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How Do We Incarnate?

In previous posts, we discovered the concept of supersoul consciousness put forth by Ian Lawton (“Supersoul”). Lawton formulated 10 principles that describe this newer spiritual worldview. Lawton’s Principles #1-3 about Soul Probes, Personality and Time were discussed previously. How do we incarnate?

Lawton’s Principle #4. ‘My’ many lives means nothing unless we’re genuinely adopting our supersoul level of consciousness, which involves appreciating that we’re far more powerful and multi-faceted than we normally recognise. Any experiences we have of ‘past’ or ‘future’ lives are most likely those of other ‘resonant souls’ from our supersoul with whom we have an especially close connection – for example because of strongly shared traits or challenges, or because they act as contrasts.

How do we incarnate?

In “Supersoul,” Lawton described the following 3 models of incarnation proposed by others:

  1. Successive lives (linear model, i.e. one life follows another in series)
  2. Simultaneous lives (matrix model, i.e. all lives happen at the same time in parallel)
  3. Single life (matrix model, i.e. only one life per soul, but the soul group keeps incarnating)

According to Guy Needler, there are many variations on the theme of incarnation. But the simultaneous lives model fits most (but not all) supersouls (True Energetic Selves/Oversouls), because they want to fast track their own evolution in the higher realm by incarnating in the physical universe.

Image #1: Most supersouls project many soul aspects to incarnate at many different frequency levels and locations as humans, various types of aliens, planetary bodies and other forms, and each aspect has many lives.

  • That means the soul that animates “you” right now probably has thousands of other lives on Earth and thousands more in the rest of the physical universe at the same time.

how do we incarnate

This is the fastest way to get the most diverse experience or “evolutionary content,” that gets passed onto the memory sets of our supersoul (True Energetic Self/Oversoul), Source Entity and the Origin.

  • But some supersouls stay disincarnate and never project any aspects into the physical universe. They evolve more slowly than those that incarnate. It’s just another path.
  • Some specialized souls may choose to incarnate only on Earth, or come to Earth just once (e.g. to give birth to a highly evolved child).

Some supersouls are limited to incarnating as hive souls (e.g. animals, plants) at lower frequencies. Those that project into animals are not limited to just one type of animal.

  • They can use many forms (e.g. horse, dog, cat, bird, etc.), but usually cannot jump to human bodies (with rare exceptions).
  • This does not mean that one form of life is superior to another or that higher is better. We’re all contributing to the whole by experiencing minute details at various levels in this round of expansion of our multiverse.

“A drop of the ocean is the same as the ocean. It is the ocean, in smaller form. No single drop is other than the ocean.” – Neale Donald Walsch

How do simultaneous lifetimes work?

Image #2: All our past, current and future lives are happening right now, not just on Earth or our galaxy but throughout the physical universe. We could “time travel” to any point in time, in any dimension or any frequency we want.

how do we incarnate

We could experience it all at the same point OR from all different points of view, if we had the mental capacity or level of perception to do so (like we do at higher dimensions).

  • Wendy Kennedy said that our 3D minds were designed to limit our perception, so we could only see one version of reality.
  • That means we cannot preview all our options or know what’s coming ahead.
  • We have to make our individualized free will choices based on our limited perspective in the now moment. That gives us a unique learning experience on Earth, which allows us to evolve faster.

Needler said we move through life by experiencing things in a series of event points (now moments) that exist simultaneously in event space.

Image #3: When we create event space, we create a little bubble (parallel condition) around whichever location we’re in. We link our “local bubble” to other larger “global bubbles” that exist around a group or a collective that we choose to interact with.


These event spaces are interlinked and interactive, so we can get feedback or “bleed-throughs” from them.

  • These may include hunches, intuition, “past life” memories in the awake or dream state, physical pains, eruptions, disproportionate reactions, phobias or conflicts.
  • The same issues trigger similar reactions in other lives we’re having elsewhere.

Those who are awake will have an easier time integrating their issues, because they’re in the driver’s seat cocreating their own reality.

  • But those who’re not awake will act out daily dramas and not know what they’re upset about. They’re in the passenger seat, feeling victimized, reacting instead of creating.

Integration is about bringing all these versions of you in all the timelines, all the different branches, all the aspects back to unity within your supersoul, which reviews, assimilates and integrates all of their experiences and evolves as a result of that.

“Give everyone a sense of their own worthiness as a person, a sense of the true wonder they are. Give this and you will heal the world.” – Neale Donald Walsch