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What Is Meant By Nirvana Or Demiurges?

Here are some questions from the June 30, 2018 World Satsanga about What is meant by Nirvana Or Demiurges? When we start our spiritual journey, we often come across a lot of stories from a lot of different historical or channeled sources. Some of these stories may confuse us or induce fear in us or hook us into “polarity warring,” which means they’re not really serving us. These questions highlight the reason I wrote my book (“Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse“), which sets the record straight from a higher perspective.

What is meant by Nirvana or Demiurges?

Here are the questions and the answers by Guy Needler (link to Transcript: World Satsanga 30 06 2018):

Can you tell me what Nirvana in theosophy and the divine regions are in your systematization? What is Nirvana?

“Along with a lot of the locations in the heavens named in Theology, it is simply a basis of understanding that there are higher environments, higher frequency environments, and that these environments have a structure.

If you read one of the older books, “God’s Many Rooms (or Houses)” and you read about Nirvana, and you read about where Thor came from, Ragnarok and all those sorts of places, you start to realize that these things are simply a level of understanding based upon the educational level at the time and the evolutionary level of those individuals within that education level.

And so they’re explained in ways in which people would understand. So in essence, if you stripped everything right back, you would start to see the commonality. However, the way it’s described and broadcast is based upon the level of education that those individuals, who are receiving that broadcast would have been able to understand it within. So we have to look at it very, very closely and very, very objectively to realize that you have to take a lot of the modern day interpretations of Theosophy as being more advanced and more understanding than those in the past.

So what I would suggest is that you strip away all of the sort of legend and “fairy tale-ism” of the information, and start to look at the real basics of what we would classify as the (spiritual) science behind it.”

Do you have any opinion about Gnostic teachings and Greek myths about the imperfect creator god (Demiurge) of this world?

“First of all, a myth is a shortening of the word “paramythia” and paramythia in Greek is story, so basically, it’s a story. Any individual that we classify as being above us or who has a higher level of education in those days (the Byzantine era) or higher levels of education, maybe higher levels of technology or higher levels of functionality, we would classify as a “god” even now, but they aren’t god. But having said that, we’re all part of God, we’re all individualized units of God.

So in essence, to say he was an imperfect creator is because he’s creating. This doesn’t mean it’s imperfect, it could be perfect. And so what it’s suggesting here is that there are those, who are classified as being a god or as having higher functionality and being so-called highly evolved, but in essence, can get affected by the low frequency thoughts, behaviors and actions associated with being here. So the imperfection is the result of some level of karmic influence, of being addicted to or attracted to status, material wealth, being in power, being in control of others.

So it’s all about teaching people that really just because you are a higher being doesn’t mean you’re not affected by the lowest frequencies associated with the multiversal environment.

So don’t forget that there are many entities, who have participated in creating the physical universe and the components of the physical universe, and so to suggest that one particular individual was involved with the creation of the planet, although they can be, of course, is again probably taking it to the point where the education of the individuals at the time couldn’t understand the detail behind it anyway. So it’s all about understanding that even those of higher frequency get affected by lower frequencies of the physical universe.”

Do souls/aspects before incarnation ever plan to kill someone, such as suicide bomber or Hitler? I read about Hitler, where I realized that his life was planned in advance and that the Second World War united many people and gave them many lessons.

“Yeah, there are souls, who plan to interact with other souls, so one soul can experience what it’s like to be murdered and another soul can experience what it’s like to be a murderer and in all sorts of different variations of one of those things. It’s something we experience as part of the yin and the yang, the balance associated with being incarnate and being in the evolutionary level.

In fact, there is going to be one book, where I’m going to focus on talking to individuals, such as Hitler, who are classified as being “antichrists” to see exactly what the benefit was of them doing what they were doing. More importantly, the issue is that these entities, these brave, highly evolved (can you believe) entities put themselves under a lot of energetic pressure by going against the wills of the masses and helping them through being a focus for the masses to bring them together, working together in a single minded and collective way. That’s what they’re there for.

You have to detach from the human condition to be able to recognize that some souls, even if they’re highly evolved, take on board some really horrific levels of energetic interaction to make us work together. And sometimes it involves people like Idi Amin, Hitler, Alfred the Great, all these different people, who were raping and pillaging and causing problems to make other people work together in a more loving and caring way and realizing that they don’t want this to happen in general, and so they are working together to stop that happening, so we work together in a more loving and coherent way.”

Is your concept relative only to such great roles in mankind like Hitler or even ordinary people (that) plan to kill someone before life…because it is contrary with known laws of karma?

“The known laws of karma are very small. Karma is an absolutely massive field and in the book, “Avoiding Karma,” you can see that there’s at least 104 possibilities or ways of working with karma, and some of it is quite esoteric and some of it is quite pointed. But it’s again the way in which we choose to depart at the termination juncture can be incorporated into a so-called “crime.” So to say that we can’t plan such things in advance, when we consider such things as being quite a trifle, is really not looking at the bigger picture.

When individuals (souls) are in discussion with each other as to how they could use their termination junctures, or what they want to experience, karma doesn’t come into it. Karma is something, which is there as a result of our addiction to thoughts, behaviors and actions and the addiction to wanting to be in power, wanting to have status, wanting to have material wealth, and wanting to control others, and many other things. So you find that people like Hitler, for instance, may actually have been protected from karma, because of the amount of unraveling of potentially karmic links that would have been attached to him had he been exposed to karma.

Now if you’ve got an individual, who is putting themselves in a place of focus, of negative focus, so that other individuals can group together in a more positive and coherent way, in a collective way for a better good, then you could understand that they’re there for a better good — and not because of what the human condition considers their actions and the results of their actions have manifest.

So we have to study karma in a completely different way. It’s extremely difficult to understand what karma is. And my little book on it is a mere single part of the jigsaw puzzle. And what we understand and experience about ourselves, when we’re disincarnate is something we cannot conceive whilst we’re incarnate, because we’re so wrapped up in the human condition.

So I don’t know, if I answered that question there — it’s difficult, although we have got a lot of commandments, where thou shalt not kill and everything else. That’s specific to those who are free thinking individuals, not those who are included in a life plan that includes a certain termination juncture or a certain experience.”

Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse (Big Picture Questions): Ulla Sarmiento: 9781983061813: Books

“We can bridge science and spirituality in a new way now that we can understand things in their real terms, not couched in myths, mysteries, science fiction or spiritual fiction. This book will give you a jumpstart into understanding the greater reality and your role in it. The truth is far more fascinating than what you may have imagined and it will no doubt change your life and how you operate here.”

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Guy Needler: Recording of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 30th June 2018 In Association with The Moore Show|Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (Recording) & World Satsanga 30 06 2018 (Transcript)

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