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What’s New From Guy Needler?

Here are some questions and answers from recent interviews with Guy Needler, who gave us new information to consider about various topics. I will include the links to the original interviews, so that you can listen to them as well. I have entitled this post: What’s New From Guy Needler? 

What’s New From Guy Needler?

From: Dr. Preeti Kohli’s interview of Guy Needler on Unraveling the Mystery of Multiple Universes | Guy Steven Needler | An Aha Conversation | Episode 4

What is enlightenment?

GSN: Enlightenment is a function of our self-development whilst incarnate. Self-development and self-realization are the same thing, because it’s about raising our frequencies through self-developmental work, meditation being a core process, by the way. That makes us a higher frequency and allows us to see who and what we really are within what we’re working within and why we’re working within it. So when we can see this, experience it for ourselves, not just have somebody tell us, but experience it for ourselves, then we become self-realized or enlightened, because we’re experiencing it ourselves.

For example, if somebody tells us that when they push a button on the wall, the light comes on, without experiencing it ourselves, then we’re taking their word as being true. We’ve created a belief system upon what they’ve said. But only when see them doing it, push the button, light on, right, it’s true. When we do it ourselves, we go up to the wall, push the button, then we’ve moved away from a belief system to an experiential system, where we experience it ourselves. It’s only then we go into certain depths of experience, we start to understand what happens between the switch and the light, the electricity flowing between the two. Where did it come from? The fuse box from the national grid from a power generating system, then the theory of power generation and so on. The more you go into it, the more depth you understand, the more self-realized you become, because the depth of self-realization increases, so the depth and knowledge within self-realization increases.

So it’s all about raising ourselves to a frequency, where we can start to see how things work and not just see it, but interact with it as well, and that becomes enlightenment. Self-realization is recognizing it and enlightenment becomes the depth of knowledge associated with that self-realization. Part of getting there is divorcing ourselves from being here by meditation, chakra opening exercises, which is a fundamental part of the Traversing The Frequencies Workshops [that he teaches worldwide].

Spiritual complacency is really easy to get into. The ego wants to keep us low frequency, because the ego is a temporary personality that’s created through incarnation. We don’t lose our personality, it becomes integrated with us, when we finish this incarnation. But we also lose our ego more, when we become higher frequency, because we realize who and what we are. So the moment we start to think we’ve made it, Oh, I’ve got to this level, that’s the time the ego takes over and starts to bring you down the frequencies.

And becoming spiritually complacent in terms of, Oh, I don’t need to do meditation today, I don’t need to do my sutras today, I don’t need to do my mantras today, I don’t need to spend 30 min meditating today, is the start of becoming spiritually complacent and starting to lose your frequency. And it’s ever so easy and we don’t notice it unless we’re really self-observant, because it’s like falling asleep. And seeing now what’s happening to the world, because a lot of people have become spiritually complacent, as a result of that we’ve gone down frequencies, and certain things have happened that wouldn’t have happened had we stayed aware of our spiritual progression and realized that spiritual progression NEVER ENDS! We can always go to a deeper depth, to a higher frequency, it never ends. It’s an existence based workload, not just incarnation based workload, it’s with us through all of our existence.

What to do if we are evolving, but our friends aren’t and they trigger or mock us?

GSN: This is a really good question. It is something that we all go through as an exercise, because when we have people, who are becoming higher frequency, they can leave us behind in terms of their understanding and even in terms of our being able to interact with them. Sometimes we can’t even see them, because they are higher frequency [ascended to the next level].

From our perspective of hoping to move upwards in frequencies, we have to realize that we go up in different speeds and in different ways. When we have people whom we’ve known for years, like friends I’ve known for 40 yrs, who I thought were receptive to the same thought processes, the same concepts, the same self-development opportunities don’t or aren’t, can’t go with you and some argue with you, saying that you’re deluded, or inventing things or creating nonsense, then all we can really do is to sort of work with them on their level.

If you want to maintain them as a friend, we have to maintain a level of interaction with them that they can cope with and that may be not spiritual at all, so we have to be a chameleon in some way, shape or form, if we want to interact with them still. Sometimes we have to leave them behind and then send them blessings with love, saying I hope you’re progressing in the way that you desire to with part of your life plan and just send them love, so they can. So there’s no negativity between us, no karmic link between us, and realize that they will do it in their own way. That’s the most important thing, just send love and best wishes etc. to help them continue in their best way.

But don’t lose faith in what YOU are doing!!! You know that you’re on the right path, because you’re higher frequency and you can get little snippets of information, intuition and all of these things are important, encouragement to continue to go. So don’t worry about these people, they’ve got their own way. They will get there eventually. There is nobody on the planet in this incarnation or other incarnations subsequently who are going to be left behind. Everybody will progress. Everybody will evolve, but everybody’s doing it in their own way. We should send them love and send them best wishes and in the hope that they’ll do it, and they will accelerate in their own evolutionary progression, whilst we’re doing it in our own way and accelerating our evolutionary progression.

