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What Is the Higher Guidance On Vaccines?

Here is a compilation of messages I have received about vaccines before and during the coronavirus pandemic. Since new vaccines against coronavirus are being approved for use in the general population, this will give you some guidance on what may be appropriate for you or the right thing to do for the collective. What is the Higher Guidance on vaccines?

What is the Higher Guidance on vaccines?

Here is a question that one of my readers (AT) posed back in August 2018 with my response to him.

What to think about vaccines, are they essential? Do they affect the spiritual bodies also?

US: Good question with many points of view. In my understanding as a scientist with an immunogenetics background, they are useful and help prevent and/or contain infectious diseases in both human and animal populations epidemiologically speaking. It’s a way to induce immunologic memory against a potentially debilitating or lethal pathogen (e.g. polio, distemper, rabies, etc.).

A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments | Nature Reviews Immunology

Not all vaccines are the same. Vaccine development has evolved a lot since the days of Louis Pasteur, who noticed that milk maids didn’t get smallpox, because they were naturally immunized by their exposure to the milder form of the poxvirus seen in cows as cowpox. There are some vaccines that may be more harmful (e.g. modified live virus vs. killed virus or recombinant virus vaccine) in some susceptible people or animals (e.g. immunocompromised, the very aged, the very young, etc.).

From the energetic perspective, Guy Needler said that the human form is still developing up to the 7th year of life. Any chemicals introduced into it will affect the way the child’s energy system works and how the gross physical form interacts with it. For that reason, his feeling is that we shouldn’t vaccinate babies before their energy system is more mature. (BTW: He said vaccination is a minor reason for ASD/autism).

BUT the young are the most susceptible to infectious diseases, because they don’t have any previous exposure to the pathogens. In nature, the young rely on the mother’s colostrum (or “first milk” rich with antibodies made by the mother against what’s in their environment) to give them some passively transferred immunity. They continue to receive it through the mother’s milk for as long as they’re fed that. You know that varies a lot from one child to another.

We also know from the “Human Being Project” that the earliest higher frequency human forms were not susceptible to infectious agents at all, because the denser matter of viruses and bacteria would just pass through their bodies. When we fell to lower frequencies, things changed. The hermaphrodite experiment had problems with variable immunity. One body could survive a viral infection, but other bodies would die out, so that form didn’t provide enough bodies for souls to incarnate. The next experiment was to split the genders, so the positive features of one body (e.g. immunity) were passed onto the reproduced body (baby). This caused the least problems in the energetic realms.

So you can see that there are many levels and layers to ponder with the question of vaccines. I’ve been vaccinated against pretty much everything under the sun (all common childhood vaccines in Finland, including BCG against tuberculosis, yearly rabies shots in veterinary school, hepatitis, typhoid, diphtheria, tetanus for travel to Africa, etc.), and I’m still here probably because of it! I was pretty immersed in my incarnation in those days.

What’s the story with vaccines then? 

SE (August 26, 2018): Well, as you described to the reader today, they have a place at lower frequencies. They become irrelevant at FB 5, for instance. You don’t need them. You use them in a 3D reality to give yourself an immune response, which is recognition of like vs. not like energies. The bacteria, viruses are not like energies, because they’re lesser sentient entities, much lesser in energies. They exist as “parasites” on other beings, so they rely on your existence to exist themselves. When you vaccinate yourself against one of these pathogens, you are giving your energetic template a faster way to say: No, you’re not self, you’re different. Don’t attach to me!

Is the same thing done through ascending in frequencies? 

SE: Yes, naturally that’s what happens, when you rise in frequency. Because these smaller microbes are lower frequency entities, they’re still at the very earliest stages of development, so they’re not very high frequency. That’s why they’re a problem at 3rd and 4th levels, not so at 5th or higher levels.  They don’t get there, they only evolve on the bottom, you see. There are no viruses at FB 7 or 12 that can attach to other beings. They will evolve as their [genre of] energies through the universe and not show up at higher levels, because they can’t evolve at those levels, simply put.

