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What Is Meant By the Inner Earth?

Here is a question I posed in the March 30, 2018 World Satsanga, which was about the “Inner Earth.” I wanted to add this answer (via Source) to what Guy Needler has told us about it in the past. What is meant by the Inner Earth?

What is meant by the Inner Earth?


In a previous Satsanga, Needler was asked what is meant by Middle Earth or Hollow Earth? He said that the Earth is only “hollow” frequentially. He explained:

  • From a physical perspective, the Earth is still solid. It has different states of stratospheric conditions, different layers of dirt that built up over centuries, and different levels of magma, etc. At our level, it is still quite a physical being (at frequency bands 1-3).
  • But as we go up the frequencies, there is more and more content that we can see associated with it, which exists ON and IN and AROUND the body that we call the Earth.
  • The Earth is a “panfrequential” body, which means there are ten different versions of the Earth, including our gross physical Earth at FB 1-3 and nine other Earths at FB 4-12.
  • It’s the same for ALL the other planetary systems that are within the galaxies we can see and can’t see in the physical universe, which is made of twelve frequency bands (FB 1-12).

There are living entities, who exist in these other levels, who aren’t limited because of their frequency to living on the surface of the Earth like we are. They can work within the body of the Earth, which to us appears to be “inside” the Earth. But they’re not, they’re just using a different part of the Earth. So all this talk about a “Hollow Earth” is nonsense!

Would you please tell us something new about “Inner Earth” — the environments, living beings (physical races and nonphysical entities), the frequencies they’re at, the earth core, and whatever else you can enlighten us with?

Guy Needler’s Answer (summarized by me):

The use of the Inner Earth, things like the area of the magma or even the bits in between the magma, and the outside crust that we live on are useful for entities, who are still physically incarnate but not of the same frequency as we are (at FB 1-3). They exist in the frequencies of four, five, six, and up to twelve (FB 4-12).

  • These levels may also have entities that are disincarnate (purely sentient entities), who like to move around various different parts of the physical universe without being part of it. They use the energies of the Earth to do their work.
  • A lot of them are using the Earth as a shield to be able to observe, so they’re not just sitting in orbit, or on tops of mountains or what have you, they actually exist within the planet. They can create bases within the planet, or they simply materialize a pocket of frequential stability that is assigned to their own frequency within the planet.

There are five different types of civilization, that are using the internal capabilities of the planet in conjunction with their own technology and energetic functionality.

  • This is how they are able to stay here and observe what’s going on, whilst also using the energies to power a physical type of device to create their own frequential pocket/bubble.
  • If they’re purely energetic entities, they also use the energies available from the Earth to sustain a frequential bubble or a shield around them, so they don’t get affected by the low frequencies of the Earth, i.e. the environment or the individuals within it (like us).

What do they look like?

Needler said some of them are just energy, balls of energy. Those that are incarnate tend to present to us a human form, although that’s just to distract us, so we don’t become focused on them, when they come into the surface environment and interact with us.

  • Really I’m just being told they’re just scientists, their imagery isn’t really of interest.
  • Those who have studied the myriad flora and fauna of the Earth know that there’s millions of different families and types of form factors (“species”) on our planet. It’s the same for the physical vehicles in the rest of the physical universe.

Think of any species that we have on this planet, and you can guarantee that it’s found at some point in the physical universe somewhere else. There’s a similar form factor that houses an incarnate soul/aspect and is capable of coping with the sentience associated with it.

Here are some image analogies of “Inner Earth” form factors/species:

He described a mixture of mantis type beings and human forms there. There’s metamorphs and another entity, which looks basically like a slug, that is able to form the appendage it needs to be able to do the work it’s doing. He added:

  • There’s another form factor there, which we would think would come from Sirius, because its body is similar to a lion, although it’s not quite lion, but we’d probably translate it using our memories and our experiences as it being lionoid.
  • There are other forms that look like a floating jelly fish or cuttlefish, which is interesting, because he recalled seeing a similar form factor in one of the other Source Entities. Any of these particular forms may be duplicated within our Source Entity as well.

So there’s quite a diversity of form there, including another entity, which looks almost like it’s jelly or “sentient goo.” It’s similar to the slug type body, because it’s quite amorphous and it can create whatever form it needs to be able to do its job. But most of its work is done in the manipulation of energy. In Needler’s own words:

“I’m just having a bit of a chuckle to myself, because if you guys remember the 1950’s B-movie with Steve McQueen called “The Blob (1958) – IMDb”. It’s that sort of thing, where it’s like “sentient goo” basically.”

Final Thoughts

I hope you have a better idea of the diversity of environments and living entities that exist in the “Inner Earth” environment at different frequency levels. Now for some entertainment:

The Blob (1958) – IMDb

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

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