Do we exist in parallel universes with those we love (e.g. partner, parents)?

GSN: Not necessarily. A parallel environment is something we create through decision making processes. So as an example, we may choose to get off a bus and then get to another bus or walk. If we had a choice, we could have gone that way rather than another way. Although the focus of our sentience may be in this, actually we’ve created another parallel, because we’ve gone that way as well. We can go in two directions at once.

So those changes in experience through our parallel versions have multiple different experiences that may or may not include our partners. We may have chosen a different partner to the one we would have chosen had we stayed in one place, for instance. We may have taken a decision process to allow us to move in one direction vs. another. If I had done this, I’d be with this person rather than that person. It doesn’t matter, you work with what you’ve got, but another part of you is with another person.

In terms of parallel conditions, our True Energetic Self or Higher Self and soul can be dealing with thousands of different versions of us potentially, knowing that every possible potential opportunity for experience that we’ve had is being played out concurrently as possible possibilities. It’s like fractalized, but when the evolutionary opportunity of being in that one reality comes to an evolutionary dead end, then they start to collapse back into the next mainstream reality, so to speak. So to answer the question in simple terms is sometimes yes, sometimes no.

For example, in a different reality, maybe her mother or father didn’t demise in that way, maybe something occurred that created a condition where that particular disease didn’t happen, for instance, if they didn’t start smoking, or didn’t step out into the road at a certain time, or somebody stopped them from walking out into the street, etc. So these things can happen in different ways, so there are going to be parallel conditions, where her parents are still in existence. And there are other parallels, where they didn’t get together [to procreate her in the first place].

From: Patrick & Kathryn Andries interview on Truth Frequency Radio: 07-11-2020: Guy Needler – Beyond the Multi-verse

Our population has more Autism, ADHD, Aspergers as a growing problem. Are kids damaged by vaccines or is it karma?

GSN: There are a couple of things happening. One, certain individuals are here to help us, to try to create this higher baseline frequency on Earth, so the ups and downs, peaks and troughs, even though we’re ascending aren’t so severe. So they come here as very pure souls. They haven’t experienced incarnation for a long time or need to incarnate, so they incarnate with this level of innocence. They expect everybody to be loving, of service, care for each other. Some are very connected to high frequencies surrounding them. Their bodies allow them to be more connected to the greater reality, so it’s more robust.

The problem is when they’re born, they’re expecting a level of communication that is assigned to them. When they grow up, they have communication on 12 channels, but their parents only have 5 senses, so there’s 7 channels of communication that they’re not experiencing, so they get frustrated. The thing to do is to put them in a room with others of the same type that can interact better with them, because a lot of energetic communication is happening in the background, so they feel communion with them.

These people are not concerned about (this includes Down syndrome as well) individual gain, being selfish, what’s in it for them. They just want to be loved. When they don’t get that feedback, they get frustrated with us. They’re trying to communicate at a higher level, but get nothing back from us. A lot of them can tune into frequencies that are 3-4 levels above where we are, communicate with other entities. But because the parents can’t do that, when they tell the parents, they deride them or work with them a little bit. But they know their parents don’t believe them, because they’re not experiencing it. So they become a psycho-physical problem, that can be chemically based in the brain or the result of exposure to certain medicines.

But some medicines used to control them may cause problems in the first place. If somebody who’s got schizophrenia takes medicines, that brings them down to our frequency level, so they behave like us. As their frequencies are dragged down, their functionality is crushed, so that puts them into our space basically. Autism, ADHD, psychosis, bipolarism, schizophrenia are all misunderstood, because we’re trying to explain physically what is happening energetically in these conditions.

How can we help them interact with the world, provide for their needs, if they can’t even function?

They can’t. It’s difficult, because we’re expecting them to change. WE should change. They represent a minute percentage of the population, but are growing worldwide (e.g. ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar, Down syndrome), because they are the antidote to this completely self-centered, immersed state of the world. So they don’t need to change, we will have to change.

The only way we can help them is by creating colonies where they can work together. We can observe and learn from them. This is a massive shift in our thought process. We’re the ones that are blind, they’re the ones that have sight. The world population doesn’t have enough expansive individuals to see them working in that way. We need a massive change in our world’s thought process.

The way we work now is completely unacceptable for a civilized world with vast levels of opulence and poverty. We need to work towards a condition where all people work in same level, the same economic structure, education, for the benefit of the whole, working to maintain the environment to progress ourselves. Then we will see these individuals have a capability of teaching us an awful lot, but we need to be receptive to what they’re seeing, saying, picking up. It’s a very difficult situation. We can’t help them, but we must look at them and understand them.

What do you say about quantum entanglement in physics?

GSN: I’ll leave one sentence. We don’t need to entangle anything, because everything is everything else concurrently.

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

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Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

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