In a previous post, we discovered that the purpose of religion or spirituality in our lives is to help us remember who we really are. We also learned that religious or spiritual practices are not manmade or exclusive to Earth, but are found in civilizations throughout our physical universe, which is where incarnation (as physical and nonphysical or energetic beings) occurs. What is the New Golden Rule?
Why are we here?
The entire physical universe is like a huge stage, where we can insert ourselves into different points of reference as different types of beings to get different perspectives on life.
- That’s how we create different reality fields that we can experience and give meaning to.
- Earth is like a microcosm of the universe. On this planet we can incarnate in many human forms by choosing whatever race, gender, geographic location, family structure, time period or religious affiliation we’d like to explore for a while.
Through Guy Needler, our Source Entity told us: “Everything within the physical is designed to make you experience, learn, and evolve, the evolutionary content being accrued the most, when you are able to see beyond the veil of illusion that is the physical and exist in the spiritual whilst still incarnate. To be ‘in’ the physical but not ‘of’ the physical.”
When did religions appear on Earth?
Our Source further explained: “All over the world teachers from all walks of life have been actively advising incarnate mankind of the reality of their environment, each one providing a different angle with the aim of capturing the attention of all learning styles and levels of understanding.”
According to Wikipedia, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world! The five largest religions account for about 5 billion people affiliated with Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Chinese folk religion.
Because our written history is only about 5,000 years old, much of our pre-historic knowledge about religious beliefs and spiritual practices has been lost. But here is a timeline of world religions over the last four millennia (click to enlarge):
What is the new Golden Rule?
This concept describes the “ethic of reciprocity,” which is how different cultures have resolved conflicts. It’s a two-way relationship between self and others, or between different groups.
The Golden Rule is taught in some version by most religions, as shown below:
“Seek the consciousness that we are all one. I have come to show you a unity beyond duality. I have come to remove the divisions between all religions. There is only one humanity.” – Babaji
Neale Donald Walsch wrote: “You think your life is about you. Your life is not about you. It’s about everyone in the world.” He said life has everything to do with the Big You, not with the Little You or the Local You! Why? Because there is only One of us.
This is the NEW improved Golden Rule refined by our newer understanding of ourselves, not just as human beings, but as individualized sentient units of the same Source Entity One.
“The truth of your being knows that you are One with everything and everyone. When the Self realizes that there is no one else, the highest choice for the Self becomes the highest choice for another.” – Neale Donald Walsch