After the coronavirus pandemic started in 2020, I have had a series of questions for Source about the virus and vaccines in general. Here is what I got as higher guidance for us:

What is the origin, the true origin of the virus, manmade or natural? 

SE (May 1, 2020): Well, you already got this information in my newsletter with Guy Needler. Everything is part of nature, everything is made by nature essentially, so the virus is not a living thing in the sense that it doesn’t have consciousness of its own, so it attaches to living entities to have a life cycle in them. That’s how viruses operate, as you described in your article (see Is Coronavirus a Living Entity Or Not? – Big Picture Questions).

This one is a natural virus. There are other coronaviruses that were worked on in the labs around the world. That is being done for bioweapons work. That should be stopped after this kind of pandemic for obvious reasons, not just disease/health but economic reasons, etc. You explained it well in the video, with viruses in animal hosts in the wild, being close to humans in densely populated areas, humans encroaching on their habitat and then spread is easy, and very easily transmitted amongst humans as well (see What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).

That is the path of these pandemics. Whether the specific virus came from a lab or was in nature doesn’t matter. The point is that it’s part of this event stream and it is here for a reason. It is to teach humanity about working together, in many ways. It’s teaching humanity about not being so materialistic, so consumeristic. It’s teaching humanity about how you’re all ONE race, one species, all susceptible to the same natural agent, whether it’s modified in labs or whether it mutates itself over the course of months or its passage through populations, that’s not important. It’s here now and you need to deal with it, one way or another.

Are we to take the vaccine when it becomes available? 

Well, that is your free will choice as well. If you feel it is something you need, you can do it. If you don’t feel you need it, don’t. It’s like the flu vaccine for years — some take it, some don’t. You are taking care of your physical health in ways that are better for you, especially in your age group, which typically is ill with conditions [comorbidities] to take care of. But you know enough about physical and energetic medicine and how to change your templates, how to keep yourself higher frequency, how to prevent the virus or low frequency energies from attaching to your body, so you don’t need to do it really. It is for those, who aren’t able to change their frequency, who are susceptible, that’s what it’s for.

What about Wendy Kennedy saying it’s got nanoparticles, now Dannion Brinkley is saying the same thing? 

Well, that is one form of the virus that is around, but you know there are natural forms of the virus also, and several strains that are affecting different geographic regions of the world and mixing up, as we speak. And as we start traveling again, they’ll be a soup of viruses with all strains, prevalent everywhere, because of travel, international travel and easing of restrictions on movement of people. That will come, but you don’t need to worry about it, because we said, you’re doing the right thing to improve your immunity and diet and health in general.

What about Covid delaying our plans to move?

SE (October 9, 2020): Covid is going to be with us as an endemic infection for years to come, so that should not stop you. You need to wait until the resurgence or second waves of Covid are contained in other countries, so that they will let you in. But you can also get tested, get vaccinated and travel as you did earlier with yellow fever, typhoid and other vaccines you took to go to Africa, for instance. That will be the standard to come once the second waves are controlled and vaccines are in place.

What about Covid vaccines?

SE (November 16, 2020): Covid is going to amplify during the winter months in most countries around the world, but it will be under some control starting in the spring and summer months, when the vaccines will be rolled out. There will be more than one vaccine to use worldwide, as they are being tested now in many countries. They will help control the disease infection rate.

What about “Covid deniers,” who get it and spread it? 

SE (November 16, 2020): Well, that is the concern that “Covid realists” have, but they can get vaccinated themselves and continue with their precautions, masks, gloves, etc. to keep themselves healthy. Also the meditations work very well to keep you higher frequency, so keep doing that as well (see How To Stop Coronavirus From Attaching To You? – Big Picture Questions).

SE (November 25, 2020): Regarding Covid, you need to take care of your own self, not get worried or fearful about any aspect of it. You will know what steps to take when it’s time to do so. We are seeing another surge in infections, because people are becoming complacent and tired of it, and it will have consequences in a resurgence after holidays. But the vaccines are also being developed and manufactured and distributed early next year, so it will help curb some of the infections in many countries.

