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Are Conspiracy Theories Another Virus?

Reposted: Previously, we have talked about the powers that were, the Illuminatidark entities, conspiracy theories and how to defuse misguided beliefs. Now we find ourselves in the “event” of our lifetimes, a viral pandemic, which is meant to awaken more people on our planet. But some of these awakened people seem to have been infected by a thought based virus as well. What’s going on? Are conspiracy theories another virus?

Are conspiracy theories another virus?

In this post, I’d like to summarize what I have learned about conspiracy theories from several different angles to bring more clarity to this controversial topic that has infiltrated our social media, political arena and spiritual groups, which adds to more division and unconsciousness amongst us.

Lyssa Royal (“The Golden Lake”) gave us a galactic perspective on how civilizations mature. As they move from third to fourth density, the consciousness on the planet begins to polarize dramatically. Why? Because fear is also a virus, a very potent energetic virus. She explained:

  • Different groups start tapping into their primal fears. Their egos project these fears as long shadows on the walls and make dramatic stories about them. They form groups that are “for” or “against” the stories about conspiracies, cover-ups, negative ETs, etc.
  • This is where many people get distracted, stuck or lost in a net of conspiracy theories. If a person is asleep, they project their fears outside of themselves. They chase the shadows in the outer world and get caught in the victim/perpetrator game played at the ego level.
  • If a person is awakening, they feel the fears within and shift the fear paradigm by facing it, owning it and transmuting it in all fractal reflections of themselves. That helps them shift their consciousness and frequency higher. That’s what ascension is about.

Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) said as people start to awaken, they start to notice the disinformation, control, manipulation, corruption and chaos in the world. The only way those things can happen is when we give away our power. We might need to see a government that is horribly corrupt, to see what is not working, so we can change things. She added:

  • There are agendas within agendas, programs within programs and conspiracies within conspiracies that different echelons are playing out. They are all trying to spin the stories for their own benefit. The dark is still trying to gain some control, but they will not succeed.
  • At this point there is too much awareness on the planet. We know too much. As we own our power and hold resonance with Oneness or All That Is from a heart/soul centered space, not judging things as heinous (e.g. chemtrails, 5G, coronavirus), we can override them.
  • Ask yourself: How does this piece of information serve me? What gets triggered within me? Am I suppressing or expressing my divine light? Explore that and be grateful for the lesson. If you want to change the external, you need to change the internal first, your own beliefs.

Nora Herold said that as we awaken, we start to see the holes in what we have been programmed to believe. But conspiracy theory is NOT the same as ascending, it’s just choosing to believe other sources of information. There are clear victims and clear perpetrators, and none of those pathways are about integration and reascension. Follow your own truth, be your own “central intelligence agency.” She explained:

  • If the information makes you feel bad, it’s probably not going to raise your vibration. It’s going to activate your unhealed trauma and throw you into victim/perpetrator programs that make you feel fearful or powerless and open to manipulation by other perpetrators.
  • If you’re using conspiracy theories to find a villain to blame for your feeling state, that is a form of spiritual bypassing. If you’re going down the pathway of conspiracy theories and using them for any other purpose than to remind yourself that there are many timelines, agendas and eventualities, you’re simply feeding the one who wishes to control you.
  • You cannot be sovereign and also a victim, they don’t go together. Your most powerful space is in doing your inner work to raise your vibration, holding yourself in a field of love, taking direct right action as a being of service to make that field of love available to those around you. They’ll have to raise their vibration just a bit to receive that love, to connect with you, and that’s how we all ascend!

Final Thoughts

Many people don’t recognize that everything exists as a parallel of everything else. It is all being played out in one form or another — that is the truth. Here is what Source had to say:

There is a virus among you — that is the coronavirus pandemic. There is another virus among you — that is the thought-forms of conspiracy theories, which can spread as fast or faster than coronavirus.

They may serve you in the beginning stages of spiritual awakening, as you recognize that there are truths that you recognize within yourself, that are not being told to you by so-called authorities. But that is where it needs to end, because your inner truth is where it is at, the most reliable, pure source of information.

Conspiracy theories will not make you ascend, because by definition they make you question your reality, your ability, your power, your creator abilities, your own sovereignty — you are still playing the victim/perpetrator game in that scenario. If the stories make you feel scared or angry or point fingers at others (rich people or “rejects” of society) about their behavior, then the seeker needs to see that they are just a reflection of what is being co-created in that reality that they are putting themselves into.

What does that teach them or tell them about their own vibration?

You are meant to work on your own issues, your traumas, fears, whatever ails you, and see if you can lift them, transmute them to heal yourself of them, to become a full fledged, strong, self-standing image of me, only existing in that reality in somewhere between 3D and 4D. You are so much more than your conspiracy theories make you believe. They are just a means to keep you in lower frequency levels, so you don’t think of yourselves as sovereign, with a mind or intention of your own, to create something better than what is existing in your current reality [see What Makes a Great Civilization? – Big Picture Questions].

This is what is wrong about conspiracy theories — they lead you astray into directions that do not empower you or others. You realize that all the power is within you, that you are a master creator. You know that nobody can control you in that way. The next level up is to see yourself as the co-creator of everything in your reality, to see that you have a choice, infinite choices every step of the way.

The question you have to ask yourself is: Am I a “superspreader” of fear viruses? Am I helping or hindering the ascension of humanity with my thoughts, behaviors and actions? Do I spend a 1,000 hours chasing villains on the internet but no time transmuting my own victim patterns? As Matt Kahn put it:

The question isn’t who are they working for, the question is who are YOU working for?  

“When we bring the mind and heart together, we’re able to see a much deeper truth than anything you think is behind the scenes pulling strings.” — Matt Kahn

For more information, please see:

What Is Wrong With Conspiracy Theories? – Big Picture

Gregory Stanton (genocide expert): QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded

An AI tool can distinguish between a conspiracy theory and a true conspiracy – it comes down to how easily the story falls apart

What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

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What Is the New Normal? – Big Picture Questions

What Makes a Great Civilization? – Big Picture Questions

How To Defuse Duality and Transcend Misguided Thoughtforms? – Big Picture Questions

What’s New About the Coronavirus Pandemic? – Big Picture Questions

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How To Recognize the Truth In Everything? – Big Picture

How To Discern Channeled Information? – Big Picture

What Is the Big Picture? – Big Picture

Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture

Lyssa Royal-Holt: The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth, 2019

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home

Matt Kahn: The Universe Always Has a Plan: The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go: Matt Kahn: 9781401958091: Books

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

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