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What Is the Absolute Paradox?

In previous posts, we learned about the afterlife, astral realms and the difference between merging with the higher self vs. the Radiant Void/the All, which represents the level of God consciousness in our multiverse. Some consider it to be the pinnacle of being, but therein lies a paradox that Itzhak Bentov described, that most people are not aware of.

What is a paradox?

A paradox is a situation that has contradictory features that prove to be true when explained. As Søren Kierkegaard (“Philosophical Fragments”) wrote:

“One must not think ill of the paradox, for the paradox is the passion of thought, and the thinker without the paradox is like the lover without passion: a mediocre fellow…”

What is an example of a paradox?

The number 8 is a paradox. It is made of two loops seemingly opposite to each other, but they can be easily opened into a circle, where the opposites become the same thing, as explained by Amariah Mara.

  • The number 8 lying on its side is the infinity symbol (below, left), which represents balance and harmony and our infinite connection to our Source Entity, if you like.

RcGRRqRcL mobius-strip

The Mobius loop (above, right) is like a figure 8 with a half-twist in the circle. This creates a unique condition where the circuit runs from the inside out and outside in. Everything is within and without in the same space. This allows you to perceive what you think (inner thought) and what you express (outer material form) at the same time.

What is the Absolute Paradox?

Itzhak Bentov (“A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness”) said everything that is vibratory Manifest Creation (including “matter”) emerges from the non-vibratory Unmanifest or the Absolute (as shown below). There are always two states: the “real” and the “ideal.”


  • When we’re in Manifest Creation (matter/form), that’s what is “real” to us, but we’re trying to expand our minds to reach the Absolute, which seems like the “ideal” state.
  • When we’re in formless Nirvana/Absolute/Radiant Void, that’s our new reality, and the Manifest Creation we left behind becomes the potential or our new “ideal.”

As Bentov observed, our perception of reality depends on where we stand with our individualized consciousness. We play on both sides, but whichever side we’re on appears to be the “positive” or true reality to us (as shown below, modified from Bentov’s illustration).


Each side sees the other as unreal, “negative” or potential. But it’s all relative. Nothing is absolutely positive or negative. There is nothing absolute or final, according to Bentov.

The Absolute Paradox is that by the time we (Manifest Creation) catch up with the ideal (Absolute), it has already moved ahead to a new ideal. Why? Bentov explained:

  • We’re always chasing the ideal, which is like a carrot on a stick. But we never catch the carrot, because it’s attached to and part of our own creation. It moves when we move.
  • In other words, our consciousness is not static, because we’re constantly expanding and evolving as sentient beings within our multiverse, which also expands the Absolute (i.e. our Source and the Origin) at the same time.

This goes along with what Neale Donald Walsch said: “God is a process, not the result of that process, but the process itself. The process of creation is never complete, never done. And you are part of that process.”

Who is running the show?

Bentov asked: Is the Absolute pushing the Creation? Or is the Manifest Creation pulling the Absolute along? According to Guy Needler, it’s both. As Bentov explained it:

“Each wants to be where the other is, but they can never come together. But, in essence they are one and the same, the Manifest Creation being the Absolute itself projected into form from its potential state.

If everything were ironclad, all the rules absolute and everything structured, so no paradox or irony existed, you couldn’t move. One could say that man sneaks through the crack where paradox exists.”

Final Comments

According to Needler, we are beings of pure sentience that are given energy to work with, to move around, experience, learn and evolve in the multiverse, that our Source created and expanded us into during the “out breath” phase of the evolutionary cycle.

But after the game is over, both the pawn and the king go back in the same box, as the saying goes. It’s the same with us. When we all evolve through the multiverse, we re-commune with our Source, which contracts back into pure sentience during the “in breath” phase of the cycle.

Then our Source moves its pure sentience (including us with all our cumulative experiences) to a new point in the Origin, and breathes it out to start another cycle at that point. And so it goes (see How Does the Multiverse Cycle Through Expansions and Contractions? – Big Picture & Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture That means the “pinnacle of being” keeps moving and changing, as we evolve.

Like it or not, we’re eternal beings whose “work” (creative play) is never done. 😉