Those who do not learn from the past tend to repeat the mistakes of the past. That is the likely scenario in the US, but not in other countries, so it varies from one place to another. Keep social distancing, keep wearing a mask to stores, public places, and use common sense to interact with friends, relatives in virus free bubbles of interaction. Keep meditating to keep your frequencies high as well.

What is the story with coronavirus worldwide? When will it be over, so we can move? 

SE (December 3, 2020): Well, as you can tell, different countries are handling it in different ways. Some are disastrous, as in the US, where cases are increasing by the day, by the week, and many people will be dying and hospitals will be overextended, as predicted in the spring. The US is showing the world what not to do.

On the other hand, New Zealand and many European countries are showing how to handle a pandemic with knowledge, preparedness, common sense and equipment, so those countries have a spike, but it comes down shortly afterwards. People cooperate. They communicate proper messages to the public and the public obeys the rules and regulations, because they know it is for the common good.

In the US, this is not the case, and the result is a widespread pandemic throughout the country, which will suffer in terms of loss of life and loss of respect worldwide in terms of what the guidelines are for handling pandemics with the best science available to humanity at this time.

What about the vaccines? Are they safe? Will they be available widely? When?

SE: Well, you know there are dozens of vaccines in the works. A few have reached the first phase of marketing them to the public (see Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker: Latest Updates – The New York Times). They are safe.

They are meant to use and show your ingenuity in science to combat a virus, which is spreading throughout the population. This is nothing new. It has been used in the past to combat very serious diseases, including the Influenza of 1918, Ebola more recently and smallpox in the last century. Vaccines work very well to give immunity to people, to stop the virus from spreading.

On December 14, 2020 @DrTomFrieden (Former Director of CDC) said: “An mRNA vaccine doesn’t actually contain the virus itself. Think of it as an email sent to your immune system that shows what the virus looks like, instructions to kill it, and then—like a Snapchat message—it disappears. Amazing technology.”

What about energetic means to stop the virus, as taught by Guy Needler? 

SE: Yes, that is an additional way to protect yourself with a Psychic Shield and that is also good. But for the sake of the population at large, that is not going to work, because not enough people know how to protect themselves energetically.

What about Wendy Kennedy saying the case numbers are inflated, that it’s not so bad as it’s presented to us, and that the vaccines may or may not have side effects, depending on what you believe will happen?

SE (December 3, 2020): Well, that is also true. The numbers are not accurate, because some places underestimate cases, while other places may overestimate the cases, so there is some leeway there to discuss [without proper testing]. But that’s not the point.

The bigger point is that this virus is real. It is going around the world infecting a wide swath of humanity, and causing a severe disease in some people, a lingering, long lasting disease in others, and a mild recoverable disease in yet others. Every individual has their own personal experience of it. Some get it more than once, some die from it, some don’t. It’s whatever the soul wants to experience.

As for vaccines and their side effects, the same story applies. It’s the soul’s choice to experience whatever effects — positive or negative — that agent will be associated with. It’s not a hard and fast rule for anybody. It’s an individual soul’s choice to play it out in whatever way the soul thinks it will evolve more from it.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guidance from Source will help you at this time as well. We’re all getting tired of this pandemic, which is putting our lives and plans on hold. The bigger point is that it is the way we chose to awaken ourselves as a collective. This is the “shift” we’ve been waiting for all our lives.

It is going to take a few years to play out, because it is moving through humanity in waves and in degrees. Not everybody is on the same page, but everybody is affected in one way or another. It is not going to happen overnight, because awakening, like enlightenment, is a process, not a switch that you can flip on. It is a wave, a transformative illumination of your own being. It happens over a lifetime or many lifetimes. It is something that you work upon as a human being, and as other form factors also. It is something you attain in some lives, but not in other lives, because you wish to experience the process of enlightening itself.

It’s ever-changing, it’s ever-evolving, it’s never the same for any two people. You are never the same from one moment to the next. Every moment is a doorway to enlightenment. – Source