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What Are the Functions of Animals In the Universe?

In a previous post, we discovered that our Source Entity used a program to create countless smaller entities in a way, that generated various “energetic genres” or diverse entity types with varying levels of sentience (self-awareness), based on Guy Needler’s work. What are the functions of animals in the universe?

Where do the entities exist in the multiverse?

The entities of different energetic types are scattered on or around Earth, other planets, other universes and dimensions within our multiverse.

  • They can choose to experience all or part or none of the multiverse, but generally follow one of two different paths: 1) evolutionary path (like us), or 2) maintenance (service) path.
  • But their chosen path affects how fast these entities can evolve. Those that incarnate evolve the fastest.

Why is Earth different from other planets?

Earth has a greater diversity of entities than any other planet in this dimension or universe. Many living entities have not even been discovered yet, particularly in places like the deep oceans, Arctic ice, lava rock, ionosphere (gas animals), and space between dimensions, according to Needler.


What is the difference between human and animal souls?

Most (but not all) humans belong to a higher energetic genre. We can work in any environment and all the frequencies, because we are true replicates of our Source Entity.

  • That’s why humans are fully sentient beings, who are self-aware and able to change themselves and their environment.
  • Our human body is simply a vehicle that is animated by our soul aspect projected from our True Energetic Self (Oversoul), which is who we really are (see Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

In comparison, the entities we classify as animals are of a lower energetic genre. They are semi-sentient beings that operate as a group or hive souls. They have lesser abilities to change themselves or their environment. Mind you some dogs have their owners pretty well trained! 😉


What is a hive soul?

Needler said anything that lives has a level of sentience, but that sentience may not be specifically as dense as human sentience.

  • Because animal spirits are of a lower energetic genre, they don’t have enough energetic “bulk” (volume) to send out fully functional souls to animate complicated bodies.
  • These entities coalesce together to try to increase their energetic volume. Then the coalition sends out many “tendrils” at a time to place them in different animal species (e.g. cats, dogs, birds, etc.) to experience life.

Some entities incarnate as animals (e.g. cats, dogs) that work with humans who are evolving quite rapidly.

  • That makes it possible for the animal entities to increase their energies and evolve along with humans.
  • Eventually, the whole coalition will increase their energetic bulk and progress to human levels through experience.

For example, hawks are hive souls that are run by a central essence, that reaches out to many places to experience the universe. They can take many forms depending on the planet’s conditions, according to Jose Stevens, PhD. He explained:

  • In some places, the hawks are much larger than earth hawks. In other places they range from being tiny or featherless to flightless or being able to soar into the outer atmosphere.
  • They are all interconnected throughout the universe via the “hawk mind.”

Can some animals evolve to animate human forms?

In very rare instances an animal-based entity, that is part of a hive soul, can jump in evolution. But Needler said:

  • It requires constant reciprocal love and interaction between a higher energetic genre being (like a human) and a lower energetic genre being (like a dog, cat or horse).
  • It takes a very long time (hundreds of millennia). Humans that love these entities often ask them to incarnate with them, so they’ll continue to evolve together.

Eventually, when the animal entity is able to gather enough energetic volume into their own tendril, then some of them are allowed to jump into the higher energetic genre, where they can incarnate in human form.


What is the function of animals?

If humanity incarnate was aware enough of how much important work animals do for them behind the scenes, they would be humbled to the point of change. They would no longer do the things they do to animals and the world. – Guy Needler (The History of God)

Animals provide a very unique perspective, since they (unlike humans) experience life without complications or filters. They don’t pretend to be other than what they are. For example:

  • They don’t fear death, aging or disease. They don’t have greed or the need for material things that humans do. Their intentions and actions are purer, simpler and closer to Source.
  • Some of them explore physicality as our companion animals (e.g. dogs, cats) that bring us joy, teach us about unconditional love and living in the present.
  • All animals (including fish, birds, mammals, etc.) have specific jobs. Many sacrifice themselves purely for the benefit of humankind (e.g. food producing animals).

Animals also play an important part in maintaining the spiritual biosphere of Earth, which most humans are completely ignorant about.

  • Animals clean up and realign stagnant energies at the very bottom frequencies of our physical universe.
  • The maintenance entities called nature spirits cannot access or maintain these lower levels from their frequency. But incarnate animals can and do this service work for all inhabitants of Earth, because they are linked to nature on a universal level.

Do any highly evolved entities appear in “animal” form on Earth?

Needler said Earth is populated by three fully sentient races right now. One of the most sentient beings here is the dolphin race, that experiences physicality by using the dolphin form. The third sentient race is purely energetic and has been on Earth longer than humans.


“Referring to them [dolphins] as animals is laughable but understandable, since…you are the dominant species here on this planet.” – Robert Shapiro (Explorer Race Book 1)

We classify dolphins and whales as animals belonging to the Order Cetacea. But in reality they are the “senior chaperones” for the younger human race on the planet. Needler explained:

  • Dolphins are sea-faring and space-faring beings. They are highly developed and exist in a higher frequency than humans.
  • They have higher frequency energetic technology, that we cannot even detect.
  • They are able to astral travel at will and leave the Earth regularly to commune with other energetic races in other parts of the universe.

Lyssa Royal explained that in the evolution of any planetary system, there always is a species higher than the seemingly “dominant” one. They serve as a tuning fork, silent beacon or magnet, that pulls the younger species forward and entrains their consciousness toward a higher, more integrated state. She said:

  • The cetaceans have built their own civilizations and developed their own consciousness.
  • The whale consciousness is more like a vast group consciousness, while the dolphins are a more singular soul consciousness.
  • They have a different brain structure and live in the water, which is a medium that supports more unity-based consciousness states and living in the now/timelessness.

Wendy Kennedy said when the Earth and its inhabitants transition to higher frequencies, many species like dolphins and whales will seemingly go extinct.

  • That means they have completed their mission to hold resonance for our planet. They will continue to incarnate elsewhere (e.g. Lyran and Arcturan water worlds).

It’s time for us to recognize dolphins and whales for their higher sentience and stop treating them as “fish” or marine mammals to be exploited or slaughtered by humans.

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi