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How and Why We Incarnate On Earth (Part 1)?

This is Part 1 of a two-part series on “Incarnation on Earth.” In previous posts, we discovered that our True Energetic Self is who we really are. It is located higher up in the multiverse, as described by Guy Needler. How and why we incarnate on Earth?

How and why we incarnate on Earth?

The True Energetic Self (TES/Oversoul) is a “Mini-Me” of Source Entity One, which means it is a sentient being given energy to use and explore the multiverse with.

  • The TES itself is too big to incarnate. But it can project a small part of itself as a soul aspect to experience life in human form.
  • Earth is chosen for many incarnations, because it is a special place for several reasons.

Earth is called the planet of emotion, because it has the widest emotional range anywhere. It is a very biodiverse planet with a multitude of species. They are soul aspects from other True Energetic Selves that incarnate here with us (see Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

  • This gives everybody opportunities to rapidly grow, create and resolve karma.
  • Earth is the only place where the soul has individualized free will, and where it develops an ego because of the very limited connectivity to its TES in the higher realm.

How do we plan our incarnation?

Our True Energetic Self (TES) uses the Akashic records to plan a lifetime, to see what potential benefits a particular lifetime would provide for the growth of a soul aspect.


The TES has to decide whether to project a soul aspect (a larger part with more sentient energy, usually 2.5% of TES sentience) or a shard (a smaller fragment) into incarnation.

  • Needler said we don’t need to project too many individual shards, because we can play out many things in event space (or parallel environments).
  • Then the TES has to decide what type of energies to use to create the aspect or shard.

There are 3 ways to create a soul with the appropriate amount of energies to animate a human vehicle. The choice depends on the goal of the incarnation:

  1. brand new aspect (or shard) is made of new energies separated out of the TES, if new experiences are desired.
  2. An existing aspect is made of the energies that are reused, if the same or similar experiences are wanted, or if karmic links need to be worked out.
  3. hybrid of previous aspects is made based on previous life experiences, that provide certain combinations of knowledge, skills or benefit for the lifetime planned.

How do we choose a physical body or vehicle?

The vehicle (physical body) is carefully chosen for a number of reasons: its potential life span, its environment, such as the geographic location, family, education, gender, life mission or world role, and the challenges it will meet as a result of being born in that environment.

Most of us have been everything (in terms of gender, race, religion, country, continent, etc.).


Some incarnations are done in series (as sequential lives) and other lifetimes are done in parallel environments (as simultaneous parallel lives in event space).

  • Both types of lifetimes are counted in the total lifetime count of your soul aspect (animating the “you” here) and its True Energetic Self that integrates all lifetimes.
  • The TES could project itself into different “time periods” (event spaces). That means one version of you could be a caveman, while another version could be a trans-dimensional manipulator.
  • These lives do not happen in any chronological order (linear time).
  • Your TES could also project a number of separate aspects (your soul mates) as concurrent incarnations that co-exist in various corners of our world at the same time.

For example, one aspect could have lived through World War II in France, another aspect could be a scientist in the U.S. and a third aspect could be a newborn in Mexico with a hybrid crystal/rainbow energy set, etc. All these concurrent incarnations are considered to be true soul mates, because they originate from the same TES.

Can souls be trapped, harvested or recycled?

Since all the aspects are created by your own True Energetic Self, after a lifetime is over, they all return to be reintegrated back into your TES. In comparison, the shards reintegrate directly with the Aspect that created them.

  • That means your True Energetic Self is in charge of the whole process of incarnation.
  • Your soul is not being harvested, stolen or recycled by some ‘demiurgic being’ or ‘Archons/ET overlords’, as some misguided sources would have us believe (basically to keep us in the physical universe).

Needler explained that these misinterpretations are based on event space in the astral realms, which is another parallelism rather than a main line of evolution.

How does karma play into the incarnation cycle?

Most people on Earth are trapped in a karmic cycle, because they are addicted to the lower frequency sensations of being physical, including materialism, money, sex, status, clothes, cars and such things. Needler said:

  • There are individuals, who very quickly want to re-incarnate back on Earth. 
  • But you cannot “recycle” a soul, because it is an aspect or part of the True Energetic Self for as long as our multiverse exists.


The goal is to get off the karmic circle (above), to detach ourselves from the intoxicating or addictive lower frequency thoughts, feelings and actions. Then we can move beyond the need to incarnate in the human or any other form in the physical universe. 

We create our own ascension as individuals. How can we do that? Guy Needler’s most recent book, entitled Avoiding Karma, explains how to avoid and resolve various types of karma in our lives.

For more information, please see:

How Detailed Is the Soul’s Life Review? – Big Picture

How Does Reincarnation Work? – Big Picture

What Are the Mechanics Of Incarnation? – Big Picture

What Is Meant By Soul Age? – Big Picture

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

How and Why We Incarnate On Earth (Part 2)? – Big Picture

How Does Event Space Change Your Perspective On Life? – Big Picture

How Do Spiritually Advanced Children and Masters Help Humanity? – Big Picture

Is Life a Virtual Reality Game, Illusion Or Dream? – Big Picture

Guy Steven Needler: The History of God (website) & 5 books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015 &  Audio Interview Believe in Believing with Guy Needler 12/20 by The Shelly Wilson Show | Spirituality Podcasts &  World Satsanga Teleconference (September 19, 2013) & Personal communication

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