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What Is Supersoul Consciousness?

In a previous post, we discovered a new term “supersoul” coined by Ian Lawton, which refers to the same being that Guy Needler has called our True Energetic Self, which is who we really are. Much of this blog has been describing a completely new worldview that sees us as part of a much bigger, much higher sentient being called our True Energetic Self (TES). It is a powerful creator being in training, because it is a “Mini-me” of our Source Entity/God.

“A new consciousness is emerging on planet earth. Huge swatches of the human population are waking up to the incredible truth of who and what we really are.” – Ian Lawton

Why is this important now?

This is the NEW wave of information that is being given to humanity at this time because we are ready for it. Those who have read Needler’s or Lawton’s books are privileged to be sitting in the front seat watching our collective awakening, which we are here to facilitate. That’s why this lifetime is like no other!


“The physical universe is nothing but a theater, a play we created…everything we do is within the play, a play manifested in the theater called Earth.” – Guy Needler

What is our job?

This lifetime is NOT about polarity wars, watching or helping the “light forces” fight the “dark forces,” which only keeps us in the physical universe. This lifetime is not about waiting for some ET races or “angelics” to save us, because WE are the gods that created all those “passion plays” to learn and evolve from, which is best done by experiencing both sides of the coin.

In reality, there are no victims or villains. It’s just a theater with actors playing different parts in different lifetimes in different eras on different stages. WE wanted to BE in the movie, to write and star in our own screenplay, not just watch the DVD or movie from the sidelines like many nonphysical collective beings are doing.

We are the “experiencers” or the soul probes sent to explore myriad new realities. Using Star Trek vernacular, we are part of many “Away Teams” sent by our True Energetic Self/supersoul to “to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.” 😉

That’s our job and not just in human form but in the form of many other alien/ET species. Why? Because we’re creator gods in training.


What are the implications of our awakening?

Guy Needler said that Earth is but a small part of the much, much bigger picture, which involves the evolution of the entire physical universe. If you imagine that our multiverse is like a 12-story building, our physical universe is just the bottom or first floor of that building. That’s where all incarnation takes place.

Wendy Kennedy said: “The natural flow of life is always higher towards Source.” That’s why ascension is for everyone. WE affect everything and every being in our multiverse, which is also evolving. This is as big a revelation for humanity as it gets!

What is supersoul consciousness?

Lawton’s book “Supersoul” said that this radical worldview for a new supersoul consciousness has grown from three concepts:

  1. The supersoul, which is also called the True Energetic Self/Oversoul/Godhead/Monad/Higher Self by others.
  2. Simultaneous lives.
  3. The survival of the life personality.

He formulated Ten Principles, that we as spiritual-yet-human beings can base our experience upon. Each of these principles will be examined and discussed in more detail in a series of 10 blogs that follow.
