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Who Are the New Spiritually Advanced Children?

In a previous post, we learned that we are gradually ascending in frequency. But we need a critical mass of 10% of the human population to be “aware and awake” and in the right places around the planet to get enough positive triangulation, so that everybody is able to move up a notch. According to Guy Needler, we have about 14 million people worldwide that are becoming awake and aware, so we’ll need millions more like them. Yikes! How do we do that? Who are the new spiritually advanced children?

How can the world population change that much?

The world population is changing its average base frequency for these reasons:

  1. Older generations with lower frequencies naturally age, die and leave the planet.
  2. Some higher frequency people arrived as the first, second or third waves of volunteers to a much lower frequency planet. They did their part to increase the overall frequencies locally.
  3. Newer generations are now able to incarnate as indigo, crystal or rainbow children or even higher frequency beings that affect the entire population of Earth more globally.


Who are the new spiritually advanced children?

Most (but not all) are other versions of us. They are other soul aspects projected from the much bigger, much higher frequency being that we call our True Energetic Self or “supersoul.”

  • They are projected as soul aspects with a higher frequency energy set, so they retain better connectivity with their supersoul during incarnation.
  • That means they have higher functionality. They can access skills that we all have in the energetic side, such as intuition, telepathy, higher sensory perception, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, etc.

Some people call them “star children,” but that’s a bit misguided, because all star systems are part of the physical universe, which by analogy is the bottom floor of the 12-story building that represents our multiverse. Most people’s True Energetic Self/Oversoul exists on the third or fourth floor (or higher) of the multiverse, which is at a much higher frequency level than any star system. Most of us have many lifetimes in many star systems as well as on Earth.


How many types of newer children are there?

There are at least six or more types of children that have been coming to Earth for some time now. There are many resources that describe these children in more detail (see below).

Each of the indigo, crystal and rainbow children have their own base frequency and their own personal and world spiritual role. They are here to help raise the frequencies of the population by triangulation, i.e. ascension through association with higher frequency individuals.

Table 1. Summary of some features of the different groups of new children.


Who are the hybrid children?

According to Needler, Earth is not rising in frequency in a homogeneous manner across the globe. There are local areas of high frequency mixed with local areas of low frequency. The problem is that the indigo, crystal and rainbow children were not designed to work in such low frequencies, so some of them are having a hard time adapting to those areas.

That is why the newer hybrid (or “cusp”) children have a mixed energy set, some with indigo and crystal energies; some with indigo and rainbow energies; some with crystal and rainbow energies, and others with all three sets of energies (rainbow, indigo, crystal).

This makes them more resilient and more robust, so they’re better able to cope with the lower frequencies on Earth. Needler said: “They are infinitely more effective than the previous three genres of spiritually advanced children.”


Who are the White children?

Guy Needler has described a brand new breed of children, whose energetic genre is at the level of ascended masters. There are only going to be 12 of them born in total. Each child will be the only soul aspect projected from their True Energetic Self (supersoul) into the physical.

  • These children will be born sequentially over the next 50 years, not all at the same time. They will be spread out across the globe in an equidistant geometric manner.
  • They will become slowly aware and awake and will have to work on themselves, but their level of wakefulness and functionality will be much higher than the average person.
  • All of these children will affect the population in the same way as true ascended masters (e.g. Jesus). But some may choose to work in very passive ways, while others will end up being spiritual leaders.

Their mothers also come from a very high level, around the sixth to eighth full dimension of the multiverse. They are very pure and highly evolved individuals, who incarnate without karma and are protected from accruing karma during their one and only lifetime on Earth. Their role is to give birth to, raise and protect the White child. Needler has worked with the mothers of two such children, one in Beijing, China and another one in London, UK.

Final Thoughts

The good news for humanity is that we are getting a lot of help from these newer generations of children. We will not be stuck at the lower frequency levels (with war, strife, etc.) we’ve experienced in our lifetimes, but can look forward to our children and grandchildren continuing the job we started.

The future of humanity looks to be divinely guided and protected! 🙂


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ulla Sarmiento

    Time is a construct invented by humans, but since we’re still here operating in a linear reality, the timing of the children is as given.

    If you want to know more, please see these videos and posts:

    What Is Time? (Video) – Big Picture Questions Event Space

    What Are Parallel Selves? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

    How Do We Shift Realities? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

    How Do We Jump Timelines? – Big Picture

    What Is Meant By Nowness? – Big Picture

    What Is the Law Of Rhythm? – Big Picture

    How Does Event Space Change Your Perspective On Life? – Big Picture

  2. Phuong

    Since time is an illusion, the years of the children born you stated needs some revision or disclaimer!

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