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What Is the Purpose Of Spiritual Inquiry?

Is it a purely intellectual exercise or just endless meanderings of the mind? Or does it serve a higher purpose for our soul or for those of us who are determined to teach what we learn? What is the purpose of spiritual inquiry?

What is the purpose of spiritual inquiry?

“Questions increase intelligence, not mind, intelligence determines what is Truth. In reality, creation is a mere play of ideas (thoughts) on the eternal substance/God.” – Sri Yukteswar (The Holy Science)

In science, we’re used to formulating questions, designing experiments and running the studies. We collect and analyze the data to make some conclusions about what was found, how well the questions were answered and what new questions may have arisen. This is the nature of experimental science, which is an ongoing process of re-searching and refinement of our understanding of things.

“Realized knowledge alone destroys ignorance…Knowledge cannot spring up by any other means than inquiry, ‘Who am I? How was this universe born? Who is its maker? What is its material cause?'” – Shankara (Century of Verses)

That’s how we have evolved from a world view of Flat Earth (left) to the 3D Earth (right).


Can this approach be applied to spiritual science?

As a scientist, my approach is to evaluate the information on a particular topic, look for any commonalities or discordances between the various sources, assimilate the information and present an integrated summary to other seekers. The question then becomes:

  • How much are you willing to know using outside sources and/or your inner guidance?
  • How attached are you to a particular story? Are you open to a new story or a new truth?
  • What is your truth? How does it serve you in the now moment?

Why now?

The time is now right for people to see their truth. Knowing about the greater reality contributes to the effort to elevate the frequencies of Earth and its surrounding universe.” – Guy Needler (talking to our Source Entity)


In my experience, there are many misguided thoughtforms, distortions, inaccuracies, personal paradigms or pre-conceptions being presented to mankind as being “fact” by various entities within the physical universe.

  • Some of the information reads like a science fiction novel or something invented to keep people in a lower frequency state in the physical universe.
  • It is all too easy to get caught up in conspiracies (real or theorized) or to be led down a blind alley by a teaching that looks alluring. But it really doesn’t serve you, if it is fear-inducing or tries to control or coerce you and other followers in some way.

It’s time to acknowledge that some of our old beliefs may be terrorizing or limiting us and are no longer working for us.

  • Luckily, we have a built-in emotional “BS meter” in our bodies.
  • If something you see, read or hear makes you feel uneasy, anxious, afraid or vulnerable, you have a choice: Do you enter into someone else’s fear paradigm or do you create your own paradigm, where you can say: “I stand in peace in the midst of chaos.”

The higher truths are empowering and allow you to shift your perspective from a victim or a perpetrator to that of a co-creator, who on some level takes 100% responsibility for creating your own reality. You are the actor, director, producer and screenwriter of your own play, which you can change at any time.

What about past knowledge and wisdom?

The higher truths are not new. They are wisdom of the ages. As Yogananda said: “Thoughts are universally and not individually rooted; a truth cannot be created, but only perceived.” He also said that the sages knew that truth is timeless and impossible to trademark.


In every generation people have been asking the same questions about the nature of God, the greater reality, life and death issues, ethics, morality, personal values, relationships, forces of nature, nature of creatures, good and evil, etc.

  • The difference is that Earth and its inhabitants are at a higher base frequency now than when some of our holy texts and teachings were given to mostly illiterate people in the form of parables, rituals, laws or codes of conduct, some used to control the masses.
  • We are in a different place now. In the past, a guru may have spent his life meditating in silence in a cave, but today’s gurus have to serve the people in the noisy crowds, smelly streets, on the internet, wherever the ignorance of mankind prevails.
  • Their methods have also changed from countless hours of meditation to much faster technics, that can take you to the same place of inner communion with your True Energetic Self and God, where we can search for our own answers.

In reality, our learning never ends. Even the guru who is close to or at the level of a mahavatar gets elevated to the next level, only to be a beginner again at that level. That means our learning and sense of spiritual awe and wonder just shift to a higher level.

“The man who cannot wonder, who does not habitually wonder….is but a pair of spectacles behind which there is no eye.” – Carlyle

How do we know what questions to ask?

“When you start connecting more with self, Source energy, the world around you becomes much more fascinating. When you become more curious and awake, you’ll ask more questions.” – Wendy Kennedy

There are no stupid questions, because every thought we have is creative energy. We don’t have to take anybody’s word for anything. We can think for ourselves. But we should also know that our thoughtforms have a much bigger impact around us than we may realize.

Image: The Thinker by Auguste Rodin, 1880


“You become what you think about.” – Earl Nightingale

Neale Donald Walsch said: “You think it into being. This is the first step in creation. Your thought is the parent which gives birth to all things. Thought is pure energy. The energy of your thought never ever dies. Ever. It leaves your being and heads out into the universe, extending forever. A thought is forever.”

“In the absolute there is no experience, only knowing. Being is achieved only after experience. The evolution is this: knowing, experiencing, being. This is the Holy Trinity—the Triune that is God.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Guy Needler further instructed us in this way:

  • Dismiss nothing, consider and question everything about your physicality.
  • The information that you receive is based on the questions you ask.
  • Ask everybody to think about it. Talk to each other about what their big picture is.
  • If we can understand somebody else’s picture, they become 2 or 3 or 4 pictures together, then we start to work in synchronicity rather than in isolation. We start to see that the bigger picture is different from that which we’re being told about.

This is a game changer. Nobody can ever make you feel like a hopeless sinner or the scum of the universe or someone that needs an external savior any longer. You know better and that knowledge is itself liberation.

“Those dedicated to wanting to “know the truth,” lifting their personal veil between themselves and the greater reality, in so doing they are helping to raise the base frequencies of the Earth and its population.” – Guy Needler

What is the purpose of our existence?

“To be creative is quite possibly the most important task that an entity can do. Creativity and the experience associated with creativity is what existence is all about.” Guy Needler

Big dark pink Lotus Flower photo

“Don’t compete. Create.” – Earl Nightingale