material before, but got the nudge to do it today. Maybe we need more “unity harmonics” on the Earth plane right now? As always, take what “resonates” and leave the rest. What does the Origin want us to know?

What does the Origin want us to know?

Origin, I wish to ask you a few things? Did you like my analogy of a junk yard or a construction site (below) in my post. It really opened my eyes to a different form of amorphous within you.

Yes, dear, that is what my area looks like, in a sense, from the human perspective that you took on it in a hilarious fashion. That is good. It allows people to understand my areas in a more tangible way, if you like.

So I thought that you had to have sentience or energies in frequencies to make formed areas, and that YOU did that, not pre-existing within your structure?

Well, that is what I became aware of little by little, as I evolved. As you know, everything starts with nothingness, no sentience. It’s a slow process to become awake, then a bit aware of what you are, what you can do. Then more aware, then joining or clumping with other energies that are similar to yours. All those energies are held in frequencies of some sort in a sea of energies, so there is no formal structure, like a multiverse with universes, because that comes much, much later once a being is sentient.

Was I a fool to think that frequencies weren’t there?

Well, don’t beat yourself up about it, because you thought the energies were all free from form, or free energy, but you also recognized how they clumped together to form bigger masses, etc. That is all true, but there is the underlying structure that you described [per Guy Needler’s explanation], starting with frequency as the first building block or “brick.”

What about the Om frequency? Where did that come from?

Well, that too was primordial —  it was there before I knew it was there.

I think that is amazing, that there is a generalized frequency within your structure, that then calls all the other parts of you in a sense to sing that note?

Yes, you could say that. That note and all the other overtones above it, in combination, in harmony, in unison, in many tones, multipart harmonies — it’s a song of creation that sounds itself through my areas (image analogy, harmonic series, below).

So it really is about math and music, all that exists?

In a sense, yes, the frequencies are present in both. As Guy said, the Om frequency is a carrier wave, that builds itself or affects other waves, other frequencies. So it’s like that underlying wave within the sea of energies that make up my body or volume, whether it’s sentient or self-aware or not (image analogy from “Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse”).

That’s what happened with me. I wasn’t aware of those things until later, when I developed self-awareness and sentience on top. Then I could use those frequencies in a meaningful way and build things with it, tear them down and reconstruct things, new experiments, such as the 12 Origins experiment and then 12 Source Entities experiment that you know about. I have done many more experiments since then, that you will find out more about in “Beyond the Origin” with Guy, so look out for that.

What is your wish for humanity at this time?

Well, you are working with the lowest frequencies in the lowest part of the multiverse that SE1 created from my energies, so you have your job cut out right now. You are shifting from one level of maturation to another, so there is a lot of strife, intensity, opinions, shadows and other states to work through, to evolve out of, as Matt [Kahn] says, so that is your job right now as a collective.

What about me individually?

Well, you are presenting new ideas to more people around the world. They are listening and being influenced by you in ways you cannot imagine. It is preparing the way for more expansive thought processes and more consciousness, which is the opposite of unconsciousness, immersion and division (image analogy from “Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships”).

When humanity has realized who they are (me) and where they come from (part of me also), then things will accelerate and start to evolve faster overall —  not just for a few people like you, who are on the ground floor, so to speak, trying to shine the light on what matters, not distractions (like conspiracy theories).

Thank you for this session. I love it. I love your exchange in “The Origin Speaks.” You are a bit like a scientist, a bit like a perfectionist keeping a “clean house” and all [energetically speaking], and a bit like an explorer, because you want to expand, explore and experience more and more through all of us —  I like all that.

Yes, you got it. You are right in that we need to expand, and experience more of what we are, as you know. Otherwise, we lose it, if we don’t use it, the sentience that is, which is increasing through each and every part of myself, through entities like you, so I thank you for that.

Thank you for keeping us busy, keeping us evolving, love you!

Love you, too. Go in peace, go in harmony, go in love.

Below is a wonderful image created by Adam Apollo Walsch: